40 Prayer Points To Cancel Negative Thoughts And Bad Dreams.
Proverbs 23:7a “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”
Have you been struggling with negative thoughts? Do you often have bad dreams? Has the night hour become a terror to you due to the terrible dreams you usually have, despite all your efforts to enjoy sound sleep? You need to pray these prayer points to cancel negative thoughts and bad dreams with all your heart.
Negative thoughts are quite terrible and can drain one of positive energy, although sometimes, the heart may wonder and think some unpleasant things but when it becomes a reoccurring thing, or when you find yourself dwelling so much on negative thoughts to the extent that you daily live in fear of the unknown, then it’s imperative that you pray against those negative thoughts.
Fear still remains one of the strongest weapons of the devil against mankind, this is because the devil understands perfectly well that fear has torment (1 John 4:18), it incapacitates, it is capable of making one work in error, and rendering one’s life miserable, so he devises all means to ensure that you begin to live in fear, in order to stop you from fulfilling God’s purpose for your life. (Revelation 12:9)
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Subscribe NowWhen you begin to dwell on negative thoughts, you will inevitably have bad dreams because your thoughts are powerful and they have a way of influencing your general life, including your dreams, this is why the bible says in Proverbs 4:23: Guard your heart with all diligence, from out it proceeds the issues of life”
Importantly, you must know that negative thoughts and bad dreams, are not God’s will for your life, rather He desires that your soul prospers 1 John 3, He desires that you live in the perfect love which cast out all fear (1 John 4:18), He desires that you live in total victory over the devil and all his gimmicks as it is written in Luke 10:19
To be free from negative thoughts, you need to consciously change the routine of your thoughts, the bible already gave the things believers are meant to think upon in Philippians 4:8. Try as much as possible to align your thoughts with the pattern provided by the bible as this will help to improve your over all life. Also, make the Word of God your delight, as this will propel your all round success and victory.
Also, to be free from bad dreams, you need to pray with the Word of God, as it is written in 2 Corinthians 10:5-6 “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”
The best way to cast them down, is to pray them out of your life through these prayer points to cancel negative thoughts and bad dreams.
Are you ready to decree your freedom from negative thoughts and bad dreams? Let’s proceed to the 40 prayer points to cancel negative thoughts and bad dreams
40 Prayer Points To Cancel Negative Thoughts And Bad Dreams
- Father I bless your holy name for your faithfulness and kindness upon my life and my family
- Lord I bless your righteous name for you are able to do all things.
- Thank you fir your righteous power that is ready to save and to deliver me from self destruction
- Father I bless you for with you all my problems are nothing, and you are able to solve all challenge before me Lord
- Ancient of days I bless you for who you are and all you have done for me and my family
- Lord I bless you in advance for my deliverance from the powers of darkness and all that I have caused myself in the mighty name of the Lord
- Lord I bless you for these negative emotions shall be out of my life for good, they shall not ruin me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father I thank for you will put the enemies to shame over my life and family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord I thank you for you will make all grace available to me in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Thank you Lord for all the times you have rescued me from the consequences of my evil thoughts in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father I seek your mercy in every way I have sinned and fallen short of your glory in my acts and words, please show me mercy in the name of Jesus Christ
- Lord please forgive me fir all the times I entertained evil in my thoughts let your mercy speak for me in Jesus name
- Lord please purge and cleanse me from every form of unrighteousness in the mighty name of the Lord
- Father please cleanse me from every lustful tendencies in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Please forgive me Lord for every way I have indulged in evil in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord let your blood speak for me by your mercy in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father make me pure and whole again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Please restore me to your original purpose for my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let your shine into my heart to chase out all evil thoughts in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord let your power restore my prayer life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Please take away negative thoughts and dreams totally from my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father please breathe upon me afresh in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Cause there to bee illumination by your presence in my life again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let all oppression cease from my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let there be total restoration of my sanity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let all fears and doubt flee from my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Help me to believe and trust in you oh Lord again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Settle me in all arrears in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let all addictions cease from my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Please make me a brand new human ready to do your bidding always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let your holy spirit redirect my life into absolute holiness and right standing with God in the mighty name of the Lord
- Father please give me peace in all areas in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Let my long expectations receive your attention in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Visit me oh Lord afresh daily that I may know you and your power to save and restore in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord Jesus let my life bring you glory daily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Let my thoughts align with your will always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Please use me to bring honor to your holy name
- Let the World see you in me always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I decree no more evil thoughts and no more bad dreams in my life and family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Thank you Father for answering my prayers.