30 Prayer Points For Forgiving Others

30 Prayer Points For Forgiving Others

30 Prayer Points For Forgiving Others

“Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. “ Matthew 6:12, 14:15.

“Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any; even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.” Colossians 3:13-14.

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Forgiveness is a deliberate act of ceasing to have feelings of anger and bitterness towards someone who hurts or offends us. This is taking away all forms of resentment from the heart against the offender.

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It is common knowledge in our world today that the best way to deal with one who hurts us is to seek revenge either by ourselves or through any other means possible. Some even go as far as making sure they don’t rest until they have avenged those who hurt them.

The bible makes us to understand that the best way we as Christians can avenge the hurts of others is to forgive and allow God to be the judge. Forgiveness is a must for every child of God who wants to see God move in his life. 

Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for the remission of our sins, this even happened while we were yet sinners, he cleansed us from sin, became filthy that we might be made clean in and out. We also ought to forgive others.

Unforgiveness is a trap the devil uses to cage God’s children down and prevent them from seeing the glorious light of redemption. It ties down our joy and replace it with bitterness and anger, thereby making it impossible for us to see or hear what God is showing and saying to it.

Let us look at some of the things forgives does for a believer.

Forgiving others brings about our own forgiveness. Matt 6:12.  The forgiveness of our own sins lies in we forgiving those who have also hurt or offended us. As children of God, we are called to forbear and forgive those who hurts us as this is Gods will for our lives. Our Father in heaven takes pleasure to forgive us when we approach him seeing that we hold no sin against anyone.

Forgiving others takes away all form of anger and bitterness from us. In Eph 4:26-27. We are called not to allow the sun to go down while we are will angry. Unforgiveness encourages anger and bitterness in our hearts. When our heart is filled with bitterness, it blocks us from receiving from God because it robs us of our joy and since joy is the prerequisite to draw water out of the wells of salvation. Isa 12:3. We must then seek to forgive others so as to draw from the springs of life. An unforgiving person is never happy, always sad because he has allowed the devil to have a foot hold on him. When we forgive, we are helping ourselves also to come put of the trap of anger and bitterness set for us by the devil.

Forgiving others give God the absolute power to avenge us our hurts. Rom 12:19-21. Forgiving others frees us from the stress of avenging others, we simply hand it over to God and allow him to avenge us of those who hurt us. When we seek to revenge, we are telling God he is not needed as we can handle it ourselves, God gives way and at the end we get hurt the more. We as children of God  are not permitted to seek vengeance , we rather commit it to God and allow him take revenge on our behalf. We should father seek for the healing from the hurts of others and how to move on with our lives. 

Seeking revenge keeps us at a spot with those who offend us, but allowing God to avenge them heals us faster and moves us far above those who have hurt us.

I pray for you today that God will empower you with the spirit of forgiveness, that you will always forgive even in advance those who hurt or will hurt you, in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

By the leading of the holy spirit, I have compiled thirty prayer points to help you overcome unforgiveness and also find peace in your heart when you forgive others.

Prayer Points For Forgiving Others

  1. Father, thank you for the grace you have given me to forgive those who hurt me, in the name of Jesus.
  2. Father, enable me to forgive those who offend me for they not what they do, in that name of Jesus. Lk 23:34.
  3. Father, by your grace I won’t judge anyone who offends me rather, I will forgive, in the name of Jesus. Lk 6:37.
  4. Father, I refuse to condemn all those who offend me so that I won’t be judged, in Jesus name. Lk 6:37
  5. Father, by your mercy I forgive all those who offend me that I may also obtain forgiveness for my sins, in the name of Jesus. Lk 6:37.
  6. Father, by your grace I rebuke and forgive all my brothers who offend me, in the name of Jesus. Lk 17:3.
  7. Father, I forgive all those who have at one time or the other denied me even when the truth is staring them in the face, in the name of Jesus. Lk 22:34.
  8. Father, as you forgive me all my debts without any condition, I also forgive all those who have hurt me without any condition, in the name of Jesus. Matt 6:12.
  9. Father, may I not be short of your forgiveness because I refuse to forgive others, in the name of Jesus. Matt 6:15.
  10. Father, empower me to always forgive those who offend me at all times without reservation, in the mighty name of Jesus. Matt 18:21-22.
  11. Father, empower to show mercy to all those who hurt me and let me obtain mercy at your side, in the name of Jesus. Matt 5:7.
  12. Father, let me be a peacemaker even if it means forgiving all who harm me at all times, in the name of Jesus. Matt 5:9.
  13. Father, empower me to love those who I can’t forgive because of what they have done to me in the past, in the mighty name of Jesus. Matt 5:44.
  14. Father, I forgive and bless all those who curse and revile me, that I may be the child of God, in the name of Jesus. Matt 5:44-45.
  15. Father, empower me to forgive and do good to everyone who hates and despise me, in the name of Jesus. Matt 5:44.
  16. Father, I pardon and love all those who have despitefully used me and persecuted me in any area of life, in the mighty name of Jesus. Matt 5:44.
  17. Father, by your grace I resist every attempt to retaliate whatever evil is done to me, in the name of Jesus. Matt 5:39.
  18. Father, I pray for the grace to forbear those who hurt me in love and forgive them in the love of Christ, in the name of Jesus. Col 3:13-14.
  19. Father, by the holy ghost I cast down every thought of unforgiveness emanating from my heart to the obedience of Gods word BT forgiving those who hurt me, in the mighty name of Jesus. 2cor 10:5.
  20. Father, by the holy spirit, reveal into me the  grace of forgiving and empower me to forgive at will without hesitant, in the name of Jesus. Matt 11:25.
  21. Father, I forgive all those who hurt me even most severely because of your precious name and your death on the cross for my sins, in the name of Jesus. 1jn 2:12.
  22. Father, I heartily forgive all those lying tongues who lied against me and cost me pain severely, in the name of Jesus. 1pet 2:20-23.
  23. Father, empower me in the spirit of meekness and forgiveness to restore all those who has hurted me in the faith to your glory oh God, in the name of Jesus. Gal 6:1.
  24. Father, empower to practice advance forgiveness unto those around me, knowing that as human, we are bound to hurt each other, just as Christ died for us while we were yet sinners, in the name of Jesus. ROM 5:8.
  25. Father, I forgive the sins of all others who hurt me knowing we are all justified by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, in the name of Jesus. ROM 3:24.
  26. Father, I forgive all those who hurt me without any thought for vengeance knowing that vengeance belongs unto you, in the name of Jesus. Rom 12:19.
  27. Father, empower to do good to those who hurt me that I may overcome evil with good, in the name of Jesus. Rom 12:20-21.
  28. Father, empower me to forgive those who hurt before the sun goes down so that I won’t be trapped in unforgiveness and anger, thereby giving room to the devil, in the name of Jesus. Eph 4:26-27.
  29. Father, I receive grace to give a forgiving answer to the words and actions of others that hurts me thereby turning away my wrath, in the name of Jesus. Prov 15:1.
  30. Father, empower me with your grace to be merciful and forgiving in place of anger and unforgiveness, in the mighty name of Jesus. Psalm 103:8.

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