10 Reasons Christians Should Thank God.
What is Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving is the act of showing gratitude to someone for something done. Thanksgiving as the name implies is the act of giving our thanks through appreciation to someone for something received from them. Thanksgiving is the act of expressing our heart of gladness to someone for something done for us or received from them. Thanksgiving is a way of thanking, worshipping and praising God, our heavenly Father what what He has done for us and what He has promised and planned to do.
Psalms 69:30 “I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving”
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Subscribe NowThanksgiving is one of the most powerful ways to gain access into the presence of God and make him bless us as His children. One thing God cannot do Himself is to worship Himself and hence we are all commanded to worship God in every moments of our lives, either good or bad, up or down.
Thanksgiving is a powerful method of calling for Divine intervention of God to act quickly on our behalf, sometimes when we pray, God send Angels to come and receive our prayers and present it to Him in heaven, but when we praise then God Himself is challenged to arise and come to our aid. If we can inculcate the habit and lifestyle of worshipping God, then miracles will be our lifestyle.
10 Reasons Why We Should Thank God.
- His Love: Psalms 5:12 “For you bless the godly, O lord; you surround them with your shield of love”
As children of God, we are all expected to thank God because of His great love for us, because of His love for us which cannot be measured or reasoned with human mind. The love of God towards us His children is a very great love and because of this we must always thank Him. If not for His love, the devil would have been victorious over is but God kept showing his love for us in many circumstances of life. For this reason we are hereby expected to keep thanking God, in and out of season so we can be a beneficiary of His great love.
- His Protection: Psalms 18:2 “The lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety”
In the above scripture many attributes of God can be seen as our rock, our fortress, our saviour, our shield, our saving power and our place of safety.
This is showing clearly that God is our source of protection and shield from all attacks of the enemy and for this reason we are expected to always thank Him. Our God never sleeps nor slumber and for this reason he deserves our Thanksgiving.
- His Provision: Psalms 65:9 “You take care of the earth and water it, making it rich and fertile. The river of God has plenty of water; it provides a bountiful harvest of grain, for you have ordered it so”
God only is our source of provision. Our heavenly Father provides for the earth and we are also included, He ensures our eating and drinking, He ensures our good health after eating, He ensures the proper circulation of the food in our body systems, there is nothing we can do on our own accord without the involvement of God. There is nothing our body can do on it’s own accord without the intervention of God. And because of this we are expected to keep thanking God.
- His Redemptive Plan: John 3:16“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life”
This is definitely the greatest reason why we should thank God. We should thank Him for sending His only son to come and die for the sins of the world. What a great price! We should always thank God that in His plan for us, the plan of our salvation is included to ensure that we reign with Him in heaven after our departure from earth. He so much loved us that He allowed His only son to come and bear the pain of our sins and to ensure our adoption into His redemptive plans and purpose for us. For this great reason. we should and must always return all glory and adoration back to God.
- His Guidance: Psalms 67:4 “Let the whole world sing for joy, because you govern the nations with justice and guide the people of the whole world”
What a wonderful God we serve who guides the whole earth with His Powerful hand and watchful eye. God has been the one guiding us to walk in His paths, commandments and instructions for we cannot do that by our own might. After God gave us the instruction He will ensure that He guides us to make us follow the instructions and walk in the path of righteousness to our glorious destiny. God has been the one ensuring the fulfilment of our destiny by guiding our steps towards our promised Land. The same way God guided the people of Israel to their promised Land is the same way God is guiding us now to ensure our fulfilment and arrival into our promised Land.
- His Forgiveness: Psalms 130:3 “Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who, O Lord, could ever survive?
Psalms 130:4 “But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you”
Despite our grieving sins, yet God is still forgiving us, if God should be marking and keeping record of our sins then definitely no one will be fit to stand before Him or in His presence. We are expected as children of God to keep thanking God for His unending forgiveness over our lives, for His kind heart for always forgiving us. Many times we sin and yet He is gracious and kind enough to Forgive and hence we must always show our heart of gratitude.
- He Answered Our Prayers: Psalms 120:1 “I took my troubles to the lord; I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer”
One important reason why we should thank God is because He is always answering our prayers. No matter the condition, the time or the weather, God always answers our prayers. Many times when we are going through one situation of life or the other, He is always answering our prayers and this calls for thank. We should and must always thank God because He is always answering our prayers and delivering us from the hands of the enemy.
- His Plans For Us: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”
We must always thank God because we know for sure that His plans for us are great and beautiful plans. We are rest assured that His plans for us on Earth is that of a great future and also His plans for us in heaven is to be with Him in paradise as His children. This is enough reason to always thank God, that He wants good things for us on Earth and also in heaven.
- His Grace: Acts of the Apostles 15:11 “We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.”
We know very well that the grace we enjoy in Christ is an undeserving grace, yet we were graced by Him. What a great thing to be graced by God.. It is only the grace of God that stops all disgraceful plans and plots of the enemy from reaching us. This is a big reason why we should always thank God to be qualified for more of His grace and definitely an higher grace. When we thank God for His grace then we keep abiding under the shadow of His Grace.
- His Joy and Peace: Isaiah 55:12 “You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song, and the trees of the field will clap their hands”
This also is a very important reason why we must always thank God. We must always thank Him for supplying unto us His children the Joy and blessings of serving Him. God in His might has supplied us with blessings we cannot count and Joy we cannot account for, despite the situations and issues of life yet He kept blessings us and making us happy by supplying His Joy unto us. This a very great reason why we should keep thanking Him.
As Christians with the above listed reasons we should have come to the realization and acknowledgement that God deserves our Thanksgiving at all times of our lives and Thanksgiving should be our habit and lifestyle from henceforth to ensure the continuous numerous benefits that follows.