50 Prayer Points For A New Beginning

50 Prayer Points For A New Beginning



Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19.

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“ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2cor 5:17.

A new beginning is a conscious decision to walk out of old ways of doing things into positive and better ways of doing them. The bible makes us understand that God, our Father takes delight in doing new things and so also should we His children take delight in the same.

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God delights in seeing us turn from our former and unpleasant ways of life to a new beginning. Be it failure in life, business or career, spiritual dryness, sinful life e.t.c, God wants a better and new beginning for us and He will give it to whosoever desires it.

God is ready to give us a brand new beginning if we make a decision to return to him, and He will give us again our enviable place in redemption. Jer 15:19. 

Let us look at biblical examples of how God gave His people a new beginning;

Jabez  1chronicle 4:9-10

Jabez had a life and destiny characterized with  sorrow and pains. Failure in all areas of life was his lot from childhood because his mother gave birth to him in sorrow. Jabez sought a new beginning, he cried unto God in faith for a new beginning characterized by change of story and God heard Jabez and answered him with a new beginning order of glory and honour. Jabez afterwards became a man whose story became that of success and glory because he sought a new beginning from God and got it.

Do you have a story like that of Jabez?, perhaps you think your life’s woes and troubles are irredeemable and you grope over it at all times. Perhaps you think God can’t even change your story by virtue of all you have done without success. 

I bring you a word from God that He is ever ready and willing to give you a new beginning, only if you will cry to him in faith with a connected heart like Jabez did. God will give you that new beginning right now.

Abraham. Genesis 12:1-3,7

At age 75, Abraham was a non entity, no progress, no child, no name, no glory, but God called him and gave him a new beginning at age 75. Abraham walked consciously in this new beginning despite all the trials that came his way and God turned him to a trans-generational blessing in which all believers must anchor their blessings on. “In thee  shall all families  of the earth be blessed.”. Gen 12:3.

You may think you are past the youthful age and God can’t make anything of you anymore, so there is no need for a new beginning. I tell you that until you are put in the grave God will use you for something. The path of the just keeps shining until the last day. Prov .418. So seek for that new beginning now and walk it diligently and see what God will make out of you even in your past age. 

Jacob Genesis 27:1-30; 31:11-13; 32:26.

Jacob was a sup planter who by hook and crook took his elder brother Esau’s blessings. He became a villain for fear of being killed by his brother Esau. He served Laban, his would be in-law for fourteen years without nothing, tricked to marry the wrong wife and had to serve Laban again for the right wife. He couldn’t fend for his family. All this because he took a wrong step, until he encountered the God of new beginning at bethel and everything turned for him. As a result of the new beginning, God gave him all he was cheated of in the house of Laban and God instructed him to go back to the land where he was born. He made peace with Esau who had wanted to kill him and he then stepped into the Abrahamic blessing handed to him by Isaac.

Do you have a similar story like Jacob? Have you supplanted others and cheated them of what belongs to them. Are you currently suffering from the sins of the past and you think you can’t get out of it? Consciously ask God in a heartfelt prayer of faith for a new beginning and he will give you.

Apostle Paul  Acts 8 and 9

Saul was a man who was against the revival fire of the early church, therefore he did all he could to persecute the church and see to its extinction. He did all that zealously, believing it was the right way to go. God arrested him on the way to Damascus to persecute the Christians there. God did give Paul a new beginning, he walked consciously in it, in order not to lose it again and God blessed him mightily. He is one of the greatest of the apostles of Jesus Christ and wrote most of the epistles of the new testament.

Are you one of those who go about persecuting the church of Christ today, saying all manner of things about God and His people. Attacking everything good just because you are not a part of it. You live all manner of sinful life and you think you can’t start a new life. God will give you a new beginning as He did to Paul. Only believe and ask and you will begin to walk in that newness of life.

All the biblical examples have a similar story of walking away from the past to enter a new beginning. Salvation is the first path to enter this new beginning. If a man be born again, old things pass and all things become new. 2cor 5:17. You must be born again and remain so to enter this new beginning.

Prayer point

  1. Father, thank you that your thoughts for me are thoughts of peace and not of evil, that gives me hope for a new beginning and a great future, in the name of Jesus. Jer 29:11
  2. Father, thank you for a second chance and a new dawn. I pray that your will and not mine will be done from now and always, in Jesus name.
  3. Father, create in me a new heart and put your right spirit for a new beginning within me, in Jesus name. PS 51:10.
  4. Father, by your spirit, remove my heart of stone and give me a heart filled with the spirit for a fresh beginning, in Jesus name. Ezek 36:26.
  5. Father, by your grace, old things have passed away from my life and destiny and all things from now have become new because I am now a new creature in Christ Jesus. 2cor 5:17.
  6. Father, do new things in my life that eyes have not seen, nor ear heard nor any mind can conceive as I walk in the newness of life, in Jesus name. 1cor 2:9.
  7. Father, I receive the grace for a new beginning of transformation, restoration, confirmation and divine establishment, in Jesus name. 2chron 20:20, Isa 54:14.
  8. Father, as I walk in a new beginning of life, my help and comfort will come from you who made the heavens and the earth, in Jesus’ name. PS 121:1-2.
  9. Father, in this new beginning, you shall not suffer my foot to be moved, because you are my helper, keeper and the shade upon my right hand, in Jesus name. PS 121:3-5.
  10. Father, in this new beginning, You shall be with me always, when I pass through waters, they shall not overwhelm me, when I walk through fire, I shall not be burnt because the Lord is my saviour, in Jesus name. Isa 43:2.
  11. Father, in this new beginning, I hearken diligently to Your voice to do all that You want me to do, in Jesus name. Deut. 28:1-2.
  12. Father, I shall be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath in this era of a new beginning, in Jesus name. Deut. 28:13.
  13. Father, as I take this step to start afresh, the glory of the Lord shall be seen in me at all times, in Jesus name. 
  14. Father, as I begin anew in my life, I decree that every crooked path in my life and destiny be made straight and rivers of water begin to flow in the deserts of my life, in the name of Jesus. Isa 45:2.
  15. Father, be my portion and my hope in this new beginning, may I not be consumed because I rely on Your mercies and compassion, in the name of Jesus.
  16. Father, as I begin new, I decree that from now on, I will always go forward and never look backward because I do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me, in Jesus name. Ex 14:15.
  17. Father, everything the locusts and cankerworm have eaten and destroyed in my old life is now restored a hundredfold as I begin afresh, in Jesus name. Joel 2:25.
  18. Father, in this new beginning, I decree that my latter years shall be greater than my former years, in Jesus name. Hag 2:9.
  19. Father, I decree by faith that there shall be a way for me where there seems to be no way. The impossible shall become possible for me in this new era, in Jesus mighty name. Matt 19:26, Isa 43:19.
  20. Father, I decree that your steadfast love will never cease in my life, your mercies will never come to an end, the shall be new every morning of my life, in Jesus name. Lam. 3:22-23.
  21. Father, thou God of new beginning, blow out my past failures and shame by the blood of Jesus and let me walk in success and honour, in Jesus name. Zech. 9:11-12.
  22. Father, God of new beginning, let the wealth of your word manifest in my life this year and swallow every poverty in my life and destiny, in Jesus mighty name. Ezek. 29:1.
  23. God of new beginning, as I begin anew, promote me from the dunghill to the palace of my destiny, in Jesus name. 1sam 2:8.
  24. Father, let the seed of your word which causes me to forsake the past and start afresh germinate and grow mightily in my life and destiny in order to bear great and precious fruits, in Jesus name. Ezek. 26:1.
  25. Father, by your word, every opposition to my life and destiny in my old life is turned to my glory and testimony as I begin a new life, in Jesus name. Ezek 30:20.
  26. Every word deficiency in my old life, receive the breath of fire and become words of glory and prosperity  and begin to prosper in my new life, in Jesus name.
  27. Father, by your word and new beginning, every secret shame of my life and destiny is wiped off and turned to open glory, in Jesus name. Zeph. 318-20.
  28. Father, I blow the trumpet of battle against every adversary to my new beginning and I decree that they be broken into pieces, in the mighty name of Jesus. 1sam 2:10.
  29. Father, as I walk in the newness of life, appear unto me by your word and wash me, cleanse me and quench my thirst for righteous living, in Jesus mighty name.
  30. Father, I decree that as I begin anew and rise by your mighty hand, every evil man or woman against my destiny shall fall for my sake, in Jesus name. Lev 26:7.
  31. Father, every household enemy fighting against my life and destiny in this new beginning be destroyed now, in Jesus name. Matt 10:36.
  32. Father, every mockery as a result of my new beginning is turned to envy and I shall laugh, in Jesus name.
  33. Father, by your mighty power, arise and scatter all those who are fighting my life of new Beginning and destiny, in Jesus name. Num 10:35.
  34. Father, I decree that every grave in my old life where my glory is buried, as I walk in the newness of life that grave is opened and I receive back my glory, in Jesus name. Ezek. 37:12.
  35. Father, as I begin anew, I declare that every dead thing in my life comes back to life , in Jesus name.
  36. Father, by your mercy and grace, restore all my wasted years and destiny as I start afresh, in Jesus name. Joel 2:25.
  37. Father, in this new beginning, I reject  every spiritual contamination as I wash myself with the blood of Jesus, 1pet 1:19.
  38. Father, in this new beginning, ignites my prayer and fasting life and makes me a prayer addict, in Jesus name. Lev 6:12.
  39. Father, as my life begins anew, let the anointing for spiritual breakthrough fall upon me now, in Jesus name.
  40. Father, every good thing of my life eaten up by the enemy, as I begin anew, they vomit them all right now, in the name of Jesus. Job 20:15.
  41. Father, in this new beginning, every power chasing away my blessing and cursing me shall be cursed and paralyzed, in Jesus name. Gen 12:3.
  42. Father, in this new beginning and by your mighty power, I withdraw all my daily loaded benefits from the hands of those that oppress me, in Jesus name. PS 68:19.
  43. Father, as I walk in this new beginning, disappoint every crafty device of the devil and his agents against my life and destiny, in Jesus name. Job 5:12.
  44. Father, as I walk anew in life, I command my destiny to be transformed to the best, in Jesus name. 1chron 4:9-10.
  45. Father, in this new beginning, expose and scatter every evil plan and purpose of the devil targeted against me , in Jesus name. Isa 8:9.
  46. Father, in this new beginning, every anti progress altar fashioned against me be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. Isa 54:17.
  47. Father, every demonic activity affecting my life that won’t let me walk effectively in this new beginning be cancelled now, in Jesus’ mighty name.
  48. Father, every potential hidden in my past is made manifest in this new beginning, in Jesus name.
  49. Father, whatever is the devil that will hinder me from greatness in this new beginning, I declare that it gives way now, in the name of Jesus.
  50. Father, in this new life, I decree and declare that every spirit of frustration and depression disappear from my life right now, in Jesus name.


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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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