Intercessory Prayers For Church Under Demonic Attacks.

Intercessory Prayers For Church Under Demonic Attacks

 Intercessory Prayers For Church Under Demonic Attacks.

Matthew 16:18 “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. ”

Is your church presently under any form of attack? Are the members of the church dying one after the other? Does it appear that the church has not been growing for many years? If the case of your church aligns with any of the cases mentioned above, then you need to pray these intercessory prayers for church under attack.

NOTE: Kindly Read My Dream Interpretation Book And Other Inspiring Books...

It doesn’t matter what is going on in your church presently, the Word of God assures us in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church, this does not mean that the gates of hell will not make attempts, as the scripture says: they shall surely gather (Isaiah 54:16), but the good news is, since their gathering is not of God, they will surely scatter for the sake of the church, so in the same way, as the gates of hell makes evil efforts against the church, they shall not prevail.

The bible also says in John 16:33 that in the world, we shall see many tribulations, but we should be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world

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As Christians, we are sure that when the adversary of the church, come against it, their evil works shall not stand (Isaiah 7:7) i.e it shall not prevail against the church

Therefore you need not to be worried, sorrowful or sad, see this as a battle started by the enemy of the church himself, that you as a soldier of Christ need to fight and win through these intercessory prayers

The interesting fact is that you have been declared a conqueror even before this battle began. He has even given us authority to thread on snakes, and all the powers of darkness, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19)

So, as you pray these 35 prayers for church under demonic attack, the Lord shall cause the enemy of the church to stop his evil operations and to flee from your church in Jesus mighty name

Let’s proceed to the 35 prayers for church under demonic attack

Intercessory Prayers For Church Under Demonic Attacks

  1. Father I thank you for your great grace upon the church of God
  2. Thank you Lord for your will stands firm that evil shall not prevail against the church
  3. Thank you for the hope of a better tomorrow that you have given the church
  4. Thank you because the enemies shall end up in shame concerning this church’s matter
  5. Thank you for all their evil works shall begin to backfire in Jesus mighty name
  6. Thank you Father for your hand of deliverance that is available to save the church
  7. Thank you Lord for this problem shall not lead to the end of the Church
  8. Thank you for you shall deliver the church and it’s leaders from the scourge of the tongue
  9. Thank you Father for we believe that no one will die anymore in the church in the mighty name of the Lord
  10. Thank you Lord for the plans of the wicked shall not longer stand concerning the church
  11. Father I ask for your forgiveness in all ways we have sinned against you
  12. Father, please forgive us in all ways we have attracted the evil happening in the church.
  13. Father please forgive us for spiritual Luke-warmness, let your mercy speak for us Lord
  14. Please forgive us in all ways we have downplayed your instructions for the church, let your mercy speak for us Lord
  15. Father please forgive us in every way we have intentionally gone against your instructions
  16. Lord if this is happening to the church h as a result of any of our evil actions, please forgive us and let your mercy prevail over judgment in Jesus mighty name
  17. Let the mouth of the lion’s be shut against the church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ 
  18. Lord please reveal to us the root of the problem in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  19. Help me to return to the highway of holiness and help us to be at peace with everyone in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  20. Please cover our nakedness, take this great shame away from the church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  21. Please arise and send us spiritual help in the midst of this chaos in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  22. Please strengthen our pastors, help them not to become overwhelmed by the problems in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  23. Please open their eyes to see the solution to this problem in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  24. Lord help our pastors to be united in spirit and fervently serving the Lord again in the mighty name of Jesus
  25. Lord please help us to be united in spirit and to genuinely love one another in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  26. Let all bitterness ,strife and jealousy be removed from our midst in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  27. Let your light illuminate our darkness that we may know what path to thread in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  28. Help us oh Lord to be filled with the spirit of wisdom in the knowledge of your will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  29. Please comfort every family in the church especially those who have lost something precious to them as a result of the attack in Jesus name
  30. Oh Lord let your power rest upon the church to save and deliver it in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  31. Lord arise and fight for the church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  32. Let the enemies of the church be greatly ashamed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  33. Father frustrate their future plans concerning the church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  34. Let fire return to our altar like never before in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  35. Let there be restoration of all that we have lost in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
  36. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers 

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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