“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners: and purify your hearts, you double minded”
Drawing closer to God is an act of being close or hooked to God, in order to fellowship and to know more about God. In addition, the word “draw” in this context also means “to pull”. It shows that there must be a pull but where does the pull come from?
John 6:44 ‘No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him: and I will raise him up on the last day’. Remember that it’s by grace that we are saved and not by works. No man paid for his own salvation but the whole responsibility is not totally up to God. Man must rightly position himself for this salvation. God has given every man the power to choose what he wants. For you to draw closer to God… you must have a desire and a resolution within you to do so and that’s what the spirit of God will fan into flame. God wants us all to draw closer to him, the main reason for our creation. To have a fellowship with him.
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Subscribe NowDrawing or moving closer to God is accepting His love in the fullness by searching for Him now that he can be found and following strategically all he says, obeying and never getting tired of seeking. Drawing closer to God makes us experience His goodness and everlasting love.
Furthermore, if you want to draw closer to God, it shouldn’t be just once in a while but at all times irrespective of our busy lives and this life challenges. Let’s all learn as children of God to continually dwell in His presence. To take our time and dwell in his word. By so doing, we will begin to see deep revelations about God who is our revealer of the deep and secret things. We will know his will and his ways.
Another important thing is that, when we draw closer to God we begin to be more Christ like. Naturally things begin to change through the help of the Holy Spirit. We begin to talk and act like Christ. And we begin to enjoy hearing His voice.
Moreover, drawing closer to God reveals Christ values, beliefs, attitude and principles as it was stated in the bible. But many times we are too busy to spend more time with God. Sometimes life can get challenging and tough but in all this life’s trauma, we still have the grace to ask for his help. One of the purposes of having the Holy Spirit in us to help us obey his word. Don’t get distracted!
The works of Jesus when he was on earth is to draw us closer to God, and to make us understand that our God is a loving father. But then, if we must get closer to God, we must follow his word and the word is JESUS. We must eat and digest the word of God. In doing so, we are drawing closer to him and we begin to have reasons to pray.
True life and living is drawing close to God and knowing Jesus! Because, when you draw closer to God, the life of God flowing through you will make you the light of the world, causing those in darkness to see. And then you begin to have the boldness of Christ to do what he wants you to do. The more you get closer to Him each day, the more you grow to know Him more, you will develop a deeper awareness of His presence.
Nourish and take care of the close relationship you have with your Heavenly Father. It’s for your own good and you will benefit greatly from it. I pray the Lord will help you IJN.
The following points are there for you to help you draw closer to God. I believe if you can follow these points it will help you greatly.
- Know Jesus.
You need to give your life to Jesus first if you want to draw closer to God. Just like what the Bible admonishes us that Jesus is the way and truth and no one can go to the father except through him(JESUS).If you don’t want to be running up and down like a headless chicken then know Jesus today.
2. Stay away from sin.
Sin is a very destructive factor in the life of any believer. It takes away the presence of God and makes you far from Him. It makes you open for the devil to toy with. You become a play toy in the hand of the devil If play with sin. Flee from sin!
3. Read the word and memorize the scriptures
God’s word shows us who he is and what he plans for us. It gives us sight as to where we are going. As you desire to get closer to God, fill the thirst and hunger. You will find that as you draw closer, the more you spend in His word. Enjoy his presence through his word.
4. Seek after Him actively
When it comes to the things of God. Don’t relent. You can’t just find him once and relax. You keep finding and know him more. Search for Him and you will surely find him. If you need to find a church or fellowship please do. Get attached into a church. You will benefit much from having a group of people to support you and assist you along the journey with God. Getting attached to a gathering also makes you accountable, give you wisdom when you need it.
5. Pray
Prayer is the key! It’s a conversation between you and God. No third party. When it’s time for prayer, create a serene environment and peaceful atmosphere. Don’t be distracted, switch off that phone or put it on silent and converse with God. See prayer as staying connected to God. Be lost in worship with him and then pray. You don’t need to light candles or burn incense, you don’t need to wear red garments and all of that. Just start with worship and let the Holy Spirit take over.
Scriptures To Help You Draw Closer To God
Jeremiah 29:13
“And you will seek Me and find me, when you search for me with all your heart.
John 6:44
“No one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day.”
Matthew 5:6
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”
Revelation 3:20
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. “
Prayer Points To Draw Closer To God
- Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of life.
- Dear Father, I repent from every sin of whatever that I might commit that is not making you draw near to me.
- God be Lord over my life today. Have complete control of my life and me.
- God in heaven, my heart is yours, take my heart for your own.
- Heavenly Father, keep me from sinning against you today.
- Jesus let your will take over my life
- Jesus help me to abide in you and you in me. IJN
- Holy Spirit help me to obey and trust in you
- Jesus opened the eyes of my understanding to know you more as I seek you.
- Lord, I draw closer to you because you have promised to draw closer to me. Please by your mighty power hold me close to you.
- Oh lord, as my heart desires is to have a deeper walk with you. Help me to recognize you are my source of life.
- Heavenly Father, make me a man/woman of prayer and your word.
- Lord Jesus, help me to be found in you and known as yours
- Let my life begin to receive transformation as I draw to you and help me to become like Christ like.
- Make me like yourself and Conform me to the image of Christ
- Lord, I praise you for you are my Lord and redeemer. You are my everlasting joy and I rejoice every time that I am in your presence .
- Heavenly father, I desire to be in your presence always to experience the refreshment that comes from your spirit.
- Lord,I want to enjoy the transformation that comes by being in your presence and experience immeasurable life changing transformation.
- Jesus showed me the part of life so that I will follow it all the days of my life.
- Lord,as I spend time with you, May I never lose direction in life but always follow your leading in all I do.
- Lord Jesus, nourish my spirit from now till forever as I am in your presence .
- Heavenly father, foil me up with your treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
- Lord Jesus, whatever sin that is Separating you and me, by your blood Jesus cleanse me and wash me, in the name of Jesus.
- Oh Lord Jesus cut every demonic voice that is leading me into destruction, in the name of Jesus.
- Father in heaven, whatever that is making me lose my focus in drawing close to you, take it away from me, in the name of Jesus.
- Angels of the most high, uproot and destroy anything taking me backwards in drawing close to you, in the name of Jesus.
- By fire by force I smatch every calabash that the devil is using to control my life negatively, in the name of Jesus.
- Fire of God locate my foundation and burn to ashes whatever Idol in my father’s house pushing me not to draw to God, in the name of Jesus.
- Father,begin to clear every darkness in my life that is not making people see your light as I draw closer to you, in the name of Jesus.
- All round favors and abundance should locate me right now as I do according to your will and purpose for my life. In Jesus name. Amen