40 Prayers For A Child With Bad Behavior.
And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, “This is the way; walk ye in it,” when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left
Is your child misbehaving? Does he or she have a bad attitude and terrible disposition towards life? Have you been trying to correct the child yet there’s no change? It’s time to switch your approach to the approach of the spirit; pray these 40 prayers for a child with bad behavior and the Lord shall cause there to be a great positive change in his life in Jesus’ mighty name.
Of a truth, there are many factors that can contribute to a child having bad behavior. The background and environment where the child is raised makes a lot of contribution in a child’s life, this is why it is best to raise a child in a good environment where morals are held in high regard.
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Subscribe NowHaving said that, it is also very important to teach one’s child in the way of the Lord as scripture says: Train up a child in the way he should go, when he grows, he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6 Kjv
Nothing can profit your child better than the Word of God, it is through the knowledge of the Word of God that he will learn to fear God (Proverbs 9:10), obey his parents, be of good conduct (1 Peter 2:12) in the society and to be appreciative.
If the case of your child seem to be very bad as he no longer listens to you, you will be praying that the Lord will teach him His ways through channels that will speak to him best, scripture says “ your children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children (Isaiah 54:13kjv)” so you will ask the Lord to show him His will for his life (Psalm 5:8 kjv) that he may learn to please the Lord.
This may sound difficult and unrealistic to you but remember that the Word of God says that God has the heart of Kings in His hands and like a river He directs it wherever He wants” (Proverbs 21:1-3 kjv)
If He can control the heart of Kings, why won’t he reach out to your child with bad behavior? All you need is to confess your faults in all of this to God and hand over that your child to His care, ask God to take over His life, that your child’s existence may bring God glory.
Let’s proceed to the prayers for child with bad behavior
Prayers For Child With Bad Behavior
- Father I bless your holy name for your faithfulness and mercy upon my life
- Thank you for keeping my son alive and active in your mercy in the mighty name of Jesus
- Lord Jesus I bless you for your great grace upon my life and my family
- Father I bless your holy name for your Word says that my children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace
- Thank you Father for they shall be established in righteousness
- Thank you Savior for the devil can not gain the life of my child
- Thank you for your precious covenant upon his life
- Thank you for the great purpose you have created him for
- Thank you for the battles that you have won for us in times past
- Thank you for frustrating the token of liars concerning my child
- Father I ask for your mercy in all ways I have sinned and fallen short of your glory
- Father let your mercy speak for me in every way I did not train up my child in the way of the Lord.
- Father show me mercy for all the times I have indulged my child in any immoral way
- Father let your mercy speak for my child in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord please help my child to know you and understand your will for his life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father please take away his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Oh Lord please take away the spirit of stubbornness from his life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord please open his eyes to see the bright future you have for him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- By your power please separate him from ungodly associations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord please speak to him in the way that he will understand best in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of
- Make your will plain to him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord help him to know you and your power to save in the mighty name of the Lord
- Help him to fear you and put you first always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord let your will be done in his life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Every curse working against his destiny, I blot them out by the blood of Jesus Christ
- Every word spoken against his life, I reverse them now in the movhty name of Jesus Christ
- Wherever his name is been called for evil, let fire answer them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Every evil pronouncement made against his life, I command it to go back to the sender in the mighty name of the Lord
- All those who are waiting for me to weep over this child shall wait forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I shall surely reap the fruit of my labor concerning my child in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I shall not weep over my child in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- His life shall be a testimony of God’s goodness and kindness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- His life shall daily reflect the mercies of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- He shall not work in error in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- He shall not be a victim of other people’s error in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- His heart shall receive the word of God in the mighty name of the Lord
- My child shall be a success and not a failure in the mighty name of Jesus
- He shall live to speak of the wonders of God in his life in the mighty name of the Lord
- His life shall daily bring God praise and glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Thank You Jesus for answering our prayers in Jesus name.