Confession Prayers Before Taking Holy Communion.

Confession Prayers Before Taking Holy Communion.



 I Corinthians 11: 27-29

27:   Wherefore whosoever shall eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. 

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28:    But let a man prove himself, and so let him eat of the bread, and drink of the cup. 

29:    For he that eateth and drinketh, eateth and drinketh judgment unto himself, if he discern not the body. 

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What Do We Mean By Confession?

Confession in English content is a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime. To understand this in the meaning of our topic, Confession prayers before taking Holy communion “ for our partaking in the Holy communion to be acceptable we must confess all our sins so that our communion exercise will not just be a religious activity and unacceptable to God  just like we read in our bible text above.

 Holy Communion is a great sacred practice in the Christian union demonstrating the eating of the body of Jesus and drinking his blood showing we are joint with Christ. One of the interpretive issues in this passage is what it means to “eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner” (v. 27). In the Corinthian assembly, eating and drinking in an unworthy manner meant eating and drinking excessively at the communal meal, with the result that other brothers went hungry. Other forms of partaking unworthily could be imagined, but it is only a sin in the manner of partaking communion that is spoken of. Notice Paul does not say that you are better off not taking communion than partaking with unconfessed sin in your life, nor does he say, “Confess your sins before taking communion.” He only warns against sinning in the actual manner in which communion is observed. For these reasons, confession prayers must be taken before partaking in the Holy Communion.

Steps To Take  Before Taking The Holy Communion.

  1. Consecrate yourself the bible says in” Leviticus 11:44 – For I am the Lord your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. God cannot behold iniquity, light and darkness cannot stay together one must stay and the other must leave. This is the reason why we must strive to live a holy life and also forgive anyone that offended you, confess ever known and unknown sins.
  2. Secondly is to prepare yourself mentally, be sure you are ready don’t just do it for religious sake be deliberate just like we read in our anchor text above in 1corinthians 11:28.
  3. Give thanks to God with all your heart, enter His court with praise and with reverence. Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart.
  4. Then we can go ahead and partake of the Holy Communion.

Confession Prayers Before Taking Holy Communion.

  1. Oh Lord my father I humble myself before your throne as I partake of this communion table today in Jesus name.
  2. My father, forgive every known and unknown sins that will not allow my joining with you through the blood and flesh of Jesus Christ to be one in Jesus name.
  3. Every environmental sins working against my union with you through the communion be broken in the name of Jesus.
  4. Every generational sins working against my union with you through the Holy Communion be broken in the name of Jesus.
  5. I believe, oh Lord, and I confess that thou art truly Christ, the son of the living God in Jesus name.
  6. I believe that this is truly thine own body, and this I truly thine own precious blood in Jesus name.
  7. Oh Lord have mercy on me and forgive all my transgressions in Jesus name.
  8. Father forgive all my unbelief and ignorance of your words in Jesus name.
  9. Lord Jesus help me to be worthy to partake without condemnation of thy most pure mysteries in Jesus name.
  10. Father in the name of Jesus, we recognize that we have a covenant with you. I decree that all my shortcomings will not break the covenant in Jesus name.
  11. Lord Jesus because your blood was shed for me and your body broken I will not be broken in Jesus name.
  12. I confess that I am victorious through the blood of Jesus Christ.
  13. Lord I am sorry for those secret sins and I confess them to you in Jesus name.
  14. Father washed me clean from every unclean attitude in my life in Jesus name.
  15. I repent from all of my unrighteous ways in the name of Jesus.
  16. Father forgives through the blood of Jesus every sin of my ancestors that will not make my partaking of the communion table to be acceptable in Jesus name.
  17. I confess today that I am complete in You through the body and blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
  18. Oh Lord, forgive me today and set my heart free from all fears and doubts in the name of Jesus.
  19.  Oh Lord! Help me to rebuke the power of sin in my life before it exposes me openly in Jesus name.
  20.  Oh Lord, forgive me in any way I trespassed against your commandment that will not my prayers be acceptable in your sight in Jesus name.
  21.  Oh Lord! Let your mercy prevail over your judgment in my life in Jesus name.
  22.  Oh Lord, In humility, I turn from my wicked ways today, forgive me and heal my life in Jesus name.
  23.  Oh Lord! Show me your unconditional mercy, do not let sin drag me into self-destruction in Jesus name.
  24.  Oh Lord forgive me for all the evil deeds carried out by my hands in Jesus name.
  25.  Oh Lord, have pity on me for my sins, do not let the consequences of my past sins overwhelm me in Jesus name.
  26.  Oh Lord, By the blood of your Son Jesus Christ, consume all sins in my life that go contrary against the laws of God in Jesus name.
  27.  I reject every evil thoughts and desires that live in me today, I cleanse my heart with the blood of Jesus and the word of God in Jesus name.
  28. Oh Lord, let every addiction of the sins of my youth that is still tormenting me today come to an end today, give me a new page so that my past will not continue to haunt me in Jesus name.
  29. Oh Lord that is full of grace and mercy, pardon all my sins so that I will see your face today in Jesus name.
  30.  Oh Lord, let your mercy cover up my sins today and forever in Jesus name.

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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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