Biblical Lessons From The Story Of Isaiah
Isaiah 1:1 “The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.”
Isaiah 6:9 “And he said, Go, and tell this people, hear all of you indeed but understand not, and see all of you indeed but perceive not.”
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Subscribe NowIsaiah was one of the oldest prophets and the book takes its name from the writer. The common theme of the book of Isaiah is Salvation. He prophesied during the reign of four Judean kings who are Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah (Isaiah1:1). Isaiah as a young man received a vision in the Temple but was overwhelmed by a sense of his sinfulness and the sinfulness of his nation but God forgave him, cleansed him and he began to hear clearly God’s call Isaiah 6:5. He prophesied to a nation that has turned a deaf ear to the Lord. The nation lived in reckless abandon and instead of serving God with humility and offering love to their neighbors, the nation of Judah was busy offering meaningless sacrifices in God’s temple at Jerusalem and committing injustices throughout the nation. The people of Judah turned their backs on God and alienated themselves from him which created the need for Isaiah to be sent to them to pronounce judgment and declarations on them with the hope that God’s chosen people would return back to God.
The book of Isaiah provided us the most comprehensive prophetic picture of the ministry of Jesus Christ. It talks about the full scope of Jesus’ life, how he will be born, his preaching of the gospel, his sacrificial death and his return to claim his own. Prophet Isaiah talks more about God being our salvation and we should trust in him. Also, talk about detailed judgment against the people who have turned their backs on the Lord and God’s faithfulness to preserve and keep his promises over the small remnant of faithful believers. In this article, we will be looking at 6 biblical lessons we can use in my daily walk with God and use to build our spiritual growth with our Heavenly Father, God.
Biblical Lessons From The Story Of Isaiah
- GOD REMOVES SIN UNCONDITIONALLY AND TOTALLY: Isaiah 1:18 – 20 “Come now, and let us reason together, say the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red as crimson, they shall be as wool. 1:19 “If all of you are willing and obedient, all of you shall eat the good of the land. 1:20 “But if all of you refuse and rebel, all of you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.”
This is one of the lessons from the story of Isaiah, God sent him to the rebellious people of Judah and Jerusalem and also gave them the opportunity to come to repentance. God loves sinners but hates sin and always gives room for repentance which is the beautiful reality that is given to us by God’ grace. Great blessings come with obedience to the fellowship with the heavenly father. Remember also that hardship and discontent accompany disobedience to the commandments of God.
- GOD’S GREAT PROMISE ABOUT A MESSIAH: Isaiah 9:6-7 “For unto us a child is born, unto u a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace. 9:7 “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.”
From the Isaiah story, Jesus’ birth was foretold and knowledge about the description of his ministry and eternal kingdom were also given. We were able to know the mission of Jesus here on earth and what is expected from us as believers to do even after the prophecy has been fulfilled. This knowledge gave us wisdom and understanding because we see Jesus displaying boldness during confrontations, he has incredible knowledge of the word and he also taught us his believers the perfect direction for our lives, the ways to demonstrate the power of God, the way to live a life of mission-based knowledge of God’s will in all things.
- A PRAISING HEART: Isaiah 12:1-6
Isaiah looks forward to the coming of the kingdom of God on earth by breaking into song of thanksgiving and praises, from this, lessons learnt are that when God delivers you from a sickness, habit, bondage or even backsliding, we should use that opportunity to praise God by singing beautiful words back to God wholeheartedly. Make your own tune and sing it out to worship and praise the God who gave you freedom and victory.
These verses show that when we serve God, he gives us utmost confidence and with his presence and power, we are bold to achieve victory over all evil workings of the wicked. Also, there is an assurance that he will always be there for us when we obey the call of service and also obedient to his daily direction. Another lesson is that once we trust in him, his nature and character assure us that we are safe and strong in him, his protection will keep us from ultimate destruction and we should be careful not to move away from his protection by falling into sin.
From the story of Isaiah, we learnt that Jesus Christ came to redeem us from all sinful ways. Our sins cause his suffering. We learnt he willingly went through incredible pain because he loved us and was willing to pay the price of sin on my behalf which was dying on the cross at a cursed one. His redemptive act means that all who believe can experience eternal life. He reconciled us back to our Heavenly father and maker. Through his death, we all will be able to approach the throne of grace and have direct access to God in prayers and worship.
From the verses, another biblical lesson learnt was that God truly works in mysterious ways. He is beyond comprehension and his thoughts are totally different from ours and beyond our understanding. We are to seek him and make our soul yearn for him so he can reveal more of himself to us as believers. Though we might not understand all his doings, we know he is a God that never fails or lies and his thoughts and actions are for our good. Also, that He can only draw near to you when you are obedient to his biddings.
The story of Isaiah talks more on salvation and the nature which God wanted us as individuals to embrace and partake. Also, recurring themes of sin, judgment and restoration are seen throughout the story of Isaiah. It is filled with tremendous promises of God’s desire and ability to redeem and restore his people even though they walked away from God and his ways. We should know that our sins and iniquities have already been placed on Jesus Christ, we should forgive others sin against us, know that God often does not answer our prayers because our own sin and iniquity prevents it and also to do a soul searching and come to repentance if we have erred.