The Bible Story Of Balaam

The Bible Story Of Balaam


The Bible Story Of Balaam

BIBLE TEXT: NUMBERS 22:5 – 24:25


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Balaam was a seer who lived in Pethor. He was the son of Beor. He was internationally famous for the effectiveness of his prophecies – either in blessing or cursing people. Balak, the king of Moab, contracted him to curse the Israelites on their way to the Promised Land. Rather than cursing the people, on five different occasions, God made him to pronounce blessings on His people.

It was at the time when the Israelites were journeying to the Promised Land. God has been helping them to defeat lots of nations who stood up against them. Then they came to Moab, and Balak, the king of Moab, having heard all that befell the other nations became afraid for his own nation. It was out of this fear that he sent for Balaam to come and curse the Israelites.

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Balaam And His Donkey

In those days, Balaam was an oracle whose words of prophecy were accurate and effective. He was revered by a lot of people. He was an internationally recognized prophet, so to say.

Balak sent messengers to him to come and curse the Israelites, because he believed he would prevail over them if they were cursed. Balaam went in to enquire from the Lord whether he should go and curse His people.

Balaam would never do anything or go anywhere without first enquiring from God. And that was what he did! However this time, God forbade him to go with the princes of Moab. Balak sent more honorable princes a second time to Balaam, with a promise of promotion for him if only he could come to curse the Israelites. This time around, God permitted him to go with the princes, but he would only speak whatever God put in his mouth.

Balaam mounted his donkey and left with the princes. On his way, the angel sent by God, stood on the road with a drawn sword. The donkey saw the angel, but Balaam did not. She turned aside while Balaam hit it. The donkey complained against ill-treatment from Balaam (this donkey was granted the ability to speak by God). Only then was Balaam’s eyes opened to see the angel.

The First And Second Oracles Of Balaam

As soon as Balaam got to Moab, Balak went out to meet him, apparently to be sure that Balaam had come to curse the people. He took him to the high places of Baal to enable him to have a panoramic view of the people of Israel. After doing all the bidding of Balaam, Balak was sure the Israelites would be cursed.

Then Balaam spoke. To Balak’s utmost surprise, instead of curses, Balaam uttered blessings on the Israelites! When challenged by Balak on why he blessed the people instead of cursing them, Balaam replied, “…how can I curse whom God has not cursed? (Numbers 23:8), ….must I not speak that which the Lord has put in my mouth?” (Numbers 23:12). 

He was taken to the top of Pisgah, to get a better view of the children of Israel in their tents. After performing all the sacrifices required of Balak – (built seven altars and offered a bullock and a ram each on the altars), the outcome was still the same as before. He still blessed the people he was meant to curse. He declared, “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel….” (Numbers 23:23).

The Third And Final Oracles Of Balaam

Balak took Balaam to another location, the peak of Peor, so that maybe he will be able to curse the Israelites from there.

But as at other times, Balaam yet again blessed the people of Israel. Balak became very angry and disappointed, he told Balaam to depart from his country. 

Balaam’s last oracle was a prophecy that Israel would one day defeat Moab.

Lessons From The Story Of Balaam

  1. It is good to seek the face of God for guidance before embarking on any project, no matter how lucrative or profitable it might be. Despite the fact that Balaam knew how rewarding it would be if he cursed the children of Israel, he still went to God to enquire whether he should go or not.
  2. Once you have received an answer from God concerning His will on any issue, do not press Him otherwise. This can lead to God giving you His permissive will, and this always comes with grave consequences. The Bible says, “God has spoken once, twice have I heard this; that power belongs to God.” (Psalm 62:11). Balaam had already received a response from God not to go with the princes of Moab. However, when a second delegation of more honorable princes were sent to him, inviting him to come and curse the children of Israel, he went to enquire from God again. This time, God told him to go. This insensitive move almost cost him his head, as he was waylaid by an angel of God holding a drawn sword.
  3. No one can curse a person whom God has blessed. We only need to make our ways right with God and please Him always. “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7). The children of Israel at that time were pleasing God, and this enabled them to conquer all the nations on their way to the Promised Land. This was what stirred up the fear in the heart of Balak, king of Moab.  Reading the book of Numbers further, we will see that the moment the children of Israel deviate from serving God and pleasing Him, their enemies defeat them. As soon as Moab seduced the Israelites and caused them to sin against God, they were defeated by the Moabites.
  4. Mind the company you keep. As a child of God, we should not be found with ungodly people who can lead us astray, neither should we be found in places where God’s glory does not dwell. Balaam was found in a wrong place and with the wrong company, this led to his untimely death. (Numbers 31:8).

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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

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