35 MFM Prayer Points For Divine Favour

35 Prayer Points for Divine Favour


Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”

Favour is kindness and support bestowed upon a person either by God or man. Favour can come in the form of approval and preference of someone over others. When we receive favour means we are supported, approved and preferred above others hence our life attracts positive attention and kindness from people. 

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Divine favour is the favour that comes from God.

People of favour in the Bible:

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Jesus: Our Lord Jesus Christ is a perfect example of favour. Jesus was highly favoured, the favour of God upon him had been working for him right from childhood till the conclusion of his great mission. 

Luke 2:52 “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man”

Daniel: Daniel was a man loved by God and this led to his approval by the king. God bestowed upon Daniel the spirit of excellence and thus made him ten times better than his contemporaries and preferred far above his equals. 

Daniel 2:48-49 “Then the king made Daniel a great man, and gave him many great gifts, and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief of the governors over all the wise men of Babylon”

Joseph: He was sold into slavery but despite that the favour of God was upon me, despite being in prison the favour of God was still working. The favour of God kept working for him till he was appointed as a prime minister. The  favour of God upon an individual cannot be underestimated.

Genesis 39:4 “And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand”

Noah: He was the only one favoured in a nation due to his faithfulness with God, one important criteria to receiving favour from God is our faithfulness with him, Noah was favoured and the favour of God upon his life saved him from the destruction of the evil and lawless people of the earth.

Genesis 9:1 “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth”

Conditions to Receive Favour 

  1. Faithfulness with God.
  2. Obedience to the will of God. 
  3. Service to God.
  4. Holy and righteous life.
  5. Have faith in God. 


35 MFM Prayer Points For Divine Favour

  1. My Father, I thank you for the gift of life, I thank you for keeping me safe from all evils in Jesus name. 
  2. Oh Lord, thank you for not allowing the evil arrows flying in the day and the night to hurt me in Jesus name.
  3. My Father, I thank you for showing me mercy, for keeping me in your great love, protecting me in your power and guiding me with your word.
  4. Oh Lord, let favour from east, west, north and south locate me today in Jesus name. 
  5. My Father, let your divine favour speak for me in every of my endeavour in Jesus name. 
  6. Oh Lord, bestow upon me the spirit of favour and let favour be my entourage in Jesus name. 
  7. Oh Lord, bless me and enlarge my coast in Jesus name. 
  8. My Father, let me be successful in everything I do and shine your light on my path in Jesus name. 
  9. Oh Lord, open your heavenly windows and shower my life, finances, academics, career, ministry and marriage with your rain of favour in Jesus name. 
  10. My Father, turn my life around and change my story for good in Jesus name. 
  11. God, let me experience supernatural speed in my life, marriage, ministry, academics and finances in Jesus name.
  12. My Father, today, announced me for divine advancement and upliftment in Jesus name. 
  13. My Father, let me find favour in your sight and in the sight of man in Jesus name.
  1. Oh Lord, like Daniel, let your favour and love be my accomplice in every of my endeavour in Jesus name.
  1. Oh Lord, by your power establish me and make me prosperous in Jesus name. 
  2. My Father, in your might, will force open every closed door of blessings, greatness and miracles in my life Jesus name. 
  3. Oh Lord, by fire I claim back every of my blessings taken away from me by the wicked ones in the mighty name of Jesus. 
  4. My Father, in your anger arise, fight and claim my favour from every force holding back my favour in Jesus name. 
  5. Oh Lord, by your unending mercy bless me in all areas of my life, announce my greatness and make me a channel of blessings to everyone around me in Jesus name.
  1. Oh Lord, make all your great plans for my life come to fulfilment in Jesus name. 
  2. My Father, release upon me the power and auction to walk in your favour and blessings for my life in Jesus name. 
  3. My Father, bless me and multiply me beyond reasonable doubt and comprehension in the mighty name of Jesus.
  4. My Father give me the grace and willingness to obey you so I can partake of the great promises of your blessings in Jesus name.
  1. Oh Lord let your covenant of blessings without pains and sorrows manifest in my endeavour and work for me in Jesus name.
  1. Oh Lord, bring forth water in every desert of my life and make a way in every wilderness of my destiny. 
  2. My Father, among my equals and contemporaries make me the head in Jesus name. 
  3. My Father, grant me your favour and bless every emptiness of my life with your riches in Jesus name. 
  4. Oh Lord, for the rest of my life let me walk under the canopy and umbrella of your divine favour for my life in Jesus name .
  5. Oh Lord, with the blood of Jesus wash every mark of rejection away from my life and let the presence of favour surround me in Jesus name. 
  6. My Father, by your power, suspended all protocols for my divine favour and breakthrough in the name of Jesus .
  7. God increase me in all areas of my life and let your favour speak for me in Jesus name.
  1. My Father, with your mighty hand, drew me out of the pit of stagnation and reproach and change my life in Jesus name. 
  2. Oh Lord, by your power demolish and uproot every power standing in the way of my divine favour in Jesus name. 
  3. Oh Lord, today disgrace every ancestral power and forces stopping my life from moving forward and stopping me from getting my blessings in Jesus name. 
  4. My Father, as from today make your light of favour, blessings, breakthrough and enlargement shine upon me and all my endeavour in Jesus name.

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