30 Benefits Of Praying Through The Scriptures

30 Benefits Of Praying Through The Scriptures

30 Benefits Of Praying Through The Scriptures

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you.” — John 15:7

Have you ever raised a prayer point and you felt like you were not praying the will of God?  Have you noticed that despite the fact that you pray so much, only a few of your prayer requests have been answered? Have you been wondering how best you can pray to get better results in your prayers

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Here is the best way to pray in order to get results: Praying through the scriptures.

Asides that praying with the scriptures guarantees answers to prayers, there are several  other benefits of praying with the scriptures which we will discuss later in the article.

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The Word of God says in Psalm 138:2b “for you have exalted your Word above all your name”. 

This is why praying with the scriptures is very important because it is just like reminding him of his promises and because he has promised that He will open when we knock, that He will give unto us when we ask, and that we will find when we seek (Matthew 7:7) then it becomes evident to us that He will surely fulfill His Words to us by answering our prayers made through scriptures.

As you go through the 30 benefits of praying through the scriptures, make up your mind to begin to meditate on the Word of God so you can also pray with the Word of God because how much you can pray with the Word of God depends on how much of the Word of God you have in you. Below are 30 benefits of praying through the scripture.


30 Benefits Of Praying Through The Scriptures

  1. When you read and pray with the scriptures, you will have a deep understanding of the word of God.
  2. When you memorize and pray with the Word of God, it is easily saved in your memory, which makes it easier for you to remember when in need.
  3. When you pray with the Word of God, you are assured of answers to your prayers.
  4. When you pray with the Word of God, you are praying the mind of God which makes it easier for you to get the attention of God
  5. Praying with the Word of God helps to keep your faith alive and active
  6. Praying with the Word of God helps you to be at peace
  7. When you meditate and pray with the Word of God, It will help you to make the right decisions even in complex situations Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path psalm 119:105
  8. When you pray with the Word of God, it helps you to be submissive and obedient to the Word of God
  9. When you pray with the Word of God, your victory is sure
  10. When you pray with the Word of God, it helps to keep the devil far away from you
  11. When you pray with the Word of God it helps to keep you holy and loyal to God
  12. When you pray with the Word of God, it helps you to follow good spiritual and scriptural principles that yields results.
  13. When you pray with the Word of God, it helps to boast your knowledge of God and HIS divine principles.
  14. When you pray with the Word of God, it helps you to get solutions to tough situations like Daniel and his friends
  15. Praying with the Word of God helps you to gain heavenly attention
  16. Praying with the Word of God helps you to align your will with the will of God.
  17. Praying with the Word of God helps you to achieve the unbelievable things
  18. Praying with the Word of God helps to remind me of HIS promises over your life
  19. Praying with the Word of God helps you to win spiritual battles
  20. Praying with the Word of God helps you in difficult situations
  21. Praying with the Word brings direction
  22. Praying with the Word of God helps to shape your character as a person because as you learn about His blessings, you will also learn about HIS principles
  23. Praying with the Word of God brings about restoration
  24. Praying with the Word helps you to see clearly the will of God for you
  25. Praying with the Word  gives you sense of direction.
  26. praying with the Word of God takes away your anxiety Philippians 4:6-7
  27. Praying with the Word of God helps you to grow in the intercessory ministry
  28. Praying with the Word of God will help you to take the Word of God personal
  29. As a Christian when you pray with the scripture, it helps you to have deeper revelation of Christ
  30. When you pray with the scriptures ,it helps to change your perspective about life.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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