Prayer Points For Wisdom And Discernment

Prayer Points For Wisdom And Discernment


James 1:5 

Let any of you who lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

Some people are puzzled as to where wisdom comes from, some try searching for it by their power but fail at their attempt. We learn from scriptures that the only way to get wisdom is to ask God for it. Remember also that God blesses some individuals with wisdom beyond human comprehension, the likes of Solomon and Daniel. God blessed them immensely with wisdom. Another case study is the Issachar tribe in the land of Israel, they understood times. It was not just ordinary but divine. That is what we are made to understand in our opening scripture, that if you lack and desire wisdom just ask and God will surely bless you with it.

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What Really Is Wisdom And Discernment?

Wisdom is just good judgment, knowledge and being wise. Whereas discernment is the ability to know what is right and true from what is not. In every sphere of all of life if you are wise you will always stand out, that is why we are told in scriptures that in all that we strive to get, it is imperative we get wisdom.

Solomon is a perfect case study, it was the spirit of wisdom and discernment that made him to overcome and pass the right judgment when the women presented their case before him. A discerning spirit helps you to make perfect judgments, when you are faced with difficult situations, it helps you make the right decision. Wisdom is a full package, it comes with everything there is, and you can also see it brought riches to Solomon.  

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The bible made a clear narrative about Jesus that he grew in wisdom, which was important in his ministry. In Ephesians we understand that Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus that they be filled with wisdom which will help them do things rightly before God. So it’s important we walk in wisdom and if we lack, let’s ask God who will give us freely so long as we ask.

Prayer Points For Wisdom And Discernment  

  1. Lord, I want to thank you for everything you have done and for giving me your divine wisdom for free, in the name of Jesus
  2. Heavenly father, I pray today just as your word says in James 1:5, I pray to you father of wisdom to bless me with wisdom in the name of Jesus.
  3. Father as you gave Solomon wisdom, so father today I pray you bless me with wisdom and riches in Jesus name.
  4. Father as I experience life, I pray that you bless me with wisdom to be able to live to full manifestation just like in Luke 2:52 where Jesus grew in wisdom, in the name of Jesus.
  5. Lord bless me with the wisdom of Daniel and the Hebrew boys, so that I will be able to understand all things, in the name of Jesus. Daniel 1:17
  6. Lord, wherever I may find myself I pray that you give me wisdom to be able to handle things as you want me to in Jesus name.
  7. Father I pray for wisdom to handle all work pressure and meet work demands in the name of Jesus.
  8. Father I pray for wisdom from above in the name of Jesus. James 3:17
  9. Lord, endow me with the spirit of discernment so that I may be able to approve the right things, in the name of Jesus. Philippians 1:9-10
  10.  Father gives me the spirit of discernment to be able to discern calamities and avoid them, in the name of Jesus. Job 6:30
  11.  Lord, open my eyes to be able to discern between that which is clean and unclean, in the name of Jesus. Leviticus 10:10
  12. Father opened my eyes to see what my ordinary eyes cannot see, in the name of Jesus.
  13.  Father bless me with the spirit of discernment to be able to understand time, in the name of Jesus. 1 chronicles 12:32
  14.  Lord, I pray that your spirit shall direct me always in the name of Jesus.
  15. Lord, I pray that you give me the spirit of discernment so that I will able measure my friends.
  16.  Lord, I pray that you teach me good knowledge and discernment in Jesus name. Psalm 119:66

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