The Benefits Of Anointing Oil In The Bible
KEY SCRIPTURES: Exodus 40:15; James 5:14
James 5:14 “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”
The anointing oil in the Bible was usually made from a mixture of olive oil and spices and was used for ceremonial purposes such as anointing kings and prophets. It was also used as a medicinal ointment for healing the sick. Anointing Oil originated from the Old Testament which form an integral part of ordination of Priesthood and the High Priest as well as in consecration of the articles of the Tabernacle in Exodus 30:26 and other temples henceforth. The primary purpose of the anointing oil is to sanctify and set apart the anointed person or object. The anointing oil was mainly used for priest or Tabernacle articles before it was intended to Kings in 1 Samuel 10:1. It was forbidden to be used by an outsider or body of any common person and the Israelites were warned not to make a duplicate of it for their personal use in Exodus 30:32.
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Subscribe NowIn the New Testament, the anointing oil is an apostolic tradition, believed to have originated from the oil consecrated by the apostles themselves, and which by succession has been handed down in the Church to this day. Some segments of Christianity have continued the practice of using the anointing oil as devotional practices. Jesus while He was on earth with His disciples, they used the anointing oil when they prayed to heal the sick. Mark 6:12-13. The modern church used the anointing oil to keep the fire burning and to exercise authority which enabled them to talk effectively into higher levels and increase. Using the anointing oil is not superstition, though, the oil itself has no power but it is a symbol of Jesus’ finished work and God never despises symbols of what His Son has done. When you apply it with the revelation of what Jesus accomplished for you at the cross, you will see God’s power move in your situation. Anointing oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit coming upon us to heal, empower and bless. Anointing oil is a cleansing oil and which is why it is used for various reasons in the Bible. The anointing oil has its benefits and in this article, we will be discussing some of its benefits in the Bible.
The anointing oil brings sanctification to whomever it is being used for in the bible. This makes them separated from the people and prepared them to be pure and holy so that they can be used by God for greater exploits. Anointing oil makes the person or object pass through the procedure of cleansing and consecration so that God can settle in the life of that person or object being used on.
Saul began to speak in tongues after the anointing oil was poured on him until he disobeyed God. The anointing oil can bring divine changes in the life of a Christian and allow the spirit of God to dwell in that life. When the spirit of God dwells in a life, the life will have a glorious destiny and future because it will guide the life not to be mistaken and that will lead to drastic negative changes.
After David was anointed with oil, he was empowered to start doing exploits even from the bush where he was keeping his father’s flocks. He was able to face and kill Goliath because of the anointing oil working in his life. As believers, anointing oil can be empowerment to tackle and overcome things we ordinarily wouldn’t have been able to defeat.
Anointing oil brings protection, when one is anointed, the angles are already sent on errand to keep charge over one. One can’t be defeated when you have the anointing of God in your life. The priest and apostles in the bible were protected because of the anointing in their lives. King David in the bible was protected from wild animals and his enemies because of the anointing of God in his life. As Christians, the anointing oil can be used for protection against the wiles of the enemies.
5. IT BRINGS HEALING: James 5:14
The anointing oil speaks and brings blessings, fruitfulness, and healing to the God’s people in the bible. It was recommended in James 5:14 that the sick should be anointed with the oil in the bible which implies that anointing oil brings perfect healing of illness and sicknesses to believers in the New Testament too. As Christians, we are able to emulate that and use the anointing oil for the sick after praying for them. As believers, during affliction or struggles, God wants us to physically apply the anointing oil on ourselves, for the power of God will flow when you exercise your faith in this way.
Anointing oil dispel fear from the life of Saul and David in the bible which implies that anointing oil brings boldness to tackle all challenges and situations of life. As believers, once anointed, we have the boldness to bring things to total submission to God’ authority.
Anointing oil sets apart someone for a specific role which was done in the Old Testament. It brings God’s authority and power into the life of the anointed one for a distinct purpose. As believers, we are encouraged to use the anointing oil on ourselves because it brings God’s authority and power to exploit for the kingdom of God. Having God’s authority enables one to overcome both physical and spiritual barriers as Christians in the kingdom of God.
Just like the anointing oil was used for various spiritual purposes in the bible which has its benefit in all these several purposes, we as Christians, we are encouraged to use the anointing oil also in our daily Christian living. It is not meant to be idolized but to be used for specific spiritual purposes as instructed by the Holy Spirit of God.