Biblical Story And Lessons Of Joshua
KEY SCRIPTURES: Joshua 1:1-9
Joshua 1:6 “Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shall you divide for an inheritance the land, which I swore unto their fathers to give them. 1:9 “Have not I commanded you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be you dismayed: for the LORD your God is with you anywhere you go.”
Joshua came from the tribe of Ephraim and was fathered by Nun. Joshua was an assistant to Moses, he accompanied Moses when he ascended biblical Mount Sinai to commune with God, visualize God’s plan for the Israelite tabernacle and receive to the ten commandments. Joshua was with Moses when he descended from the mountain, heard the Israelites’ celebrations around the Golden Calf, and broke the tablets bearing the words of the commandments. When Moses was speaking with God in his tent of meeting outside the camp, Joshua is seen as custodian of the tent (‘tabernacle of meeting’) when Moses returned to the Israelite encampment. However, when Moses returned to the mountain to recreate the tablets recording the Ten Commandments, Joshua was not present, as the biblical text states ‘no man shall come up with you. He was part of the twelves spies Moses sent to spy the land of Canaan and it was only him and Caleb that brought back a good report that they can conquer the land and possess it when the other ten spies reported a bad situation that caused the people to be feared. The good report he and Caleb brought back saved him and Caleb, they were the only men from their generation permitted to go into the Promised Land after the time of wandering because that incident cause God to delay the entrance to the promised land for forty years so that all the people will die and only their children will pass over to the promised land. After Moses disobedience to God’s instruction and God told him he wasn’t going to enter the promised land with the children of Israelites, Joshua was appointed to be his second-in command, who later became the successor of Moses in bringing the children of Israelites to the promised land. Joshua’s focus, faithfulness, courage, and obedience led to his effectiveness as one of Israel’s greatest leaders.
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Subscribe NowAfter Moses’ death, Joshua with the guidance of God was told to be bold and be courageous. He led the Israelites to conquest the land of Canaan by crossing the river Jordan on dry land just as it was done while crossing the red sea, he was able to bring down the walls of Jericho by God’s instruction and during the battles with other countries, Joshua asked the LORD to cause the sun and moon to stand still, so that he could finish the battle in daylight. Joshua was able to allocate lands to the tribes and he lived and lived at the age of 110years. Joshua makes sure that he and his children serve the Lord all the days of their lives, even when the children of Israelites were serving idols after they have settled in land allocated to them. He tried to reconcile the Israelites back to God and they all served God all the days of Joshua. There are lessons to learn from the biblical story of Joshua and in this article, few of the lessons will be discussed.
- JOSHUA KNOWS GOD: Daniel 11:32
Joshua identifies with God right from the beginning and that was why he was notified by Moses to be his assistant and was even among the twelve spies sent. Knowing God enabled him to exploit God and even after Moses’ death, God appeared to him and encouraged him to be bold for the task ahead. Through God, all impossibilities became possible for him because he won many wars during his time and all his years, through his admonition, Israel served God. As Believers, we should know the God we proclaim to be serving. God can’t be mocked because He knows who He is. We should be fervent in our faith in God and like Joshua, God will lift us to a higher position to do exploits for him. Our life must radiate the faithfulness of God and through us, people must be willing to serve God.
God instructed Joshua to meditate on His word daily and he strictly adhere to that instruction to the latter. He not only knows God, but he knows the word of God and he was able to apply it every time which made God to grant his request when he said that the sun shouldn’t go down until they are through with the war. He was a man that rightly divided the word of truth because he showed himself worthy to be called God’s servant. Obedience to the instruction of God led to all the blessings and victories recorded during his era. As Christians, we should learn to meditate in the word of God so that we can easily adhere to all the instructions in it. When we adhere to all God’s instructions, they help us to live a balanced Christian life and bring numerous victories in all ramifications.
When the ten spies brought an evil report saying that they can not possess the land of Canaan thereby making the people to be doubtful of God’s promise to give them the land. Only Joshua and Caleb stand alone with God that God can deliver the people into their hands and because of this singular act, they were the only one in that generation to see the promised land. Joshua was not moved by sight but by the word of God. As Christians, we should learn to always stand for God and the word of God no matter the situation at hand. God honors His word much more than His name and He is not a man that will lie or son of man that will repent of things He had said. There is nothing impossible with God.
When Joshua was faced with challenges after he lost thirty-six men to battle with the land of Ai, he was sad but encouraged himself to ask God what happened, and it was revealed to him why the incident occurred due to Achan taking off the accursed things. He consulted God despite the situation at hand even when the people were afraid, and God answered him and told him the things he didn’t know initially. As Christians, we should not neglect God’s factor in any situation. We always go back to God in prayers and ask for guidance on what to do and God will always come through for his beloved.
As Moses groomed Joshua to be a great successor, Joshua made sure the children of Israelites serve God all day of his life because he was always bringing it to their conscious mind how God brought them to the land of Canaan and always read the book of the law for them, even his life was a testimony for the people and through him, idol worshiping was taking away from the land of Israel. As believers, our life should always be a point to draw people to God. We have been bought with a price and should not endeavor to live carelessly but showcasing God’s glory in every area of our lives.
There is always a reward for great stewardship which was imminent in the life of Joshua. Towards the end of his life, Joshua reiterated this resolve to walk with God no matter what others were doing. Service to God and success in life require determination, focus and dwelling in the word of God. Getting a good recommendation from God is not a mean feat but Joshua did it because of how he lived, not many servants of the prophet in the bible achieved that. As believers, we should endeavor to walk with God and be of good service to his house of worship. Don’t be men pleasers but rather be faithful to your calling and in due time, you will be greatly rewarded just like Joshua.