Intercessory Prayers For Couples Fighting Themselves.Ā
Amos 3:3 āCan two walk together, except they be agreed?ā
Have you been having misunderstandings with your spouse? Has it lasted for many months or years? Do you often fight on every little issue or do you know of a couple that fights each other at every given opportunity? you need to say these prayers for couples fighting themselves ferventlyĀ
It is a common thing for couples to have misunderstandings once in a while but when it becomes a daily challenge for them to interact peacefully, then the enemy is at work.
Ā You need to pray against every demonic manipulation done against the fighting couples. Through prayers youāll be pulling down demonic strongholds and every high thing that has exalted itself against the knowledge of God and the love they once shared as a couple.
Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube
Subscribe NowYou will be praying that the Lord will stop the operation of the wicked which is to steal to kill and to destroy (John 10:10), you will also be praying that the Lord will restore love back to that family in Jesus name.
In his word, the Lord promised that he would restore the years that the locusts and the cankerworms has eaten (Joel 2:28) as you pray may this be the portion of your marriage and that of every couple who are always fighting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
Intercessory Prayers For Couples Fighting ThemselvesĀ
- Oh Lord I bless your holy name for your mercy and your grace upon my life and my family
- Father I thank you for all things are possible with you
- Lord I bless your holy name for you are a prayer answering God
- Father I thank you for the privilege to be married, blessed be your holy name
- Thank you Lord for all couples who are presently together
- Thank you Father for you have ordained marriage for companionship, love and growth in the society, blessed be your holy nameĀ
- Father I thank you for you know all things and can do all things
- Lord I thank you for my marriage, even in these difficult moments
- I thank you that your will for us is to live in peace and harmony and not in quarrels or fighting.
- Thank you Father for the great provision of the blood of Jesus Christ fir the thorough cleansing of our sins and iniquities
- Father please wash me and my spouse and please wash all couples that are going through difficult times clean from all our sins in the mighty name of the Lord
- Oh Lord help us to love the way you want us to love in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father please help us to truly dwell in peace and unity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Please open pū our eyes to see that the common enemy is the devil
- Help us to stop fighting ourselves as couples in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Oh Lord please grant the wives better understanding of their husbands in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father please grant the husbands grace to love their wives despite our flaws in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father please open our eyes as couples to see the great future you have in plan for us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Oh Lord let every evil force fighting against your peace in our marriages be exposed and destroyed speedily in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Father let all altars erected against marriage be pulled down now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- All marine spirits on mission against marriages, we deny you access into our marriages in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- The devil shall not make use of our weaknesses against us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- The spirit of anger shall not rule in our marriages in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Couples shall again genuinely love themselves in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- No strange friends shall separate couples again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- The wicked shall not have the last word over our marriages in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Altars of darkness fighting hard against marriages in our nation, burn to ashes now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Demonic altars enforcing evil trends of betrayal inĀ marriages, I command you to catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I decree that our marriages shall be full of life again in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Our carelessness shall not take away love from us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- We command peace in every home in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I decree that the peace of the Lord shall reign from home to home, disputes shall be settled and understanding shall be restored in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Every loophole through which the enemy is gaining entry into any marriage, we block it now by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I decree that the devil shall no longer gain access to marriages in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I decree total restoration of every thing that every couple has lost due to fighting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I decree that joy is restored in every home in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Thank you Father for answering my prayersĀ