10 Signs That You Are Spiritually Weak
Proverbs 18:14 “The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?
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Subscribe NowWhen a soul is accepted to the body of Christ, he/she begins to grow in the knowledge of the scripture and doctrines of Jesus Christ. He/she is expected to grow like Jesus in all areas which are physically, spiritually, mentally and socially. All areas should be developed in the right proportion to achieve a daily Christian living on earth. You have to learn at the feet of God which is the spiritual aspect because this is the most important aspect of a Christian life and this is the only way a true child of God can know the plans and purpose of God. You can’t afford to relax after salvation because the devil who is our adversary is always on the move to seek whom he can devour and send to hell. You have to be spiritually healthy in all ramifications and being weak can’t be allowed to occur because things would have gone out of hand before you realize yourself.
Being spiritually weak means lacking spiritual strength in God which can be lack of spiritual growth, instability or immaturity. A spiritually weak person is unstable in all ways and can show no zeal for God. To be able to withstand the wiles of the wicked ones as Christians, we need to be spiritually alert. If you found yourself being defeated by the enemy overtime or you see yourself falling into diver kinds of temptation or going back to your vomit after you have denounced the working of the past at conversion, then you need to check your life and ask yourself some questions like,
- Am I actually growing in the Lord?
- Do I enjoy studying and praying at my prayer altar?
- Do I still hear God speaking to me?
- Can the devil flee at my sight?
- Do you find it difficult giving your tithe and offerings? etc.
If your answers are no to the questions above, then there is an indication that you are spiritually weak. This article talks about the 10 signs that indicate that you are spiritually weak so that you can work on them if found in your life in order to attain the height God wants you to be spiritually.
10 Signs That You Are Spiritually Weak
- FEELING OVERWHELMED: Proverbs 24:10 “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
When you feel vulnerable because of the circumstances around you, the act of feeling drained and little pressure gets to you. When the storm of life comes and you can’t overcome the storm with the peace of God through his word but instead blow things out of proportion. When the work and word of God no longer move you to the point of totally surrendering to his instructions. If you have no interest in reading the word of God and every time you open your bible, you are already feeling sleepy. You are always full of excuses and the zeal to give up easily always comes to mind. This is the sign that you are already overwhelmed with things and you are becoming spiritually weak to handle them. You need to go back to God and build your prayer life, call to remembrance the purpose God saved you and build yourself in Christ through his word.
2. PRIDE: James 4: 6 “But he gives more grace. Wherefore he says, God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble.
Just like humility is the main feature that you are born of God, pride is also a characteristic that you are not fully growing spiritually. When you are always feeling too big to be instructed, corrected and when you feel you don’t need help in growing in God’s vineyard, then you need to watch it and drawback to see if you are not operating in the realm of pride. Pride goes before destruction. Pride is one of the signs that you are not strong spiritually and if not corrected and eliminated speedily, you might lose the purpose of God for your life and miss out of eternal life prepared for the saint.
3. SELF-CENTREDNESS: Romans 15:1 “We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves.”
When you lack compassion towards others and fall into the victim’s mentality of seeing problems as everyone else’s fault. You lose sensitivity to the needs of people around you, you are not bothered about others and even the thirst to evangelize is now lacking. No showing of empathy to your fellow brethren. All these are signs that you are lacking good spiritual momentum in God’s kingdom. Check your heart and tell God to heal you from the spirit of selfishness before it is too late.
4. ABSENCE OF PRAYER LIFE AND BIBLE STUDY: 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
When you have no interest in things that help you grow spiritually which are prayers and feeding on the word of God. Once you have no zeal to open the word, your prayers are cold, mechanical and not spirit filled, then you have already exhibited the signs of spiritual weakness. When your prayer altar is not hot, you don’t get inspiration, vision and purpose after meditating on the word, signs are already pointing to not growing as expected as a Christian should. You need spiritual revival very fast.
5. SHORT-TEMPERED: Proverb 16:32 “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit more than he that takes a city.”
Anger is almost always like pride which if not controlled will damage things. The anger of a man does not produce the righteousness of God. Once you see yourself getting angry easily and uncontrollable when you are at it, then the fruits of the spirit are not manifesting in your life. Anger can lead to sin and God hates sin. Short temper can reduce or destroy your spiritual growth. Anger is one of the signs that you are spiritually weak and the accuser of brethren can use that against you.
6. FEAR AND DOUBT: Job 4:5 “But now it has come upon and you faint; it touches you and you are troubled.”
When anxiety is a regular part of your day, forgetting that abundance of fear is lack of faith. Lack of faith leads to unbelieving which is doubting God. When you are easily bombed by doubt and fear, negative thoughts gain strength and it becomes even more vulnerable to evil actions, then you are spiritually weak. If you don’t work on building your faith in Christ then you are already a potential victim of the devil’s onslaughts.
7. WEAKNESS OF BACKBITING / REVILERS: 1 Peter 3:9 “Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that all of you are thereunto called, that all of you should inherit a blessing.”
When you are found in the midst of gossipers. You are quick to spread the shortcomings or struggles of others. People’s secrets aren’t safe with you, you are hostile and mean. You have no problem cutting off a loved one or friend if they offend you. You belittle others to make yourself feel good. You are full of insecurities and jealousy. You are weak spiritually and need an urgent spiritual revival and God’s forgiveness.
8. FEELING HOPELESS: Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.”
If you are experiencing a lack of joy in things that give you joy initially. You feel discouraged, despair or hopelessness. A desire to quit or give up on your faith or to stop pursuing the things you enjoy doing after becoming a child of God, then you need to know these are signs you have stopped growing spiritually and your strength is little, you need to strengthen your faith in God by strong meditation in the word of God.
9. LACK OF SELF-CONTROL: When you don’t allow the spirit to control your life, you lose control over your flesh. You experience the inability to resist sin or temptations, even to receive from God and others. You make unwise decisions without instruction from the Holy spirit. You are spiritually weak and can be a prey of the enemy for destruction if you don’t change from such behaviors.
10. NO INTEGRITY: When you can’t be trusted with information, your ways are not pure again, your steadfastness in Christ is shaky. Money, things can’t be entrusted in your care and lying comes easily to you without feeling remorseful, then this is an indicator that you lack integrity and are weak spiritually.
Take a spiritual temperature once in a while to know if you are actually weak or strong spiritually. Can you defeat the devil and his agents in battle when they come? Developing a strong spiritual life takes work but it is achievable. Check out your life if you are not exhibiting these signs, ensure by all means that you work towards eliminating the signs if you are and start a strong spiritual revival to grow yourself spiritually. You can leave a weak spiritual life behind and embrace a strong spirit-filled life.