How A Christian Can Maintain His Salvation
As Christians, we believe that our salvation came from the death of Christ in the cross of Calvary. But how do we maintain that salvation?Â
The heavenly race is a full-time job. To maintain your salvation, you need to let God shine in whatever you do. Let his glory surface in your daily activities and all your actions.Â
There are basic things you need to maintain your salvation, most of which I will give you in this article.
How to maintain your salvation as a Christian
- Know your identity
Who are you? Why are you on earth? Are you here for a purpose, or are you occupying the space? You need a clear answer to these questions. Being aware of whom you are and why God made you will help keep you on track. God loves you, that is why He made you in his image to serve him here on earth and to enjoy eternal happiness with him in heaven.
Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube
Subscribe NowKnow who you are, and remind yourself constantly of your purpose on earth it will help you win the race.
- Pray without ceasing
Prayer is the key. God listens to all our supplications and needs in prayer. How do you intend to meet God when he doesn’t know you when you don’t familiarize yourself with him in prayers. You need not be told that prayer is relevant but let me tell you now, it is. When Jesus is your friend, he will carry you through all troubles and temptations like a baby.
Ensure you start each day with prayer and end it as well with prayer.
- Avoid sin
Just like a fish can’t live without water, so does man swim in the ocean of sin. But God is a merciful father, always ready to take us back to himself. Whenever you sin, go back to him in prayers and plead for forgiveness, he will forgive you.
God is ready to assist us but sin drives us from Him. Run from sin in all possible means. Sin can make you unworthy of God’s favor.
- Study the Bible daily
John:1:1, in the beginning, was the word, the word was with God and the Word was God. The word of God is God. Whoever spends his time with the Bible spends time with God. Studying the Bible has a lot of benefits
- you get to know the God you serve
- you begin to get the company of the holy spirit he who explains the word to you
- you pray and meditate as well in the period of Bible study
- you master the word of God and use it while you pray and preach.
The word of God is the food of salvation. If you consume it daily, you’re sure not to get tired on the journey.
- Involve yourself in the activities of Godly fellows
The journey of salvation is not an easy one. You need help from brothers, sisters, friends, and relatives. You need people who can ginger your spirit to keep moving. You can’t keep up with a league of wrong people. You need God-fearing friends with whom you will go to church, attend fellowship with or even study the Bible.
Evil acts corrupt good manners. If you surround yourself with the wrong people, you could fail on the way. Keep good friends and fix yourself in the fellowship of the Godly.
- Decide to follow God
Decide to follow Jesus, remind yourself of it daily, and renew the decision always. It will help shape your thoughts and actions all through the day. At each point in time of the Christian Life, decisions are relevant. Joshua in Joshua 25:15 ” choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served In the region beyond the river or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
- Quit vices, embrace virtues
Some habits that are bad and unhealthy can’t help you in the journey of salvation. They instead make things more difficult for you. Embrace the virtues of holiness, simplicity, perseverance, love, kindness, happiness.
Bad habits are seeds of distraction from the devil to prevent your achievement. Quit them. Shun lying, stealing, cursing, immoral dressing, and so on. Fight vice with virtue.
- Preach the word
There are so many benefits attached to expanding the kingdom of Christ through preaching and evangelism. Jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 4:19 “come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Proclaim the gospel wherever you find yourself. That is the assignment given to us by God as Christians.
- Acts of charity
Jesus told us to love our neighbor as ourselves. It is the greatest of all the commandments. Be kind and cheerful to all around you. Let all those who encounter you see the manifestation of Chris in you. Be an instrument of example to others.
Visit the old and motherless babies’ home, give them gifts. Give alms to the poor and visit the prisoners. Help your neighborhood in their work. Visit the sick. These are simple acts of love that can help you maintain your salvation.
- Obey
Obedience is greater than you think. We suffer today because of the sin of disobedience our first parents committed. Obey all those above you; parents, teachers, pastors, priests. Keep the commandments; that is what obedience means. But don’t be foolish to do the wrong thing in the name of being obedient.
Christ obeyed his father for the love of us. We should follow his leads. The reward for good work is inevitable in the life of a good Christian. A little of it in the beatitudes and more of it in heaven.
Death is not the end of life but just a transition. By the death of Christ, we have been saved and brought to eternal life. To inherit this eternal life already prepared for us, we need to be ready to keep up with the race. All of the things I mentioned above will help out.