50 Prayer Points On Family Deliverance

50 Prayer Points On Family Deliverance



“And that ye will save alive my father, and my mother, and my brethren, and my sisters, and all that they have, and deliver our lives from death” –Joshua 2:13 (KJV)

So many families today are facing battles from all angles. Problems here and there without any clues to solve these problems. Some are under the influence of inherited curses, negative covenants, familiar spirits and broken covenants. 

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Such families tend to have problems that follow a repeated regular pattern. For instance, we have heard of families where every male die before getting to a certain age, or where the females either do not get married, or have babies outside of wedlock. 

There are also cases where families suffer generational poverty. In this case, nobody from such a family is rich, irrespective of their level of education and hard work. I have seen a family where everyone is either a dropout due to lack of funds, or no interest to go to school at all. Such families are said to be under bondage.

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9 Signs That Show That A Family Is Under Bondage

  1. Suffering and stagnation
  2. Frustration and confusion
  3. Backwardness
  4. Failures
  5. Marital delay and disappointments
  6. Barrenness and unfruitfulness
  7. Persistent hardship and poverty
  8. Rising and falling
  9. Near success syndrome

Families that are experiencing such negative trends are therefore in dire need of divine intervention and family deliverance. Situations such as those mentioned above are often difficult to break free from, but with fervent prayers and by the power of God. 

50 Prayer Points On Family Deliverance

  1. O Lord, thank you for your redemptive power which neither fail nor diminish. 
  2. O Lord, walk back to the foundation of my life and carry out the necessary surgical operation.
  3. By the power in the name of Jesus, I release myself from every marital and ancestral curse
  4. O Lord, I take authority over principalities and bind every strongman attached to any area of my life in Jesus name.
  5. In the name of Jesus, I break all marital curses placed on my family by any household enemies, in the name of Jesus
  6. I fire back every arrow of the family idol affecting my marital breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.
  7. All family idols from both sides of my parents, release me in the name of Jesus
  8. In the name of Jesus, I refuse to allow any evil pattern programmed by any of my ancestors to hinder the promises of God in my life, in Jesus name.
  9. By the power of God, I renounce all hidden soul ties covenant, in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every cycle of hardship in my family, breaks in the name of Jesus.
  11. O Lord, I decree my family will make progress, in the name of Jesus
  12. Father, let every evil power trying to redesign my destiny be put to shame in Jesus name.
  13. Every generational trouble in my family, disappears in the name of Jesus.
  14. O Lord, I release myself from every dream pollution, in the name of Jesus.
  15. My father, my father, I command every evil plantation in my life to come out now in Jesus name
  16. Every evil mark on my family, be erased in Jesus name.
  17. Father, let all negative material circulating in my bloodstream, be evacuated, in the name of Jesus
  18. Thou power of God, go into my family and deliver everyone who are in chains today, in Jesus name
  19. Every witchcraft challenge of my destiny, die in the name of Jesus.
  20. O Lord, in my family, I cancel untimely death in Jesus name
  21. I claim the deliverance of my family from the spirit of poverty and suffering, in Jesus name
  22. Father, as a person, I claim divine prosperity; I must shine in the name of Jesus.
  23. O Lord, as a person, I receive the miracle of supernatural promotion, in the name of Jesus.
  24. O God arise and do a new thing in my family, in the name of Jesus
  25. Thou sword of deliverance, cut down the tree of family affliction, in the name of Jesus
  26. Father, let every evil power from my father’s house, perish in the name of Jesus.
  27. Every evil power of my mother’s house, perish! in the name of Jesus
  28. Every power that pursued my parents, released me in the name of Jesus.
  29. Every evil power pursuing me from my father’s house, perish, in the name of Jesus
  30. Father, let evil power pursuing me from my mother’s house, perish, in the name of Jesus
  31. Every witchcraft tree binding my placenta, wither in the name of Jesus.
  32. Father, I petition against every unfinished and transferred battle from my parents. Let the battles and the forces responsible for them depart from me right now, in Jesus name.
  33. By the blood of Jesus, I reject and renounce all satanic transfers and handovers from my parents.
  34. Powers that stopped my parents, you will not be able to stop me, in Jesus name.
  35. I declare that by the grace of God, victory is mine in Jesus name.
  36. Because I am born of God, I shall overcome the world and every battle in it, in Jesus name.
  37. Every evil family record, speaking against me, I blot you out by the power in the blood of Jesus.
  38. Father, terminate every generational battle in my lineage, in Jesus name.
  39. From today, I begin to rewrite my family history positively in Jesus name.
  40. Father, just like David, use me to kill the Goliath my seniors could not kill in Jesus name.
  41. O Lord, equip me to defeat the forces that defeated my parents in Jesus name.
  42. Lord, I receive the power to win the battles my parents could not win, in the name of Jesus.
  43. Every power assigned to stop me and my family; I stop you in Jesus name.
  44. Every battle of barrenness and unfruitfulness in my life, be terminated by fire in Jesus name.
  45. Every battle of stagnation and near success syndrome, ends today in Jesus name.
  46. Father, open my eyes to see the battles confronting me and give me strategy to defeat them, in Jesus name.
  47. Father, give me revelation and insight that will lead to my victory, in Jesus name.
  48. I receive the biblical wisdom and strategy to defeat my enemies and win this battle, in Jesus name.
  49. Ancient battles of my father’s house, I terminate you by fire, in Jesus name.
  50. Father, let every battle in my family expire now, in Jesus name.


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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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