40 Prayer Points for Career Breakthrough.
What is a career?
Career is a calling, profession, ministry, business someone is actively and purposely involved. Career can be said to be something someone does for a living and he or she is prepared and equipped to do it.
Career is a great purpose on someone’s life placed on such a person by God and the person wants it to manifest into reality and maximum measures. Career is an ambition on a person’s mind and he/she pursues after it with great commitment and discipline.
It is the wish and desire of everyone to prosper in their various field of career and definitely that is also the wish of God for us.
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Subscribe NowWhat is Career Breakthrough?
Career breakthrough is when a man/woman experiences a great turnaround in career and also it is when a man/woman’s career life is at a blooming and flourish stage in life.
Career Breakthrough is when someone’s career is productive and it’s serving the purpose to which we want it serve.
It is the plan and wish of God for every of His children to excel in every areas if their in which career is one major aspect. God has many great plans for us in life and this He revealed to us in
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”
The above Bible verse is a clear indication of the plans of God for us as His children but as we know that as Christians and children of God we have an enemy which is the devil.
The devil is always out looking for lives to destroy, destinies to terminate and children of God to frustrate and for this reason God gave us a clear warning in the scripture to be careful of the devil.
1 Peter 5:8 “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour”
This is showing clearly the importance of praying the prayer of career breakthrough. When we pray the prayer of career breakthrough we are reinforcing our authority and commanding things to work for our favour to ensure our career breakthrough. Career Breakthrough prayer is a prayer all Christians should always pray to ensure their victory in their career.
How To Experience Career Breakthrough.
- Pray and Fast.
- Be Diligent.
- Be Disciplined.
- Be Committed.
- Be Faithful.
40 Prayer Points for Career Breakthrough.
- My Father, I thank you for your Grace and Mercy upon my Life in Jesus Name.
Ephesians 1:6 “So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son”
- My Father, I thank you for the opportunity and privilege to see this beautiful day as a living being in Jesus Name.
Psalms 33:19 “He rescues them from death and keeps them alive in times of famine.”
- Oh Lord, I thank you for your kindness and unfailing love upon me and my household in Jesus Name.
Psalms 23:6 “Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the lord forever”
- My Father, I thank you for your enduring protection and safety upon me and my household in Jesus Name.
Psalms 18:2 “The lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety”
- My Father, I worship you for your continuous blessings and provision upon me and my family in Jesus Name.
Psalms 68:10 “There your people finally settled, and with a bountiful harvest, O God, you provided for your needy people”
- Oh Lord, bless the works of hands and make me prosperity in all my endeavors in Jesus Name.
Psalms 139:5 “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head”
- Oh Lord, anoint me for unusual breakthrough in my business and career in Jesus Name.
- My Father, bless me greatly and make me a blessing to my family, household and my generation in Jesus Name.
Psalms 85:12 “Yes, the lord pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest”
- My Father, touch every aspect of my life with your mighty hand and
- Oh Lord, give me a total turnaround of my life from little to plenty in Jesus Name.
- My Father, intervene divinely in my career, profession, business and all endeavours and cause me to succeed in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, let your favor and grace to be preferred above my equals rest upon me in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I decree and declare that my business, profession and career will never experience death in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, expose and disgrace every wicked forces stopping my career breakthrough in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, strike down by your mighty hand every strong man standing in the way of my career breakthrough in Jesus Name.
- My Father, make me a man of supernatural deeds in my career, profession and endeavors in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I claim the glory and destiny of my career from every wicked forces holding it in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, release your fire into the camp of every spiritual enemy planning failure into career in Jesus Name.
- My Father, bring all your great plans for me in my life, endeavors, business and career come to fulfilment and manifestation in Jesus Name.
- My Father, connect me with my destiny helpers who will help in uplifting my career in Jesus Name.
- My Father, create a steady platform for my career to breakthrough in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, rain your showers of blessings upon my life, business and career in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, grant me supernatural expansion and enlargement in my business, profession and career in Jesus Name.
1 Chronicles 4:10 “He was the one who prayed to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request”
- Oh Lord, announce my career for greater heights in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, by your fire set ablaze every spiritual headquarters sponsoring failure into my career in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, remove my career from stagnation and give me supernatural speed and taking over in Jesus Name.
- My Father, release your excellent spirit upon me and cause me to excel in my life, business, profession and career in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, let the joy of testimonies and celebration fill my abode in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I destroy every household and lineage powers holding down my career breakthrough in Jesus Name.
- My Father, use my life, business, profession and career to prove to the world that you are a God of prosperity in Jesus Name.
Psalms 106:5 “Let me share in the prosperity of your chosen ones. Let me rejoice in the joy of your people; let me praise you with those who are your heritage”
- My Father, remove from my life every garments of failure placed upon my Life and career in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I paralyze every powers fighting my Breakthrough in Jesus Name.
- My Father, I shall not be a failure and I shall not be disappointed in my career in Jesus Name.
- My Father, locate my business, profession and career with uncommon favour in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, use your fire to burn up and consume every works of the devil in my career in Jesus Name.
- My Father, grant me the uncommon power and wisdom to excel in my career in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, in my career make me the head in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, I will never weep or cry over my career in Jesus Name.
- Oh Lord, every evil messenger sent to destroy my career, I command them to die by fire in Jesus Name.
- My Father, I establish my career breakthrough as from today in Jesus Name.