Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
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The word perversion is defined as the condition of being corrupt. It is a deviation from the original. Perversion also means a deviation from the truth. The spirit of perversion is a spirit that has led people away from the truth. ROMANS 1:24-28
The truth is the word of God which is embodied in Jesus who is the perfect manifestation of the truth in flesh. (JOHN 14:6).The truth is God’s perfect pattern ordained according to the predetermined counsel of God for man to live and walk by. The truth is the WORD O God undiluted which is GOD himself.
NOTHING CAN BE DONE AGAINST THE TRUTH BUT FOR THE TRUTH. (2 COR 13:8)” For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth”. The devil knowing this therefore, decides to subtly deceive many into perversion and so prevent them from the truth. The devil perpetuates his evil intentions by releasing the spirit of perversion, into the world with the intention, of making many and if possible everyone Stray away from the truth.
The spirit of perversion is behind sexual sins such as homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, prostitution, masturbation, pornography, polygamy, polyandry, pedophilia, rape and many others which the society sees as normal and in some places, even legalized by the government. The spirit of perversion brings uncleanliness and defilement to a man. The fruits of this spirit go against everything God and the Bible stand for. The spirit of perversion has crept quietly and subtly into the Christendom such that all forms of perverseness has gotten Justifiable grounds, with lowering of biblical standards and embracing of many little, little foxes, such that destroys the vine.
- Any form of adulteration and deviation from the truth(word of God), twisting and manipulating the Bible to justify sin and all forms of the work of the flesh is a lie and is manifestation of the spirit of perversion.
- Any form of dissatisfaction with the corrective and reproving words of the Bible is perversion at work.
- All forms of conformity with the world is the manifestation of the spirit of perversion.
- Idolizing things, people, celebrities.
- The teaching and accepting of falsehood on the altar of God.
- Any form of conduct that is questionable manifesting in the life of a Christian
- Luke warmness towards the things of God.
- Acknowledge your faults and repent from your sins.
- Surrender your life totally to Jesus, make him the Lord over your life.
- Cultivate intimate relationships with the spirit of truth, that is, the Holy Spirit .
- Hold firmly to the undiluted word of God, so as not to be easily swayed by the spirit of perversion.
- Identify with a Bible believing church.
- Engage in deep intense prayers, to break the stronghold and manifestation of the spirit of perversion.
- Thank you Father, for this eye opening message you brought my way.
- Father, forgive me for all my sins of perversion of any kind, in the name of Jesus.
- I break every yokes of spiritual perversion in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, let the truth of your word envelope my life, in the name of Jesus.
- I break every spirit of perversion, holding my life down, In the name of Jesus.
- I release myself, from every spiritual corruption emanating from my past sins of fornication and sexual harassment, in name of Jesus.
- Every evil seed of perversion in my life, be destroyed from the root and dry up and die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every negative effect of perversion in my life, be canceled, in the name of Jesus.
- I enforce my victory, over the spirit of perversion, in the name of Jesus.
- You chains of perversion in my life, break by fire, In the name of Jesus.
- Every evil power, assigned to frustrate my spiritual life, be arrested, in the name of Jesus.
- Powers assigned to pervert my journey through destiny, be wasted, in the name of Jesus.
- Oh lord my father, change my story for the better, in the name of Jesus.
- Agendas of darkness over my life, be scattered, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power, using the spirit of perversion to confuse me, dies in the name of Jesus.
- Oh lord, arise and deliver me from the spirit of perversion, in the name of Jesus.
- Holy Ghost, let your purifying and refining fire descend upon me, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, deliver my eyes from the spirit of lust, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, by your mercy give me the spirit of self control, in the name of Jesus.
- I nullify, by the blood of Jesus Every bite of perversion, in the name of Jesus.
- Fire of the Holy Ghost, locate my foundation and burn down, every spirit of perversion working against my life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.
- I receive my complete deliverance, from every spirit of perversion, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, as from today let my eyes, mind and body be controlled by you, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, deliver me from every bondage of perversion that is not making me move forward, in the name of Jesus.
- Every inherited demon of sexual perversion in my life, catch fire, right now and die in the name of Jesus.
- Every hold of evil in my life and destiny, be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
- I release greatness and deliverance into my life, in the name of Jesus.
- I decree peace into my life right now, in the name of Jesus.
- Holy Spirit help me to begin, to walk in holiness to please you, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, help me to live For your will and purpose for my life today, in the name of Jesus.