“ And they said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, and thy household” Acts 16:31.
“ God setteth the solitary in families: he bringeth out those which are bound with chains: but the rebellious dwell in a dry land” psalm 68:6.
If you look at the background of some families today, you will agree with me that most of them are suffering in one way or the other from battles. Family battles are real and it is one of the toughest battles a person can fight.
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Subscribe NowThere is no family on the earth today that doesn’t suffer one battle or another. As a matter of fact, the institution called the family is the most attacked institution on earth. Families across the world are in bondage and oppression in the form of poverty, troubled marriages, failure at the edge of success, and untimely death.
Families of God are endowed with glory but the enemy keeps contending with believers to hijack the glory from them. So many families are in battle from the first day.
Family battles come from inherited or transferred problems, such as, evil covenant, inherited curses, ancestral worship, ancestral curses, enchantments and age long spells. This makes believers keep experiencing afflictions continuously, until there is a deep deliverance in that family.
There is a reason why God established you in that family. One of them is to stand in the gap in the secret place of prayer and liberate them from all battles. Ps 91:1-5.
Believers must know that Christ Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us on the cross. Gal 3:13-14. Since the law of the spirit superseded the physical law, we have victory over all family battles. Once we are in Christ, old things of the ancestors have passed and we have become new creatures in Christ with a new path. And no curse is made to affect a new creature if we stand on the word.
The first step to victory over family battles is repentance from all evil works of our forefather and a firm belief in God and in his word. When this is done, then victory is in sight.
Remember, if Jabez could pray his way out of all family battles to become honorable, you who carry far more grace than Jabez can do it better. Seek God with your heart in prayer with faith and the word and you will sure have victory over family battles.
Dearly beloved, the purpose of this prayer is to invoke fire against all strongholds, all strange altars and every strongman that has held you and your family captive. And I trust God that the same way God delivered the children of Israel from Pharaoh and his hosts, after these prayers God will cause your family to overcome with the speed of light, only if you believe.
50 Prayer To Overcome Family Battles.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for the salvation of my soul today.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you because before I say this prayer points for my family you have already heard me.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for fighting and winning my battles on the cross of Calvary.
- Father, I release myself from every household bondage in my lineage, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, Fire of the living God, like you came down in the days of Elijah, consume every chain of poverty, addiction, oppression, and limitation in my life today, in the name of Jesus. 1kings 18:38
- Holy ghost fire, just like the days of Elisha send down strange animals to consume every agent that has held down my finances and the finance of my family, in Jesus name. 2 kings 2:23-24
- Heavenly Father, just like the angel rolled away the stone from the tomb of Jesus, let my angel roll away every stone trapping the destiny of my family and me in a tomb, in Jesus’ mighty name. Matthew 28:2.
- Father, I release confusion and destruction into the camp of every kidnapper of my family’s destiny today, in the name of Jesus.
- Heavenly father, as the sea opened up and swallowed the enemies of your people who held them in captivity for years. Let the sea swallow every ancestral spirit that has held my family bond, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, Let the mighty arm of God which broke the chains of Paul and Silas in the prison break every chain connecting me to my past and restricting me from the future God has planned for my family and me, in Jesus’ mighty name. Acts 16:25-34.
- Heavenly Father, as you delivered Daniel and the three Hebrew children from the hands of their oppressors, deliver my family and me from the bondage of poverty, penury, and failure, in Jesus name. Daniel 6:1-28.
- Ballistic missiles from the heavenly places begin to bombard every coven where the glory of my family is being hidden, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
- Father, let sporadic missiles begin to fall on every cage where my family’s destiny is being kept, in Jesus name.
- Father, Let the trumpets from heaven deafen the ears of my captors so that they will release my family and me without delay, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, As I say this prayer points for family, I command the hosts of heaven to begin to break free every member of my family that has been tied to a tree of failure, in Jesus name.
- Father, As I pray this prayer points for the family, let chains begin to fall from the hands of my children, my husband, wife, parents, relatives, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, As I pray this prayer points for the family, because I am a son/daughter of Abraham, connected to the seed of David, let all that I have lost and all that have been captured from me be released, and recovered in double portion, in Jesus name. Luke 13:16.
- Father, Fire of the living God, like you consumed Sodom and Gomorrah, consume the captors of my marital life as I pray this prayer points for family, in Jesus name. Genesis 19 :24.
- Father, As the grave could not hold back Lazarus at the sound of the voice of Jesus. Because I am joint-heirs with Christ, as I pray this prayer points for family let the grave release everything it has held back from my family, in Jesus name.. John 11:38-44
- Father, Let there be mysterious earthquakes and tornados that will shake the foundations of where the success of my family has been kept as I pray these prayer points for family, in Jesus name..
- Father, Because there is nothing too hard for the lord that I serve, I declare that from today, every impossible situation that has been associated with my family is destroyed, in the mighty name of Jesus. Jeremiah 32:27.
- Father, I command the angels that were assigned to me to comb the length and breadth of the earth and release every wealth that has the name of my family on it and deliver it to me today, in Jesus name.. Psalm 91:11.
- Father, Today, my family and I are delivered from the snare of the fowler and every noisome pestilence, in Jesus name. Psalm 91:3.
- Father, This year every strong man from my father’s house or every strong woman from my mother’s side who have locked me in the room of failure open the gates and be disgraced in the name of Jesus. Matthew 12:29.
- Father, Hailstones and fire for above begin to fall on every philistine that have captured, tortured, and ruptured the finance of my helpers today, in Jesus name. Joshua 10:11
- Father, Because Jesus, my savior and lord, was resurrected and delivered from the hold of death after three days. I decree that within three days, my family and I are delivered from every strange spirit of death, haunting and trailing my family, in Jesus name..1corinthians 15:4.
- Father, Every territorial force of delay that is responsible for tying my family and me to a spot, thereby preventing us from being promoted and elevated, let thunder from heaven scatter them, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, Let the arrows from God begin to slay the guardians of every strange calabash, causing childlessness in my family, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, In the name of Jesus, let every principality and power standing on the way to my success, wealth, and financial dominion this year be destroyed and put to shame, in Jesus name.
- Father, I command all foundational strongman attached to my life to paralyze, in Jesus name.
- Father, I release myself from every inherited bondage, in Jesus name.
- Father, I break and lose myself from every inherited evil covenant, in Jesus name.
- Father, let the blood of Jesus correct any inherited defect in my body, in Jesus name. Zech 9: 11-12.
- Father, I break any curse of rejection from the womb or illegitimacy that may be in my family back to ten generations on both sides of the family, in Jesus name.
- Father, I command the spirit of death and hell to lose its hold upon my life and family, in Jesus name.
- Father, I break every demonic circle in my life and family, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, send your axe of fire to the foundation of my life and family and destroy every evil plantation, in Jesus name.
- Father, let the fire of the holy ghost enter into my family bloodline and cleanse it, in Jesus name. Matt 3:11-12.
- Father, I break every curse of automatic failure mechanism working against my life and family, in Jesus name.
- Father, every chain of darkness around my waist and that of my family, break one in the mighty name of Jesus.
41.father, every power using my ancestors placenta against me and my family, die right now by fire, in Jesus name.
- Father, I release myself and family from every inherited bondage and limitations, in Jesus name.
- Father, every agent of disgrace, backwardness and shame, release us now, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, every spiritual vulture delegated against me and my family, eat your own flesh and die, in the me of Jesus.
- Father, I disgrace every evil wisdom working against my family’s breakthrough, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, deposit your wonders into my life and that of my family, in Jesus name.
- Father, let the divine earthquake shake down the foundation of every satanic prison holding me and my family hostage, in Jesus name.
- Father, I bind every evil spirit withstanding good testimonies in my life and family, in Jesus name.
- Father, let every grip of evil consequences of the ancestral worship of our forefather gods be over in my life and family, in Jesus’ mighty name.
- Father, let every ancestral evil hold upon my life and family be broken today, in the name of Jesus.