35 Prayer For Those Who Have Lost Hope.

35 Prayer For Those Who Have Lost Hope.

35 Prayer For Those Who Have Lost Hope.

Romans 12:12Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;

Are you presently at the verge of losing your hope in God, are you almost giving up on life? These prayers are for you. The fact that you searched out or found this article while surfing the internet is a great proof that God has something huge and pleasant for you in this season, so do not give up.

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You may have tried your best at succeeding in a certain career yet it didn’t work, or maybe you have been writing one particular exam repeatedly, yet no good result, you may have even been trusting God for a particular thing for a long time and it’s not forthcoming, so you’re wondering, what’s there to be hopeful for?, I assure you there is still a great future for you, remember even scripture says “a living dog is better than a dead lion” Ecclesiastes 9:4 the fact that you are alive and sane enough to read this article is something you should appreciate God for.

Of course, as humans, when we go through diverse temptations, trials and challenges, we tend to get tired and almost lose hope in God, but remember scriptures say “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:3-4)

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The challenges you have been through are meant to work out an important fruit of the spirit called Patience.

 It is patience that will help you to wait on God solely for the manifestation of not just your own heart desires but for the manifestation of God’s original purpose for your life.

Remember Hebrews 6:12 says “And we desire that every one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end, that ye be not slothful, but followers of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”. 

This means that you shouldn’t let go of your hope in Christ, rather keep it active to the end, and keep following the examples of those who by faith and patience got the promises God made to them. Has God made any promise to you regarding your heart desires? If yes, let these promises keep you going, meditate on them daily, remind God about them daily through prayers, and keep hoping and waiting because God will surely fulfill His Word. 

David is a perfect case study, although he was anointed king (1 Samuel 16:1-13) he didn’t become king until after a long while, even though Saul fought hard against him and was determined to kill him, God still protected and preserved David for the throne.

More Interesting was the part where David found the opportunity to kill Saul (1 Samuel 24), he didn’t seize the opportunity because he recognized that Saul was also God’s anointed, and David didn’t want to work his way to the throne by killing an anointed one, instead he waited for the God who anointed him to vindicate him and enthrone him king by Himself. Eventually, Saul killed himself (1 Samuel 31), and David became King over Israel.

So you see, your journey to your desired destination may seem long, but I assure you, if you will be patient and keep your hope in God alive, you will surely get there. Therefore, let your hope come alive as you pray these 35 prayers for the restoration of your hope in God.

35 Prayer For Those Who Have Lost Hope

  1. Oh Lord I thank you for there’s nothing impossible unto you, I thank you for you are able to restore my hope, blessed be your Righteous name
  2. Lord I thank you for I now know that the trial of my faith is meant to work out the virtue of patience in me, all glory belongs to you
  3. Father I thank you for you are mindful of me, I am not here on earth by mistake, you are intentional about me, be thou magnified Lord.
  4. Father I thank you for your thoughts for me are to bring me an expected end, glory to you my blessed redeemer
  5. Lord I am grateful for you have kept me alive till this moment to learn more about your love and your grace, all glory to you Lord
  6. Lord I thank you for you are not an high priest who is not  bothered about our infirmities, thank you because you are with me even in all I am going through, blessed be your name
  7. Lord I thank you for keeping me safe despite all the arrows the enemy has thrust against me, all glory belongs to you Lord
  8. Father I am grateful for the special purpose you have for my life, thank you because the devil cannot abort my mission on earth, blessed be your name Lord.
  9. Lord I am grateful because all the things I am going through shall surely work out for my good in the very end, be thou magnified, blessed redeemer
  10. Lord I thank you above all, that my hope is restored in you, now I can live happily and joyfully, blessed be your Holy name
  11. Father I ask for your mercy in all ways I have listened to the lies of the devil that you are not mindful of me, please forgive me and show me your mercy
  12. In all ways I have paid more attention to my problems rather than your Word, please forgive me oh Lord
  13. Father in every way I have joined the wrong people to speak against your Name, show me mercy Lord
  14. Lord In all ways I have doubted your promises for my life, please show me your mercy
  15. Father I ask for your mercy in every way I have sinned and fallen short of your glory especially through my words and my thoughts, please let your mercy speak for me.
  16. Father please revive my prayer and bible study life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  17. Help me to love you again Lord, help me to serve you wholeheartedly again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  18. Father please pull me out of the pit of depression, help me to stand on your solid rock, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  19. Help me to let go of every evil thought of suicide and fill my heart with your love, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  20. Lord please restore my love for the gathering of the brethren, that I may join those who love you to worship you in spirit and in truth in Jesus name
  21. Father help me in this season to stand firmly on your promises without looking back in the mighty name of Jesus
  22. Help me to be deeply rooted in your Word that when the trials of life against me, I will still be standing firm in you in Jesus name
  23. Oh Lord I rededicate my life, and my all to you, please use me as you wish and let my life bring you glory, in Jesus mighty name
  24. Let my daily life bring you honor and worship, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  25. Father I also ask that you satisfy me early with your mercies that I may rejoice all the days of my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  26. Let all your promises for my life speedily come to pass in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  27. Let all my heart desires speedily manifest in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  28. Oh Lord please send me helpers that will uplift me and take me to the throne you have prepared for me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  29. Every destiny lifter you have ordained for me, Lord let them hurry to help me now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  30. Father every evil Saul in my life standing against the promises of God for me, Lord by your own self, take them out of my way in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  31. Let their evil plans against me befall them speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  32. Let everything in creation begin to work against them in the mighty name of The Lord
  33. Let them work out their own destruction by themselves in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  34. Give me wisdom oh Lord to live my life to please you now and when you make your purpose for my life manifest in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  35. Thank you Father for hearing and answering my prayers

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