The Effective Ways To Stop Bad Dreams Permanently.
According to psychological studies, dreams reveal the current state of the mind. They are as a result of what the mind has been occupied with overtime. This is not disputed as it is true. But, a lot of us can testify of having dreams we never thought of.
For instance, someone having a dream seeing another person or himself engaged in an accident doesn’t mean he thought of that before then. This is to say that, there is the spiritual side to dreams. Whether you believe it or not, you cannot change the occurrence of some dreams using physical methods.
People will most likely want a recurring bad dream to stop and that’s because the dreams are bad. There’s good news! You can stop a bad dream from occurring again in your sleep.
Before we go into that, let’s check out the causes of bad dreams.
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All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. (Ecclesiastes 2:23)
King Solomon in the Bible is one man that studied the nature of man, evil and the meaninglessness that exists in man’s activities, especially in the book of Ecclesiastes. In this chapter, he was examining the vanity of man’s work and he said here that man naturally does not have rest of mind even at night.
The toils of the day, the grief and pains of life, the sorrows that accompany man’s labours are all contributors to bad dreams.
The mind is the centre of human life. That is where every activity takes place before it is manifested physically.
Amazingly, the mind is the medium through which spirits communicate to man. God speaks through the mind as well as the devil. That is why Jesus instructed that a man be careful of what gets into the mind. For what gets in is what will come out in actions. (Matthew 15:18).
You can prevent bad dreams by ensuring that your heart is clean and your thoughts are pure.
But, sometimes, we cannot totally prevent bad dreams from occurring because God might be trying to warn us about a particular thing that’s to happen, which can be prevented when we pray against it.
Another cause of bad dreams is the devil trying to scare us as believers. The enemy might use bad dreams on his captives to oppress them and to show his lordship over them. He seeks to destroy man by ensuring that a man’s mind is so filled with fear until such man is unable to do anything for himself.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10).
The goal of the devil is to destroy and he can do that through bad dreams. The truth is, the devil cannot destroy you without your permission. Yes! Read that again. He needs your permission to destroy you. That’s why he comes through dreams. It is the fear you cultivate through those bad dreams that order your actions negatively. Those actions are what may eventually destroy you.
What then should a man do to stop bad dreams from occurring? How can you stop the devil from instilling fear in you through bad dreams? We are about to find out.
How To Stop Bad Dreams Permanently
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2).
Since dreams are predominantly the activity of the mind, it is pertinent to deal with them by dealing with the mind.
The scripture has prescribed a sure way of doing that. Renew your mind to experience transformation. The reason why many people who do not even believe in God don’t often experience bad dreams is because of what goes on in their minds.
What’s the preoccupation of your mind? What do you often think about? If you can change your life by changing your mindset, you can as well change your dreams by renewing your mind.
Let your mind be conformed to Christ and the price He paid to ensure that your mind experiences rest at all times. You have to realize that it is possible to get rid of bad dreams and you have to believe it with all of you.
Take your mind away from all the misconceptions, myths and tales you have been told about evil happenings, bad patterns and rituals. Focus on what is good. And the only good thing is having Jesus occupy the whole of your mind.
While working on your mindset for personal development, also ensure that you do the same for spiritual development.
How do you renew your mind?
You renew your mind by feeding it with the word of God. Fill your mind with the promises of God for your life. Let the enemy know that you are aware of his plans and you know exactly how to counter them.
Let the word of God be your compass. Even when you pray, you pray according to the word.
If you replace all the negative myths with God’s word, you are going to have bad dreams far from you. You need to realize how important the materials you feed on are to stopping bad dreams.
You can’t be seeing horror movies and expect to stop bad dreams. Watch the contents you feed on, especially on social media and tailor them down to what will only benefit your mind.
As part of the instrument for renewing the mind, only listen to good music. If you are a Christian, stick to gospel music, those songs that edify the soul. Don’t listen to anything that will trouble your mind.
Rather, listen to songs that will remind you of God’s promises for you and your place in God’s plan. Let the songs you listen to reiterate the sanity of your mind and Christ has come to ensure that it stays that way.
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5).
This is a prayer. The most powerful method after you might have renewed your mind is prayer. As believers, we know that everything is ordered in the spirit through prayer.
You probably must have done this already and it seemed not to work. That is why I mentioned working on your mind first. You cannot pray away something that still holds you bound in your mind.
This is the reason many people do not experience victory in prayers. You must ensure to pray according to scriptures. Bring to captive every thought and subject them to the obedience of Christ.
The way to solve a problem is to start from the root. If the mind is bound by another authority outside Christ, bring that mind to the obedience of Christ. If your mind is rooted in God, the problem is receiving a solution already.
This kind of prayer is what is called warfare prayer. Say this prayer out loud and let the negative voices in your head be silent and obey you.
But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. (I Chronicles 22:9).
Here, rest is promised to Solomon and his kingdom. Jesus is manifested already as the Prince of peace and He alone can grant us rest from the enemy. We can actually receive back our rest stolen by the devil by trusting in Jesus and receiving His life.
You need to realize that it is God’s will that a man have peace on all sides. You can actually have peace in your sleep. You can really sleep all the days of your life without bad dreams. And that’s God’s will for you.
Jesus is peace. He is rest. In him lies the cure to bad dreams. This is why I said earlier that a man can hardly stop the occurrence of bad dreams through physical methods.
Physical methods may only last for a moment but not forever. If you are seeking a permanent way of stopping bad dreams, then have an affiliation with the Prince of Peace.
If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. (Luke 10:6).
When you accept the Peacemaker into your life, you need to maintain peace by associating with only those who promote peace.
It matters who you associate with and this can affect your dreams. If you have people with a negative mindset around you, don’t be surprised when your dreams are always negative.
This is to say that you should associate with people of like minds. People who are not going to remind you of the bad past and mistakes. People who will encourage you to have a healthy mindset and think positive.
Dreams can be influenced by conversations and you need to watch who you spend the most of your time with, let that person support peace, have the Prince of Peace in him and love to see your wellbeing.
The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14).
This is the best assurance anyone could get from God concerning anything. Bad Dreams potentially end the moment you make an alliance with Jesus. But, you have a part to play in ensuring that they do not resurface.
Part of which is to spend time in the presence of God. This is not about going to a physical place of worship or gathering with other people for God’s presence. This is more about securing God’s presence in your personal worship.
Another instrument to ending bad dreams is worship. You have to worship God to the point that He directly shows you His presence. You can’t have God’s presence in you and still have bad dreams. There’s no space for that.
God and evil have no agreement. So, work on securing God’s presence and then enjoy all round rest even in your dreams. One of man’s greatest needs is rest and only God’s presence can provide that sufficiently.
The best way to spend time in God’s presence is through worship. Sometimes, the best thing to do after a bad dream is to worship God.
You might want to try this immediately, especially if you are a believer. Just worship God. Don’t pray. Don’t even pray about the dream. It works very well.
you grant them relief from days of trouble, till a pit is dug for the wicked. (Psalms 94:13).
Whatever happens, just know that your relief is in God. Trust that God can take away bad dreams from your sleep and grant you relief.
By the time you do all of these, you will realize that there will be no space for fear in your heart. The moment fear is out, the devil has no access to bring in bad dreams.
While battling to end a bad dream, do not carry a picture of a devil figure as the one you’re fighting against. You’re fighting against everything that makes you fearful and that causes bad dreams, not a person. That’s what Ist Corinthians 10 verse 1 says.
Ensure that you replace fear with faith in God. The moment you are full of faith, dreams that appear bad will only be a message from God which should engage you in prayers to prevent that evil.
If you are having consistent bad dreams that pose a threat to your health, engage in the word of God, prayer, worship and faith in God to end that.
If you think that your faith alone can’t do this, join hands with a fellow believer to ensure that you have a mind free of fear and full of faith.
May the peace of God be with you always!