Biblical Lesson From The Story Of Naaman

Biblical Lesson From The Story Of Naaman


Biblical Lesson From The Story Of Naaman

In the ancient kingdom of Aram, a man named Naaman, esteemed and mighty, found himself ensnared by an affliction that surpassed the strength of his military prowess. Leprosy, an ailment that spared no one, had marked him. Yet, Naaman’s story is not merely one of physical ailment but one of a profound tale of humility, faith, and the transformative power of God’s healing touch.


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Naaman, a commander of the Aramean army, enjoyed the favour of his king. His valour in battle was unmatched, but the cruel reality of leprosy cast a dark shadow over his victories. Amidst his prestigious position, Naaman’s desperate search for a cure led him to a glimmer of hope in an unexpected place.


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His story unfolds in 2 Kings 5, where a young Israelite servant girl, captured during a raid, serves in Naaman’s household. She, aware of Elisha the prophet’s healing abilities, suggests that Naaman seek the prophet’s intervention. Naaman, desperate for healing, travels with great entourage to the house of Elisha.


“Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy.” (2 Kings 5:1)


Arriving at Elisha’s door with grand expectations, Naaman is met not by the prophet himself but by a messenger instructing him to dip seven times in the Jordan River for cleansing. Naaman, enraged by the simplicity of the prescription, initially rejects it. His pride clashes with the humility required for divine healing.


“But Naaman went away angry and said, ‘I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy.'” (2 Kings 5:11)


It is through the wisdom of Naaman’s servants that he is persuaded to follow the prophet’s directive. As Naaman humbles himself and immerses in the Jordan River seven times, his flesh is restored like that of a young boy. The miraculous healing transcends physical renewal; it becomes a testament to the power of faith and humility.


“So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.” (2 Kings 5:14)


Naaman, once adorned with military might, emerges from the waters not only physically restored but spiritually transformed. He acknowledges the God of Israel as the one true God, vowing to worship Him alone.


“Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God. He stood before him and said, ‘Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.'” (2 Kings 5:15)


In the arc of Naaman’s story, we witness a journey from pride to humility, from doubt to faith, and from affliction to restoration. His story encapsulates the profound truth that God’s healing extends beyond the physical realm, reaching into the depths of the human heart.


The tale of Naaman beckons us to reflect on our own journeys—where pride may hinder humility, where doubt may obscure faith, and where afflictions, whether physical or spiritual, find solace in the transformative touch of God’s grace. It is an invitation to dip into the rivers of humility and faith, trusting that in surrender, true healing unfolds.


Below are a few lesson extracts from the above story:

1. Humility attracts God’s favor: Naaman’s healing came when he humbled himself to follow God’s instructions. Humility opens the door to God’s favor. Naaman’s initial pride almost prevented him from receiving healing. Pride can be a barrier to spiritual and physical restoration.

God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6)

Divine intervention requires obedience: Naaman’s obedience to Elisha’s instructions was integral to his healing. Obedience aligns us with God’s will.

“If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19)


2. God’s way surpasses human expectations: Naaman expected an elaborate healing process, but God’s ways often defy human expectations. Trusting God’s ways, even when they differ from our expectations, leads to divine outcomes.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8)

3. Healing as well as answers to prayers are often wrapped in simplicity: Naaman initially rejected the simple solution, teaching us to value God’s wisdom, even if it seems uncomplicated. God’s solutions may seem simple, but they carry profound transformative power. 

“Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan.” (2 Kings 5:10)


3. God’s instructions require humility: Naaman’s healing required humility. God’s solutions may appear simple, but they demand humility to receive.


4. God can use the unlikely: God can use the most unlikely sources to bring about His divine plans. The young servant girl played a crucial role in Naaman’s journey. Do not underestimate anyone! He can use unexpected sources to bring wisdom and solutions.

“But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise.” (1 Corinthians 1:27)


5. Prestige does not exempt afflictions: Affliction can touch anyone, regardless of status or achievements. 

“He was a great man… but he had leprosy.” (2 Kings 5:1)


6. Divine intervention is not for sale: Material wealth and power cannot purchase divine healing.  

“He took with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten sets of clothing. (2 Kings 5:5)


7. Faith activates miracles: Naaman’s faith in following Elisha’s instructions was the catalyst for his healing. Similarly, genuine faith activates the miraculous in our lives.

“Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has made you well.’” (Mark 10:52)


8. God’s healing is comprehensive: Naaman’s healing wasn’t just physical; it extended to his heart and soul. God’s healing is holistic, addressing every aspect of our being. 

 “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” (Psalm 147:3)


9. Divine intervention requires surrender: Naaman had to surrender to God’s plan. True healing requires surrendering our hearts, turning to God in prayer, and letting go of sin.

 “Surrender your heart to God, turn to him in prayer, and give up your sins—even those you do in secret.” (Job 11:13-14)


10. Gratitude: Naaman’s gratitude was expressed after his healing. Gratefulness follows divine intervention, prompting us to praise and acknowledge God’s work in our lives.


11. God’s healing is accessible to all: Naaman, a foreigner, experienced God’s healing. God’s grace is not limited by nationality or status; it is accessible to all who seek Him.


12. True worship springs from personal encounters: Naaman’s acknowledgment of the God of Israel came from a personal encounter with God’s power. True worship stems from genuine encounters with the Divine. As believers, we should seek personal encounters from God as it strengthens our faith in Him.


13. God’s healing often requires action: Naaman’s healing involved actions. Likewise, sometimes God’s healing requires our active participation and obedience.

“But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:22)


14. God values childlike faith: Naaman, despite his stature, humbled himself like a child by following Elisha’s directive. Childlike faith opens the door to God’s kingdom.


15. Testimonies strengthen others’ faith: Naaman’s testimony of healing could inspire and strengthen the faith of others. Sharing our stories of God’s work can be a powerful testimony.


16. Miracles require stepping out in faith: Naaman’s healing required stepping out in faith. Miracles often unfold when we trust God beyond our comfort zones.


17. God’s healing touch renews and restores: Naaman’s flesh was not only restored but became clean like that of a young boy. God’s healing touch renews and restores not only physically but also spiritually.


18. God’s mercy surpasses human deserving: It overrides our past wrongs and transgressions. Naaman, despite his past actions as a military commander, received God’s mercy. God’s grace and healing surpass human deserving, emphasizing His merciful nature. 

“It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” (Romans 9:16)



 In your prayers and seeking God’s intervention, approach Him with a humble heart, recognizing your dependence on the Almighty.

Trust and obey God’s word, even when the steps seem uncomplicated. It is often in our obedience that God’s miracles unfold.

Trust God’s wisdom beyond human understanding. His ways may defy logic but lead to divine outcomes.

Recognize that God’s healing is comprehensive—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Surrender every aspect of your life to His sovereign touch, trusting in His ability to renew and restore.

Share your stories of God’s work in your life. Your testimony can be a source of encouragement and faith for fellow believers.

God’s grace transcends borders. Extend His love to all, irrespective of nationality or status. Reflect His inclusive love in your actions and interactions.

Trust that God’s timing is perfect. Be patient, and in waiting, let your faith grow stronger.

Cultivate a heart of gratitude, and let your healed heart be a source of worship to the God who works miracles.

May these lessons from the story of Naaman inspire you to embrace humility, activate faith, and trust in the transformative power of God’s healing touch in your own journey of faith.

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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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