Prayer To Fulfill Destiny Abroad.

Prayer To Fulfill Destiny Abroad.

 Prayer To Fulfill Destiny Abroad.

Deuteronomy 11:24 “Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours’s: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost sea shall your coast be”.

Are you presently in a foreign country and you’re trusting God to cause the land to yield great increase for you? Are you hoping greatly that the Lord will prosper you in the land and cause you to become great? Do you desire that the Lord will grant you special enablement even to fulfill your purpose in that foreign country? (Psalm 67:5-7)

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The Bible says, that with God all things are possible, you may not know how you will go about it, and you may be confused presently on what your next move should be, but one thing is sure, the Lord is aware of your current situation (Psalm 139:7) and as you say these prayers to fulfill destiny abroad the Lord shall order your steps into your desired outcome in Jesus name (Luke 1:37).

Many who have been called to fulfill one purpose or the other on earth often get confused or overwhelmed on how to go about it, especially when there is a change, which in this case is a change of location, in the new environment where you are not so familiar with their culture, laws or even lifestyle, it may be a little difficult to even find stability for some time, talk more of fulfilling purpose in that same land, but is it possible? Yes! With God you it is.

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What is that assignment the Lord has given to you, what is that purpose for which you have been called? What has God laid in your heart to make life better for those around you and by extension the world at large, what change do you want to enforce in your lifetime? What exploit do you want to be known for? The Lord is surely able to make it come to pass. 

Remember in the bible when the Lord laid it in the heart of Nehemiah to rebuild the wall, that was part of his purpose, the mission initially seemed impossible particularly because Nehemiah was now in a foreign land, and permissions needed to be taken and approval must be given before such a great assignment could be accomplished, and 

Interestingly opposition came to discourage Nehemiah but God strengthened him and his people, eventually, Nehemiah was able to accomplish the purpose of God for his life, this is why I know that you also shall fulfill purpose even in that strange land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ (Nehemiah 1:1-17)

The Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not” Therefore as you say these powerful prayers to fulfill purpose in a foreign country, the Lord shall lead you in the way to go that you shall fulfill purpose in Jesus mighty name


Prayers To Fulfil Destiny Abroad

  1. Oh Lord I bless your holy name for your mercy that never fails over my life.
  2. Thank you, Father, for your great love upon my life and my family in Jesus’ name.
  3. Lord I am grateful for your strength and grace that is available to me, all glory belongs to you in Jesus’ name.
  4. Lord, I bless your holy name for your great love upon me and my family, to you be all the praise Lord.
  5. Father, I thank you for your prevailing grace that has kept me and my family going, all praise belongs to you in Jesus’ name.
  6. Father, I thank you for bringing me into this foreign land to fulfill your purpose for my life.
  7. Lord, I thank you for the opportunities you have placed around me to fulfill purpose in Jesus’ name.
  8. Oh Lord, I thank you for your peace that has been my comfort through my challenges. 
  9. Lord, I thank you for the people you have placed around me to help in this foreign land, all glory to you Lord.
  10. Thank you for your faithful promises for my life, to you be all praise, Lord.
  11. Oh Lord I ask that you forgive me of all my sins and my iniquities in Jesus’ name.
  12. Father please forgive me in all ways I have disobeyed you, let your mercy speak for me in Jesus’ name.
  13. Oh Lord I ask that you rain your blessings upon me in this land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  14. Lord let your power make way for me in this land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  15. I call forth divine helpers who will help me fulfill my destiny to locate me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  16. I decree that I shall not fail God in this land in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  17. No power of hell shall hinder me from fulfilling destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  18. I receive the grace to recognize godly opportunities around me so that I may fulfill my purpose in Jesus’ name.
  19. I decree that my purpose shall not fail in life, I shall do the will of the Lord in Jesus’ name.
  20. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I decree that in this land, I shall add value to lives.
  21. The will of God shall be done in my life in this season in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  22. I decree that no power of hell shall come against my destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  23. In this land, I shall not know sorrow and shame in the name of Jesus.
  24. All around me shall work in my favor in Jesus’ mighty name.
  25. The powers of hell shall not prosper against my health and my family in Jesus’ name.
  26. Wherever the soles of my feet shall tread I take for possession in Jesus’ name.
  27. In this land, I shall not be a slave, others shall serve me in Jesus’ name.
  28. I decree no more shame and disgrace in my life and my family in Jesus’ name.
  29. Authors of frustration in this land, I am not your candidate, fail in Jesus’ name.
  30. I decree that everyone in this land shall work in my favor and favor of my loved ones in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  31. I decree that I shall not weep in this land in Jesus’ name.
  32. This season I shall enjoy the great peace of God in this land in Jesus’ name.
  33. I decree that everyone who stands against me shall not prosper in Jesus’ name.
  34. My business shall excel greatly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  35. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree that my career shall experience great speed and divine blessing.
  36. No evil shall prosper against my health in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  37. Wherever I go I shall find help in Jesus’ mighty name.
  38. The work of the enemy shall not prosper against my marriage in Jesus name
  39. From this land I shall be a blessing to other nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  40. Thank you, Jesus, for answering my prayers.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

Dreams And Deliverance Ministries