Psalm 11:3Â
If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do?
There are many battles to be fought in this world. As soon as we are born to this world the battle has begun. In job chapter 14 the bible tells us that the life of a man is few but filled with troubles. Your foundation contributes also to the kind of challenges that you may encounter.Â
What do we refer to as foundation here?
Foundation in this context may be traced down to your root, your origin, background, where you came from. Everyone in this earth has a trace from where they originated from. Today we shall be praying against evil foundation.Â
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Subscribe NowFor someone coming from a lineage where they are idol worshipers, the battle is going to be tough because if you do a deep research you may find out that the lineage of that family may have been tied to that foundation which hinder them from break forth and manifesting to the fullness which God has called them.Â
A clear example from the bible on this topic is that evil foundation is coined from the life of Gideon, power from his family idol had him in bondage. Evil foundation, evil eyes, evil forces are caused by our forefathers who were ignorant of the truth. At the point in time they may think they are doing the right thing but oblivious of the fact that they are committing the foundation of their household to a foundation that is not solid.
Today as we pray, we are going to pray to be deep rooted in Christ and we are going to release ourselves from every evil foundation in the name of Jesus. As you engage in this prayer with faith, God will deliver you from evil foundations in the name of Jesus.
Prayer points against evil foundation
- Every evil plant that is not planted by my Heavenly Father be rooted out in the name of Jesus.
- Every demonic agreement by my ancestral fathers that is working in my life now lord as I begin to pray today, I break free from that agreement in the name of Jesus.
- I renounce and set myself loosed from every agreement that I am not aware of in the name of Jesus.
- Father in the name of Jesus Christ blot me out of every sin by my forefathers in the name of Jesus.
- Lord every inherited bondage that has been moving from generation to generation in my family lord I refuse to inherit in the name of Jesus.
- Every strongman or woman from my foundation sent to monitor and hinder my progress I release paralysis upon them in the name of Jesus.
- Lord whatever that wants to destroy my foundation in you lord arise and destroy them in the name of Jesus.
- Every demonic sacrifice made by an ancestral fathers that is working in me oh lord as I pray today I destroy every evil sacrifice in the name of Jesus.
- Lord whatsoever evil consequences as a result of the dedication of my ancestral fathers to these evil demons lord I break free in the name of Jesus.
- Lord whatever wrong foundation that has been entered by my ancestral fathers lord I remove myself from it in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil spirit following my family from generation to generation Lord I blind their eyes in the name of Jesus.
- Every promise made by my ancestral fathers to commit us to the hands of the evil forces of hell lord I break that promise in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil right that the enemy is claiming possession over me lord I break free from it in the name of Jesus. I belong to Jesus and I claim it in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil foundational curse, placed on me and my family lord we break from that curse in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil background that is working havoc in my family lord I destroy them in the name of Jesus.
- Lord whatever evil agreement my ancestral fathers have agreed causing the works of my hand not to prosper lord I come against it in the name of Jesus.
- Lord every bad foundation is turning to a good one in the name of Jesus.
- Lord uproot every evil buried into my foundation in the name of Jesus.
- Lord let your resurrection power come upon my foundation and bring every dead thing to life in the name of Jesus.
- Lord every evil hand raised against my foundation they wither and die in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil power assigned to monitor me from my foundation lord I release the fire of the Holy Ghost to destroy them in the name of Jesus.
- Everything that has been lost in my life as a result of bad foundation I reclaim it in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil seed of darkness that has been reproducing in my life lord I release fire in the name of Jesus.Â
- I break free from every evil entanglement in the name of Jesus.
- Lord everything inherited in my body that is not of you I correct them in the name of Jesus.
- Every good thing the enemy is planning to destroy in my life because I have renounced their claim of ownership over my life lord it will not work. I destroy their plans in the name of Jesus.
- Every spiritual antenna the devil is using to monitor my life lord I release fire upon it in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil connection with the enemy over my life lord I break loose from it in the name of Jesus.
- Every power causing rejection in my life lord I release the fire of God upon them in the name of Jesus.
- Lord release your angels of wars to fight my foundational battles in the name of Jesus.
- Every influence of hell over my life as a result of bad foundational agreement lord I destroy their influence in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, I ask for your mercy and break myself loose from evil that is working against me as a result of sin.
- Lord you said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound and what’s over is loosed, we pray for total freedom from the grip of the enemy in the name of Jesus.
- Lord set me free from the captivity of foundational powers in the name of JesusÂ
- Lord you said we should call you in the days of trouble and you will answer us lord we call on your name today deliver me from generational setbacks in the name of Jesus.
- Lord your fire is destroying every work of the enemy in the name of Jesus.
- Lord I break from every evil cage of the enemy in the name of Jesus.
- Father I thank you for your complete deliverance in the name of Jesus.
- Father I commit myself to you, I hide under your shadows and I stay committed to the solid rock in the name of Jesus.
- Father thank you answers to prayers and my new life in you in the name of Jesus.
Now that you have prayed this prayer with faith, believe God that he will answer you and trust that you are fully rooted in Him. God will continue to help you in the name of Jesus.