40 Prayers For My Husband To Find A Better Job.

40 Prayers For My Husband To Find A Better Job.

40 Prayers For My Husband To Find A Better Job.

Isaiah 60:17- For brass, I will bring gold, and for iron, I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and stones iron: I will also make thy officers peace, and thine exactors righteousness.

Is your husband currently seeking a new job? Is he weary of his present level and desires a greater height in his career? Are you seeking for prayers that will catapult your husband into greater financial open doors and blessings? These 40 prayers for my husband to find a better job are exactly what you need to accelerate your husband to greater heights

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

As our introductory scriptures declare, God has assured us that instead of brass, He will bring gold, what this means is that even though your husband may be earning well from his present job God surely has a better plan for him, also he may have missed some really big employment opportunities in recent times and you are displeased with the situation, still the promise of God’s blessings  stands sure concerning him, 

The scripture further assures that instead of iron the Lord will bring silver, this means if your husband missed a job that’s supposed to pay him hundreds of thousands, the one God is about to bring for him will be in millions, not only that, his next job will also come in peace, that is without much struggle and in that job, he will be surrounded by good and God-fearing people,

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Are you aware that God can do this and even much more for your husband? Our God is not like men who promise one thing and do another, rather God can be trusted always as He is known to always fulfill His promises. (Numbers 23:9)

Scripture clearly states that God honors His Word more than His name, hence He is determined to fulfill the promises he makes in his. (Psalm 138:2)

Knowing fully well that God has given you and your husband this promise of a better job and life, you must ensure to get rid of worry and anxiety, your disposition should be that of someone hopeful and expectant, and you must also endeavor to declare the promise of God as it is in Isaiah 60 over your husband daily and say these 40 prayers for husband to get a better job with all your heart.

Let’s proceed to the prayers

40 Prayers For My Husband To Find A Better Job 

  1. Lord I bless your holy name for my wonderful husband, thank you Jesus 
  2. Thank you for your great mercies upon his life to you be all praise Jesus
  3. Thank you for your thoughts for him are of good and not of evil, blessed be your name, Lord 
  4. Thank you for your supernatural provision for this family, thank you Jesus
  5. Thank you for giving us peace even amid the storm, blessed be your name, Lord
  6. Thank you for your grace upon my life and my family, thank you Jesus
  7. Lord I am grateful there is absolutely nothing impossible with you in Jesus name 
  8. Thank you for sustaining us greatly even in the midst of the scarcity, thank you Jesus 
  9. Lord I thank you for making my husband strong despite our challenges in Jesus name 
  10. Than you for there is nothing too difficult for you to do Lord Jesus
  11. I am grateful for your promises that have been cheering us up in Jesus name 
  12. Thank you for great family that you have placed around us blessed be your holy name Lord 
  13. Thank you for your peace that surpasses all human understanding in our lives thank you Father 
  14. Thank you for the opportunity you are bringing my husband’s way, thank you Jesus
  15. Thank you for putting it in the heart of men to help us, all glory to you Jesus
  16. Thank you Lord for your mighty power available to save us from poverty and stagnation in Jesus name 
  17. Father I ask that you forgive me in all ways I have exercised unbelief and fear in Jesus name
  18. Lord please forgive me in all ways I have been impatient with my husband in Jesus name 
  19. Lord please cleanse me and my husband from every sin and guilt in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  20. Please forgive us of the sins of lying and exaggerating in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  21. Father I ask that you show us your mercy in all ways we have been inconsistent in our service to you in Jesus name
  22. In every way my husband has not been doing your command let your mercy speak for him in Jesus name
  23. Lord Jesus please arise for my husband’s sake in Jesus name
  24. Lord please cause men to begin to work in his favor in Jesus name
  25. Let there be a sudden turn around in my family in Jesus name
  26. Let there be sudden celebrations in my family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  27. Please open my husband’s eyes to the opportunities you have placed around him in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  28. Please put his thoughts in the heart of the kings and nobles of the earth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  29. Help him Lord to get a better job this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  30. Please provide him a better job that will change our financial status in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  31. Let all our debts be paid miraculously in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  32. Let all hindrance standing on his career path to greatness be destroyed now in Jesus name
  33. All those who are waiting to see our shame shall wait forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  34. Father please prove yourself in my husband’s life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  35. Let my husband’s glory as the head of the home be restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  36. Let every accusation against my husband cease now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  37. All those speaking against his life I command them to be quiet forever in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  38. My husband’s path shall shine brighter and brighter in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  39. Good news shall breakforth in his career and chosen path in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  40. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers


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Dreams And Deliverance Ministries