40 Healing Prayer For Swollen Legs

Healing Prayer For Swollen Legs


40 Healing Prayer For Swollen Legs

PSALM 6:2, Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.

Are you currently having swollen legs or your loved ones? Have you tried several drugs or herbs on the legs and it doesn’t seem to go completely? Look no forward, we are going to take 40 healing prayer for swollen legs. There are swollen legs that comes through various health and spiritual problems. If the attack is physical, you need to find out the root of that swollen legs. But if the attack is spiritual, you need to fight against it with prayers. One of the enemy’s plan is to weaken, disable  and cause pains on your legs. However, swollen of legs is not something you should just left unattended to. This type of prayer is strictly organized for those who are having heart disease, kidney problems, leg pains and other spiritual problems. Doctor treats, but with the right prayers, God heals faster. Join me today as we take the prayer points against swollen legs, leg pains, and leg heaviness.

40 Healing Prayer For Swollen Legs

  1. O Lord, lay your hands of healing upon this swollen leg, in Jesus name.
  2. Oh Lord, arise and cast out the spirit of paralysis on my leg, in Jesus name.
  3. Every evil stranger in my swollen leg, come out of your hiding place, in Jesus name
  4. Any arrow of paralysis fired into my legs, go back to the sender, in Jesus name.
  5. Every agenda of darkness to render me a disable person, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.
  6. Any charm that is working against the healing of my legs, catch fire, in Jesus name.
  7. Oh Lord, everything you have not planted in this leg, be uprooted out, in Jesus name.
  8. I release my legs from the power of bewitchment and manipulation, in Jesus name.
  9. Any power working against any drugs or herbs used on my legs, die, in Jesus name.
  10. I paralyze every satanic opposition to the healing of my legs, in Jesus name.
  11. Oh Lord, let the pain and weakness on my legs, disappear by fire, in Jesus name.
  12. Let the blood of Jesus flush out any spirit that is eaten my legs, in Jesus name.
  13. I stand against every evil alter speaking weakness into my swollen legs, in Jesus name.
  14. Holy Ghost fire, destroy every stubborn agent of disease on my body, in Jesus name.
  15. Oh Let, let your healing power flow through my legs for total healing, in Jesus name.
  16. Let the fire of God fall upon my life for me to walk well, in Jesus name.
  17. Every pain and tiredness on my legs, be cast out, in the name of Jesus.
  18. Every evil load on my legs that is disturbing my progress, be destroyed, in Jesus name.
  19. I shake off the spirit of heaviness upon my swollen legs, in the name of Jesus.
  20. Wherever my legs have been attacked, Oh Lord, let it be released, in Jesus name.
  21. O God arise and deliver my legs from long term affliction, in the name of Jesus.
  22. By the blood of Jesus, I cancel any demonic vow against my legs, in the name of Jesus.
  23. I take authority over the power behind this attack, and I command them to die, in Jesus name.
  24. Let the blood of Jesus Christ flush out any spiritual poison on my legs, in the name of Jesus
  25. You my legs that have been weakened by my enemies, come alive, in Jesus name.
  26. I declare that whatever the enemy has concluded over my legs shall not come to pass, in the name of Jesus.
  27. Thou power of God arrest every power that is arresting my legs, in Jesus name.
  28. Every worm that is damaging my legs, be arrested and die, in Jesus name.
  29. You my body, hear the word of the living God, you must not cooperate with my enemies in the Jesus name
  30. I decree that as from today, I shall walk with my two legs without any pains, in Jesus name.
  31. Any form of hinderance to my walking, O Lord, clear it away, in Jesus name.
  32. Healing anointing of God, come upon my legs, in the name of Jesus.
  33. My swollen legs, be redeemed from the power of illness, in the name of Jesus.
  34. Holy Ghost fire, strengthen my legs for a walk of faith , in the name of Jesus.
  35. I bind the spirit of thou shall not recover from leg pains, in Jesus name.
  36. Thou power of God, arise, attack all covens assigned against my head, in the name of Jesus
  37. Oh Lord, repair any damage done to my legs, in the name of Jesus.
  38. My Father, carry out a divine surgery that will heal my legs, in the name of Jesus
  39. Any arrow of witchcraft fired into my legs, back fire, in the name of Jesus
  40. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers towards my leg pains.

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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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