7 Biblical Lessons To Learn From Hannah’s Story

7 Biblical Lessons To Learn From Hannah's Story

7 Biblical Lessons To Learn From Hannah’s Story


The story of Hannah can be found in the book of 1 Samuel 1 according to our anchor Bible passage. A quick recap on the story of Hannah from the bible told us how Hannah was barren for some years and how she was consistently ridiculed by the second wife her husband (Elkanah) had, but in all Hannah kept praying to God till she was blessed by God with a son named Samuel. 

However, how simple the story may look or sound now, there are significant lessons we can learn from the story of Hannah, which we are going to be discussing just seven out of all the lessons to learn from her story.

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7 Biblical Lessons To Learn From Hannah’s Story

  1. Hannah recognizes she can not help herself: The first significant lesson to learn from the story of Hannah is that, Hannah recognizes that she can not help herself, she recognizes it is only God that can help her conceive and have her own child. We read from the story in the Bible that Hannah was a worshipper, even though she was not happy with her current situation of being barren then, she did not stop going to the temple to worship God her maker. Even as they go yearly to the temple to give sacrifices at the Shiloh to the Lord, Hannah never stopped going to the place of worship. This is a great lesson for all of us, because some of us are tempted to stop going to church when we are faced with challenges that seem overwhelming. This is a great lesson for us that a place of worship must not be replaced by any challenges or issues of life that we may face.
  2. Hannah was not jealous: In the midst of the delay in child birth, Hannah was never for one day jealous of Peninah. There was no place in the bible that we read that Hannah was jealous of the second wife because she has children. This is a great lesson for us, we should be happy for people when they are successful or when they have the kind of blessings we desire in our lives. We never heard or read that Hannah maltreated her opponent’s children even though we did not know the whole story of how the house was built but it is obvious that Hannah maintained a good behavior towards Peninnah despite we read that Peninnah taunted and made fun of Hannah for not having a child.
  3. Hannah Never gave up on God: It is possible to stop praying when one has lost all hopes and feels there can not be a solution to a particular challenge, but Hannah never gave up on praying. She never stopped praying even though there was a time she wept bitterly and groaned from her spirit and that was the day it was recorded that Hannah ate and wiped her face and had peace in her mind. The lesson learnt here is no matter how overwhelming the challenges may look, never give up on praying to God. Learn to trust in His unfailing love and power.
  4. Hannah refused to be weighed down by the smitten words from Peninnah: Another profound lesson learnt from Hannah was, Hannah refused to be weighed down by the discouraging words from Peninnah. We read from the story that most times Peninnah mocked Hannah and made fun of her, but Hannah refused to be weighed down by those negative words, she kept her focus on God and not on the disappointments from people that were supposed to encourage her. This is a lesson to learn that, in any situation we find ourselves, we should never allow naysayers or discouragers to take our eyes off the cross. We must learn to move on and focus on God in spite of the people that mock us.
  5. Hannah gave God praise: Another lesson learnt on Hannah’s story was that Hannah praised in pain. It is easy to praise God when everything is going on well and rosy with us, this was not so with Hannah, it was said that Hannah wiped her tears after groaning and gave God praise one particular day and that was the day her prayers were answered. And God gave her Samuel.
  6. Hannah had faith in God: No doubt with all the lessons, we can deduce from it that Hannah had an unfailing faith in God. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, we can see the reality of these words in Hannah’s life and story. Faith makes our prayers to be answered, if we do not have faith in God, our prayers will remain a request. God is always moved by our faith in Him. Therefore, we must learn from Hannah’s story of how strong her faith in God was, we should emulate this attitude of strong faith in God, so that our prayers can be answered.
  7. Hannah kept to her vow: Another lesson to be learnt from Hannah’s story is, we must keep to our vow. Hannah promised God she will give back the child to the Lord after she has delivered the child. We read that Hannah kept to her vow and gave her child back to the Lord to serve in the house of the Lord. It is easy to get all we need from God and even forget to keep to our vows and promises, therefore, we must not be that person that forgets his or her promises or vows after God has answered our prayers, we must not be like the nine lepers that forgot to return to show themselves to Jesus after He has healed them. We should be like Hannah and the only one leper that came back to honor God and fulfill their promises and vow to God. When we do our part of keeping our own vows and promises, God will open the windows of heaven and bless us more.  

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