40 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Arrows
“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flies by day.” Psalm 90:5
“For they intended evil against thee; they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform. Therefore shalt thou make them turn their back, when thou shall make ready thy arrows upon thy strings against the face of them.” Psalm 21:11-12.
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Subscribe NowToday, we will look at spiritual arrows and its devastating effect on the life of a child of God and also prayer points to counter it. An arrow is an injurious weapon that has the capacity to cause damage or death to a living being. Spiritual arrows are invisible attacks from the kingdom of darkness to specific or unspecified targets. Specific targets are those that the enemy intended to harm with their arrows, while the unspecified targets are those that were not intended by the enemy but the arrow got to them by accident or by coincidence.
Spiritual arrows are the weapons of darkness used by them to torment and afflict believers. It is one of the most dangerous weapons of the kingdom of darkness and they send it to their targets in various forms and manners. When it hits its target, it starts manifesting as symptoms of various illnesses. If not detected on time, it leads to so much pain and anguish and in some cases to death. Spiritual arrows are evil spiritual weapons that can only be cured with spiritual matters. Medical attention does not give solution to spiritual arrows, rather it aggravates it. So for you to be free from the spiritual arrow, you must handle it in a spiritual way.
There is no impossible case with God and for every child who knows his heritage in the kingdom will always overcome the works of the devil. The Bible says that we should not be afraid of arrows that fly day and night, because He is our shield and guide. For every child of God, there is a protection promise and a shield of faith which protects us from the arrows of the wicked and there is a bow for you to return it back to them in a more devastating way. Child of God, believe in the one whom you have professed to serve and follow, let your faith come alive and you will see the glory of God work mightily in your life.
Whether you are a specified target or unspecified, if you are washed by the Blood of Jesus, you have a promise to be protected from flying arrows. The blood of Jesus is so powerful to cover you from every spiritual arrow of the devil. When you are cocooned in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. The arrows of the wicked will only return back to them.
The prayer points below have been outlined to help defend you and immerse you in the pool of the blood of Jesus Christ, so you can be protected from the evil arrows of the day and the night. As you begin to engage with these prayers, every spiritual arrow sent your way or already at work will return back to the sender, in the mighty name of Jesus.
40 Prayer Points Against Spiritual Arrows
- Father, I thank you for the gift of life and for keeping me safe this year, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I thank you for your love over me and for providing all my needs according to your riches in glory, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I thank you for your protection and guidance over my life and from shielding me from the arrows of the wicked, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I ask for forgiveness for all my shortcomings and for making mockery of your sacrifice for my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I come against every wickedness of the evil one against my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I send back to the sender every arrow targeted against my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every arrow of the wicked sent against my health be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your word I scatter every bow of the enemy used to send an arrow against my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, let every arrow of failure fired at me return back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command every inherited arrow of the wicked to fall off my life and destiny now, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, by your power, I dodge every arrow of sickness targeted at me by the devil, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every sharp arrow of the devil targeting my state of mind be destroyed now, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let the sword of the word break into pieces every occultic arrow targeted at my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, uphold my life and destiny from every evil marauder challenging me, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I fire back every evil arrow sent into my life by the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by the blood of Jesus Christ, I cover myself from every arrow of the devil and his agents, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow return back to the sender by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command every spiritual arrow that causes terminal disease to return back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let the blood of Jesus shield me and my family from every spiritual arrow of the wicked, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let the blood of Jesus flush out every spiritual arrow of unexplainable sickness and disease, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, by the power in your name, let every arrow of mental derangement be destroyed right now, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow of poverty be sent out of my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command every spiritual arrow of marital delay to be destroyed now, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I fire back, every evil arrow fired into my life while I was conceived in my mother’s womb, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I decree and declare in the name of Jesus, that I and my family will not be victims of evil arrow, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow of setback fired against my moving forward in life backfires back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow targeted at my spiritual life to bring me down goes back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow fired into my life while I was a baby and growing as a toddler backfire to its sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I decree and declare null and void every agenda of spiritual arrows fired into my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow of backwardness fired against me while I was asleep backfire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow of failure at the edge of breakthrough fired against my life break and die, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command every spiritual arrow of failure fired against my career to return back to sender seven folds, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow fired against my life to cut my life short backfire, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every witchcraft spiritual arrow fired against my glory break and go back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I shield myself and family with the blood of Jesus and fire of the Holy Ghost against every spiritual arrow, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow fired against my finances and prosperity return back to their sender’s, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I command every spiritual arrow of sickness and diseases fired against my health to go back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your power, I command every spiritual arrow of blood sucking demon targeted against life and that of my family to suck your own blood, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow of shame and reproach fired against my life return back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let every spiritual arrow fired against my life that is tying me down to a spot, I lose myself from it and break free today from its grip, in the name of Jesus.