Protection Prayers Before Traveling By Airplane.
Psalm 46:7 The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge.
Do you intend to travel by airplane recently? Are you afraid due to the rate of insecurity in your country, have you had a series of bad news about airplanes in your country? Say these protection prayers before traveling by airplane.
Of course recent happenings around the world have produced more fear than faith in the hearts of many but as believers what should be our disposition in all of these?
Without doubt, the rate of terrorism has doubled in many nations of the world and news about insecurity has taken the first page of several news media platforms both online and offline and there are a lot of genuine reasons to be afraid when one is about to travel but as believers our response to all of these things should be faith.
Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube
Subscribe NowJesus asked a critical question in Luke 18:18– “Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find that faith on earth?”
This is a question you have to ponder upon. As a believer, your response to the evils happening around the world is in the scriptures.
Psalm 46 speaks of God being our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.
Psalm 121 also says He(God) keeps us neither sleep nor slumbers and in Psalm 91 God assured that He will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all of your ways; they shall bear you up in their hands so you don’t hurt your feet.
These promises were given because the God who knows the end from the beginning understands that there will be a time when these words will be most needed, a time when fear, anxiety and worry will take over the hearts of men due to the several unpleasant situations happening around.
Therefore, rather than being afraid, let your anchor be the word of God and as scripture says: pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Proceed to the prayers before traveling by airplane
Protection Prayers Before Traveling By Airplane.
- Lord I thank you for your great mercies upon my life and family
- Thank you for abiding with us still even in the midst of the insurgency in the land
- Thank you for protecting us from all forms of evil
- Thank you for not allowing the plots of the wicked come to pass concerning our lives
- Thank you for your manifold blessings upon my life
- Thank you for great provision for me and my family
- Thank you for being our shield and fortress, to you be all the glory Lord.
- Thank you for all you have done for us and all you will yet do
- Thank you for supplying all our needs according to your riches in glory
- Thank you for this journey before me for it shall end in praise of your Holy name
- Lord I ask for your mercy in every way I have sinned against you
- Father let your mercy speak for me in all ways I have doubted your power
- Lord please show me mercy for been too conscious of the devil rather than the angels you have assigned to me
- Lord let your mercy speak for me in every way I have fallen short of your glory
- In all ways I have sinned in my actions, words and thoughts, let your mercy prevail over my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Lord Jesus I ask that your presence go with me on this journey in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I soak the air space in the pool of the blood of Jesus Christ
- I soak the pilots and crew members in the precious blood of Jesus Christ
- I decree that the pilot shall not work in error in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Nothing shall go wrong with our flight in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- There shall be no negative sudden emergency in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I shall not lose anything good in this journey in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Oh you devil you cannot attack my flight, I resist you now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Every evil the enemy have planned for that day, is hereby canceled by the blood of Jesus Christ
- I shall not lose my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- The flight shall be speedy and peaceful in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- My family and loved ones will not get suddenly evil report about me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- The purpose for my traveling shall be greatly achieved in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- I walk in total victory over the works of darkness, for the light of God shall continually shine in our path, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ
- Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers