20 Consequences Or Danger Of Not Going To Church
KEY SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 10:25
Hebrews 10:25 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as all of you see the day approaching.”
After the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which the disciples of Jesus Christ received because they were in one accord at the upper room, the church began to grow. Due to fellowshipping together and breaking of bread, more people were added and the gospel enriched lives. Even the bible warned us not to forsake the assemblies of believers because in church, word inspiration is gotten, miracles happen, we get to share ideas and rob minds with other believers about the vision of spreading the gospel. Jesus was not an isolated man when he started his ministry, so we are expected to join a bible believing church in order to build faith of others, we are the church and if the people who were supposed to uplift others are not seen in the church building, how can they learn the word and worship God in spirit and truth.
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Subscribe NowAs Christians, though not attending church will neither end you to hell nor make God love you less but it can hinder spiritual growth because man can not work with God in isolation. The bible classified the body of Christ as the Church not the building and the church of Christ must worship and fellowship together in order to advance the kingdom of God in their locations which is the important call from God. We can get deeper intimate with God personally by meditating on the word of God and praying to God as believers and God will speak to us through such mediums but because God works in differ ways, God can still speak and send someone to you through fellowshipping with others. In Acts 12:5-17; God used the church to free Peter when he was imprisoned by Herod which shows that the people are the Church and God can use the church to save his believers which is part of the importance of going to Church and fellowshipping with other believers. The importance of going to church cannot be overemphasized, situations have been turned around due to believers fellowshipping together in one accord and even healings have taken place during the midst of believers, and all these can be missed when we operate in isolation and don’t go to church. In this article, 20 consequences or dangers of not going to church will be discussed.
As Christians who had given their lives to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, we are expected to grow in all the four aspects He grew which are physically, spiritually, mentally and socially. It is good to develop good habits that will help you grow spiritually which is fellowshipping with other believers to build up spiritual maturity. Church is a place where we go to be in unity with other believers, model our lives like Christ and to discover our sense of purpose in the Kingdom of God. It helps us to be mission oriented and not going at all can limit our spiritual growth.
As believers, we have been saved to serve and we can’t do that if we don’t fellowship with other believers and share ideas on how to win our community for the kingdom of God. When we go to church, we benefit ourselves and those in that community because we are the light of the world and shouldn’t be hidden from the community. If we don’t go to church as believers, we have low turnout in evangelism outreaches and this will hinder the equipping of others for Christ, living as examples to the community and winning souls for the kingdom of God.
Church is an avenue to showcase our God’s given gift to others but if we don’t go to church as Believers, the gift given to us will go to waste and not benefit the people meant for. When we don’t go to church, we miss out on satisfying the sense of fulfillment one derived when one began to carry out our purpose in the body of Christ and the blessings attached to it.
God said in His word that we shouldn’t neglect the assemblies of fellow believers, we can only do that if we go to church, but we didn’t, we are disobeying God’s word and it will not build our relationship with other believers thereby, missing out on the needs to fit into the body of believers.
As Christians, it is when we interact with other believers that godly character is built and the avenue to develop that is by going to church where you spend time with other believers. By spending time with them, we learn how to love, be gentle, patient, humble and kind thereby displaying the fruits of the spirit given to us by the Holy Spirit. If you don’t go to church as a believer, to develop character like Christ will be difficult.
When you as a believer do not go to church, you miss out on God’s word specifically for you or your life and that can lead to making wrong decisions which can lead to dangerous steps which will negatively affect your future if care is not taken.
When you go to church, you can sit and learn the word of God under gifted and anointed teachers and preachers but when you don’t go to church, you miss out on the opportunity to learn how to read the word of God better and how to apply the word to all aspects of your life.
When you don’t go to church, you have the tendency to be disciplined because you don’t have anyone you are accountable to who can shepherd you during the joys and trials of life, who can help checkmate your actions in a godly way and miss out on submission to God.
If you don’t have a church you are attending as a believer, you miss out on the opportunity of giving and receiving of prayers which is essential for spiritual growth and personal needs.
10. NON-PARTAKER OF THE LORD SUPPER: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Jesus Christ told the disciples to always take the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of his saving work and his future reign and as believers, we ought to join other believers to partake of this whole Sacrament but if we don’t go to church, we won’t be able to partake in it thereby disobeying Jesus.
11. You missed out on meeting new people from other cultures and uniting the body of Christ in the gospel.
12. You missed giving to the needy in church and caring for others too.
13. You missed being built up by other believers with their various gifts. Ephesians 4:11-14
14. You missed the opportunity to be equipped as a believer in discerning dangerous and wrong doctrines that distort the gospel.
15. You missed out on the good support system and network the church has to offer.
16. You missed out on strengthening your faith with other believers, as iron sharpens iron.
17. You missed God’s blessings associated with giving tithe and offerings.
18. You missed out on God’s gift to you as a believer because the church is now your family in Christ.
19. You missed out on serving others and taking your mind off yourself.
20. You missed out on being baptized with water into the body of Jesus Christ’s kingdom.
As Christians, our purpose for coming to the saving knowledge of Christ is to walk, talk and live in the reality of God’s love. To build God’s love, you must obey His commandments which entails that we should build relationships with other believers, and this can be achieved by going to church. The consequences or dangers of not going to church outlaid the going part. It is essential to build our spiritual life in Christ by doing things that will enhance the growth.