30 Prayer Points For The Salvation Of Loved Ones

30 Prayer Points For The Salvation Of Loved Ones




ACTS 4:12

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Do you have a loved one who is presently not saved? Have you tried to explain to that person what the hope of Christ’s calling is? Have you made efforts to help such individuals understand what the riches of the glory of Christ’s inheritance are, in the saints? (Ephesians 1:17). Have you ever gone to the extent of describing how beautiful heaven will be for those who are believers and YET such a person is not giving his or her life to Christ?

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The issue of salvation can never be over emphasis in the christendom, salvation is the basic essence of christianity. The main purpose of Jesus on earth is to offer salvation to one and to all.

Look no further, 30 prayer points for the salvation of loved ones is the solution to this challenge. It is the will of God that everyone should be saved as it is written in 1 Timothy 1:15 “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…..’’

Also, the scripture further clarifies the purpose of Christ’s coming in John 3:17 For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Therefore, be encouraged, It is the will of God that that your loved one becomes saved, delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Christ according to Colossians 1:13

You may be wondering: what is the assurance that your loved one will be saved after praying these 30 prayer points for the salvation of loved ones? The answer to this, is written 1 John 5:14 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us.

James 5:16b also states that “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”. So, make up your mind to pray and travail in the place of prayer for your loved ones.

30 Prayer Points For The Salvation Of Loved Ones

  1. Oh Lord I appreciate you, I am grateful for the gift of salvation.
  2.  Thank you for allowing your only son Jesus Christ to die for my sins and the sins of the world in Jesus name.
  3.  Oh lord I ask that you please reveal yourself to (mention the name of that loved one), let him or her see you and know you in the name of Jesus Christ
  4.  Every veil and scale of darkness that has been put on the mind of (mention the name of your loved one) against receiving the knowledge of Christ, I command such scale and veil to be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus Christ
  5. Oh you satanic altar speaking continuously against the salvation of the soul of my loved one, I silence you in Jesus Name.
  6. Oh you satanic embargo hindering my loved one from knowing Christ and from accepting the Gospel of Christ; I command you to be removed from the way of my loved one now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  7. In the name of Jesus Christ I bind and I cast out every satanic personality who has been assigned to the life of my loved one and who is preventing him from following after righteousness.
  8. Oh lord: arrange situations and circumstances that will compel my loved one to turn to the way of the Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  9. Oh you stronghold of bad habits discouraging my loved one from knowing Christ, I send you out of his life now in the Mighty name of Jesus
  10. Every satanic association where my loved one belongs presently, I disconnect you (mention the name of your loved one) from them, by the blood of Jesus Christ.
  11. Powers of darkness holding people of great destiny down in the kingdom of darkness, loose them and let them go now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  12. I come against every curse that has been placed upon my loved one in the name of Jesus.
  13. You spirit of error assigned against my loved one, I command you to let him go now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  14. Every assignment of hell against my loved one, I command you to expire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  15. Father let every seed of salvation that has been sown in the heart of my loved one begin to germinate now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  16. Oh Lord let there be no peace in the heart of my loved one until he accepts Christ.
  17. Satanic cage holding onto my loved, break open now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  18. Territorial powers operating in the location of my loved one and holding destinies of people in captivity, I command you to lose your grip over my loved one now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  19. I decree (mention the name of your loved one), you are free from every satanic bondage in the name of Jesus Christ.
  20. Every monitoring spirit following my loved ones, whispering thoughts of doubts, fear and unbelief in their hearts, I command you to leave them by fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  21. Father please assign Gospel destiny helpers that will share the word of God with my loved one, in the name of Jesus.
  22. Lord let every word of faith that has been spoken in the ears of my loved one begin to resound loudly in his ears now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  23. Oh Lord please take away spiritual blindness from the eyes of my loved one in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  24. Holy spirit I ask that you create a big vacuum that only the Word of God can fill in the Life of my loved one in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  25. Oh Lord let my loved one become suddenly tired and uninterested in his sinful lifestyle and habits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  26. Father in your mercy, please grant my loved one repentance whenever they call unto you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  27. Every satanic friendship that is taking my loved one deeper into sin, Oh Lord, separate them now in the mighty name of Jesus.
  28. Father let every veil of deception on the spiritual face of my loved be destroyed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  29. Oh Lord please reveal to me, more areas I need to focus on in prayers for the the salvation of my loved ones.
  30. Faithful father I thank You for answered prayers.


If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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