40 Prayers To Get Out Of Enemy’s Trap
BIBLE TEXT: PSALM 91:1-3, PSALM 124:7, PSALM 141:9
More often than not, the enemy does not have to attack you in order to destroy you. He often sets up traps that tempt you to destroy yourself. Satan uses his craftiness to set a trap for his victims (Ps 119:10). He has a lot of dedicated workers made up of demonic beings, principalities, and powers working for him. They are always ready to harass and wear out the children of God. This is why the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood; and that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds.” (Eph 6:12, 2Cor 10:4) It is expedient therefore that we must pray with holy aggression these prayers to get out of the enemy’s trap.
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- Evil traps of the enemy set for me, catch your owner in Jesus’ name.
- Satanic embargoes placed upon my life, be removed in the name of Jesus.
- Any trap or nets assigned to swallow my portion in the land of the living be roasted by fire of God in the name of Jesus.
- Every enemy setting trap for me, fall in your own trap and be ensnared therein in the name of Jesus.
- Weapons of the enemy to return me to zero level, be destroyed by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Satanic hunters attached to my life to trap my virtues, what are waiting for? Die in the name of Jesus.
- Every trap that the enemy has set to bring me into captivity, capture your owner in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord my God, deliver me from the evil traps and snares which the enemy has laid or is planning to lay for me in the name of Jesus.
- By your mighty power O God, give me abundant grace to escape all the traps and crafty device of the enemies in the name of Jesus.
- My Father and my God, disappoint the enemies and let them be confused and confounded that lay a trap for my soul in the name of Jesus.
- Almighty Father, you are the great deliverer. Please deliver my soul from the trap of the enemy in the name of Jesus.
- Let the angel of destruction scatter every evil gang up and conspiracy set up against me in the name of Jesus.
- O God my Father, go ahead of my enemies and frustrate their evil plans against me in the name of Jesus.
- My Father and my God, guide my footsteps today and forever so that I don’t fall into the traps of the enemy in the name of Jesus.
- Powers preparing an evil net to catch me, be trapped by your own net in the name of Jesus.
- Agendas of evil trap set to turn me into a beggar, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every power of the enemy pursuing my life for destruction, somersault and die in the name of Jesus.
- Any power that wants me to fall from grace to grass by means of evil trap, be roasted in the name of Jesus.
- Every trap set for me and my family, be roasted now in the name of Jesus.
- I come out of every snare and trap of the evil one that I have entered into by mistake in the name of Jesus.
- Evil trap set by the wicked ones to block my glory, be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Shackles of the wicked afflicting my life, break in the name of Jesus.
- I claim deliverance and total victory from all traps of the wicked in the name of Jesus.
- Powers that have sworn to tie me down, fail woefully in the name of Jesus.
- Evil gatherings setting up a trap for my life, scatter in the name of Jesus.
- Everything that I have lost as a result of evil trap and snares, be restored back to me now in the name of Jesus.
- Every snare assigned to make me a candidate of problems, be roasted to ashes in the name of Jesus.
- Every trap activating evil covenants in my life, break by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Every good thing in my life trapped in the prison of darkness, I recover you now in the name of Jesus.
- Any trap set to swallow my portions in life, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
- I come out of every sexual trap prepared by the enemy to capture my virtues, in the name of Jesus.
- I take authority over every trap of darkness set against my life in the name of Jesus.
- Every trap I have entered by reason of evil covenant with my fore-fathers, I jump out now by the power in the name of Jesus.
- I recover sevenfold every opportunity I have lost as a result of being trapped by the evil one in the name of Jesus.
- By the reason of the revelation power of God, I get out of evil trap that I ignorantly walked into in the name of Jesus.
- Every trap and snare of the fowler operating in my life as a result of evil family dedication, break and be burnt by fire in the name of Jesus.
- According to the word of God in Psalm 124:7, the trap of the enemy in my life is broken and my soul escapes from it in the name of Jesus.
- From now on, I receive grace to walk by the leading of the Holy Spirit and not walk into any trap again in Jesus name.
- Evil gifts that I have received that is being used to trap my life, be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Thank You Lord for delivering me from every trap of the enemy in the name of Jesus.