40 Effective Healing Prayers for Serious Illness

40 Effective Healing Prayers for Serious Illness


40 Effective Healing Prayers for Serious Illness

God doesn’t delight in the pains of his children, He is a loving father who desires that His children will not just succeed but live a healthy life.


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 3 John 1:2: Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.


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You can see from the above scripture that our good health is the desire of God, He wants us to be healed wholly; this was why the verse we read didn’t just talk about physical health but spiritual health. God wants to heal your body and heal your soul too. He wants to liberate you from that serious illness that has pinned you down for years, He wants to cure that disease that has eaten deep into your body system. There is nothing too hard for God to do, there is no sickness, disease or ailment that is too hard for God to do.


Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?

— Jeremiah 32:27

KJV Holy Bible 


Having known that God is able to heal us of all our infirmities and also desires to heal us, what is now left of us to do is to bring all our demands to him in prayer. He wants us to remind him continually in prayers, He wants us to present our case to him always in prayer and watch how He heals us of all our diseases.


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

— Matthew 7:7

KJV Holy Bible 


God expects you to always come to him in prayer, He wants you to ask him for help to overcome that disease, He wants to heal you of that serious Illness. If you are seriously sick and want an instant healing of God’s hand upon your life, pray these 40 effective prayers below. Don’t just pray casually but with a sober heart and allow God to do what no man can do in your life.

Prayer 1

1 Peter 2:24


My heavenly father, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords, Father I want to thank you for your love upon my life, thank you for your loving kindness upon my life, for you are the reason why I am still alive today, without you I can do nothing. Father, I come to you in prayer today and I ask that you forgive my sins and heal me of this sickness that has tied me down for so long. Jesus for my sake you were wounded, you bore my sins in your body on the cross and by the wounds you sustained on the cross of calvary, I am healed. I declare healing upon my life today and I declare that my life is made whole in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 2

Jeremiah 17:4


Oh Jesus! My father and maker, my savior, my redeemer, my hope and my fortress. You are my only hope my father, when doctors fail, you do not fail, when diagnosis fail, you do not fail Jesus, when doctors have done their best, Jesus you do the rest. Please heal me, O Lord, when you touch me, I am sure that I will be healed for your hand is a mighty healing hand, please save me Jesus and I will be saved. Thank you for your healing, O Lord, and your praises will never depart from my mouth in the name of the almighty name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

Prayer 3

Jeremiah 33:6


My heavenly father, the maker of all things in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth, I bless your name for the love you have showered on my life, thank you for the forgiveness of my sins in Jesus name. Father I pray this day because I am afflicted with sickness and pains that I can’t endure anymore therefore I have come to you humbly in prayers asking that your bring health and healing to my body, please Father, heal me and reveal to me the abundance of the prosperity of my health and security and i will return all praises to you in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 4

Psalms 41:3


In the mighty name of Jesus, Father I thank you and I glorify your name because I know that it is you alone who has preserved my life at this point and has sustained me even on this sick bed. I thank you because I know that no even on this sick bed, you have the powers to restore me to full health in a twinkling of an eyes, I pray Jesus my Lord, that you will have mercy upon your hand made and heal me from this sickness in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 5

Psalms 147:3


Oh God! My father, the sustainer of my life, I pray to you today because I am in deep pain, help me father because I have no other place to run to except you father. Please Father mend my broken heart and bind up the wounds on my body. Restore my health Jesus and I will forever worship and give your praise, Amen!

Prayer 6

Proverbs 17:22


Father King of Glory, my Ebenezer, my present help in times of need, I have come to you today because my heart is bitter, my spirit crushed and my bones dried up. It seems my life is hopeless because of the illnesses in my body but I know that you are a mighty God who never fails. I pray that you will hear my voice and show me mercy. Restore the joy of my heart, revive my spirit and heal every broken bone in my body in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 7

James 5:15


Jesus my Savior, He that bore my sins on the cross of calvary. It was because of my sins that you were beaten and wounded, for my sake you suffered and endured shame on the cross of calvary. Please Jesus I pray that you forgive my sins and hear my cry from this sick bed. Please Father, cause me to raise up from this sick bed and restore my health in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 8

3 John 1:2


In the mighty name of Jesus, Father I pray today and ask that you will cause all to go well with my life, restore my health Father, restore the salvation of my soul, do not allow me to die in perpetual sickness and pain, save my soul Jesus, Heal me and I will forever testify of your goodness in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 9

Exodus 23:25


Father King of Glory, you made me understand in your word that if I worship you that you will bless me and provide for me and also take sickness away from my life. Father Lord, please if I have found favor in your eyes, help me Jesus! Take away this pain I feel, heal me from my Illness, save my soul and restore me to my original health in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 10

Exodus 15:26


Father Lord, the God that delivered the Israelites from the land of the Egyptians and promised them that no sickness of the Egyptians shall come near their dwelling place. Father, today I pray that because I am your child, because I believe in you and because I have been saved with the previous blood of Jesus, I pray that you will remove every foreign body in my system. Every sickness of the Egyptians in my body, I pray that you liberate me from it in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 11

Isaiah 41:10


In the mighty name of Jesus, Father I thank you because your word lets me know that there is no need to fear or be dismayed that you will strengthen me and help me. You made me understand that you will uphold me with your right hand of righteousness. Please God remember your promises and heal me of this sickness that has taken away my joy, restore my health and I will forever give you praise in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 12

Isaiah 53:4-5


Father almighty God, I am here and humble myself to you because you are my all in all. Without you I can do nothing because it is in you that I breathe, live and have my breathe, I thank you because I know on the cross of calvary, you were pierced for my transgressions and iniquities and that by your stripes I am healed of my sickness in the mighty name of Jesus.

Prayer 13

Deuteronomy 32:39


Jesus, there is no god besides you, you are God all by yourself and none can be compared with you. It is you that put to death and also bring to life, please help me Jesus, don’t allow me to lose my life, heal me and deliver me out of the hands of death in the mighty name of Jesus

Prayer 14

2 Chronicles 7:14-15


Father, I am called by your name, i humble myself to you this day father, i repent from my sins and I turn my face to you, please hear my cry from heaven, forgive my sins, open your ears to my the yearnings of my heart and heal me in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 15

Isaiah 38:16-17


Oh God! It is you who restores and gives life, it is because of you that I am alive today, it is you that kept me and delivered me from the pit of destruction, Father it is you who have put all my sins behind my back, be exalted in Jesus name. Please Father I ask this day that you perfect the healing process that you have started in my life in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 16

Philippians 4:19


Father King of Glory, the everlasting prince of peace, you said in your word that you will meet all my needs according to the riches of your glory in Christ Jesus. Please Father, I offer my body a living sacrifice to you, I pray that you meet the need of healing in my system. Let everything that is not right in my body be corrected in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 17

Revelations 21:4


Oh Jesus! Wipe away these tears from my eyes, remove this mourning in my life, heal me oh! Father, remove sickness from my body and replace it with sound health and all glory will be to you in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 18

John 14:27


Jesus Lord! Please I restore the peace of my mind, you said in your words that I should let my heart be troubled so that you will give me your peace. I need this piece of my health, heal me father and restore my health in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

Prayer 19

Mathew 11:28-30


Oh my God! I come to you today because I am heavily burdened with sickness that seeks to take my life. You said you will give me rest in your word, take away this yoke of sickness on me and give me a burden of your peace on my health in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 20

Isaiah 40:29


Father God, you give strength to the weak and you increase the power of the weak, I am weak Jesus, help me, I am down, lift me Jesus, let your healing power come over my body and cast out every demon of sickness in my life in the name of Jesus.

Prayer 21

1 Corinthians 10;13


Jesus my Lord, you told me in your word that you would never allow a temptation bigger than us to come to us, you said that you will provide a way out of any problem that we found ourselves. Please Father I am in a state of sickness and I don’t know what to do anymore, please I ask that you deliver me from this pain, heal me and receive all the praise in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 22

Psalms 107:19-21


Father, I cry onto you today, save me from this distress of sickness, you sent forth your word and your word heals all diseases, you rescue those who are called by your name from the grave, let your word heal me father, deliver me from the grave of sickness and I will continually give you praise in Jesus name.

Prayer 23

Psalms 30:2


Oh Lord my God! It is you who I always call for help and you answer me, please come speedily and heal me of this sickness and I will forever praise you in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 24

Psalms 34:17-22


Oh Jesus, you never ignore the cries of the righteous, they cry to you and you deliver them from all their troubles. Please God, rescue me, I cry to you, hear my cries and heal my body of this disease, this sickness will not condemn me because I take refuge in you, Amen!

Prayer 25

Psalms 103:2-5


I praise you Oh My God! I will never forget your benefits, you forgive my sins and heal all my diseases and I am very confident that you will also heal and deliver me from this current sickness to the glory of your holy name in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 26

Psalms 6:2


Oh My God! Please have mercy on your servant, I am weak, but you are mighty. Please heal me oh Jesus! My body is in agony, heal me from every broken bone, please Jesus save me, Amen!

Prayer 27

Psalms 41:2-3


God you protect and preserve your own, your people are counted among the best in the land, you restore them from the bed of illness, father please if I have found favor in your sight, restore me from this bed of illness, quicken my mortal body and cause me to leap in joy in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 28

Psalms 41:4


Father Jesus, please if it is my sins that has kept me on this bed of illness for this long, please have mercy on me and heal me for I have sinned against you. You will not allow me to die in sin, you will forgive and heal me in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 29

Psalms 30:10-11


Father Lord, please hear my cries this day, turn my sorrows into laughter, turn my wailing into dancing, please Jesus remove my sackcloth and envelop me with joy of healing in my life in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 30

Psalms 73:26


Father Lord, I know that even though my heart and body system may fail, you alone remain my strength and my portion forever and ever. Heal me and let joy be my portion forever, Amen!

Prayer 31

Matthew 4:23-24


Jesus, just like you went through Galilee healing every manner of disease among the people, you are still doing the same today, please visit me, come to my aid, heal me and restore my health and forever my lips shall sing your praise, Amen!

Prayer 32

Mark 2:17


Oh Jesus, My God! The king of glory, the I am that I am, the beginning and the end, the doctors may try their best but it is you who heals. Please heal me, bring me up from my sick bed and I will praise your name forever, Amen!

Prayer 33

Mark 5:34


God, I have faith that I cannot remain on this sick bed for long, I have faith that I will stand up from this sick bed, hale and hearty, I have faith that you will send forth your words and heal my diseases, thank you Jesus, Amen!

Prayer 34

Luke 13:11-13


There is no manner of sickness you can heal Jesus, you heal all manners of illnesses, please I need your help, deliver me and save me from this sickness in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 35

Luke 13:11-13


Oh Jesus! One thing I am sure of is that no matter how long sickness has kept your child down, you can heal in a twinkle of an eye. Just like you healed that woman who was crippled for eighteen years, I believe you will also heal me, deliver me from this sickness and I will glorify you forever, Amen!

Prayer 36

Acts 4:30-31


Oh King of Glory, when your spirit comes, illnesses give way to sound health, please send forth your spirit in my life to cure me of this sickness and all glory will be to your name in Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer 37

Acts 9:33-34


Jesus! Just like you healed Aeneas in the scriptures who have been bedridden for eight years, I believe that you will also heal me, please have mercy on my soul and deliver me from this sickness, Amen!

Prayer 38

Acts 10:37-38


Jesus Christ of Nazareth, if your healing is complete, there has never been any sickness that you heal which comes back, please restore my health permanently amen.

Prayer 39

Luke 12:17-19


Jesus, my healer, the restorer of my health, please heal me of this ailment that has shut me down and I will return to glorify your name, I shall never eat your praise, I will let the world know that it is you that restored my health to the glory of your name Amen!

Prayer 40

Psalms 121


God of heavens and earth, I look up to the hill and I see no where I can get help, you are my only help, you are my only hope, please come down and save my life, please Jesus, forgive me my sins and help me, restore my health and let me leap in joy again, Amen!



As you pray these prayers with the scriptures attached, believe and don’t relent and God shall surely deliver you, Amen!

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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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