Why Did God Choose David To Be The King Of Israel

Why Did God Choose David To Be The King Of Israel

KEY SCRIPTURES: 1 Samuel 13:14; 16:7; Acts 13:22

1 Samuel 16:7 “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

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David of the last of the sons of Jesse, he was insignificant in the family that when God instructed Prophet Samuel to go to Jesse’ house to anoint the new King of Israel, David wasn’t called to be among his brothers. He doesn’t get respected in his family and from all indications, his friends are sheep and rams because he was always in the field taking care of his father’s flocks. David developed himself while he was alone with the animals, despite no supervision from his brothers or father, he was diligent and hardworking. He was a good shepherd and learnt how to protect his flocks from forest animals. He was compassionate towards his people in that when the people were afraid to fight Goliath, he wasn’t fearful because he knew the God he served and knew victory is sure with God. 

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David was a man after God’s heart because he has a flexible heart that is willing to learn and repent when reproved of any wrongdoing. Even though he had his flaws and orchestrated the killing of Uriah because of his wife, Bathsheba, when God sent Prophet Nathan to him, he was remorseful and repented of his sins. David wasn’t arrogant or prideful and this shows when he went to be servant to King Saul and was playing flute for him once evil spirit descended on King Saul even though the women sang high praises to him and even accorded him more than king Saul then. David always looks to God and never tries to justify himself before God or man. David knows the ways of God and knows God loves praises and that he did to God even before he became king of Israel. David honors God and even honors the anointed of God. God needed another King for Israel because He knew King Saul wasn’t fit to be king of His beloved people, based on all these qualities, He sent Prophet Samuel to anoint David as King of Israel. God chose David to be King of Israel for some reasons and some of the reasons will be mentioned in this article.

  1. GODLY STANDARDS: 1 Samuel 13:14

David though wasn’t big in stature but possessed some godly standards befitting for a King that will make the people worship God in spirit and truth. He has a strong faith in God and that is all that is required of us as believers to be right with God. Though Prophet Samuel looked at Eliab, Jesse’s first son and concluded in his heart that he was the chosen one, God knew he was not the right person to lead the rebellious children of Israel to serve God. As Christians, we should endeavor to always profess godly standards and character whether we are being watched or not and in due time, God will honor us like David and make us relevant in His vineyard and in our environment.


David wasn’t only strong and courageous; he has a good and flexible heart that listens to correction and endeavors to improve when rebuked. God knew He could work with David as King of Israel because of his good heart. He knew David would follow instructions and not try to give excuses for his actions. We should endeavor to develop a good heart that is compassionate as believers, God can only work with someone who is willing to be worked with. If your heart is full of filthiness, you are not giving room for God to use you or value you as He uses and values David.


David’s brothers didn’t know God personally, when David was building a deeper relationship with God in the field, they were busy with other things that were not profitable. Due to this, three of his brothers were also part of the soldiers of Israelites that hid from Goliath when he was threatening and challenging them. God knew picking one of them is just like picking another Saul before they relied on their strength in all they do, and their strength couldn’t help them defeat Goliath when the time came. God picked David because He knew that in all he will do, He will put God first and seek God for important matters that concern the progress of the Israelites. AS Christians, we should not rely on flesh, but we should endeavor to deepen our spirit-man so that God can choose us as an instrument to achieve great things in His kingdom.


Despite being along with animals on the field without no supervision, David was a responsible person. He never engages in sinful activities; he was diligent, and he was a man of integrity. He loves the laws of God and follows them diligently. David was faithful in whatever was committed to his hands and God knew he would be faithful and committed to Him and the people of Israelites if chosen as a King. David humbles himself under the hand of God, and he lifts him when the time is due to choose a King. We should be responsible in all we do as Christians so that God can use us too. We should be men and women of integrity so that God can commit nations into our hands like He did for David.


God commands that children should honor their father and mother by obeying them in the Lord (Ephesians 6:2), and David obey his father by faithfully keeping the flock he was given to oversee, and even when there was war and his brothers went with King Saul to fight the Philistines, his father send him to give food his brothers and he obeyed, which are proves that he honors his father always. (1Samuel 17:17-18).



God doesn’t use the criteria of man to choose who He will send to represent Him in any given place or time. God doesn’t call the most qualified by human’s standard but qualified the one He chose. We should always be conscious of the fact that God is not a respecter of any person and when he is ready to use you, no matter where you are, men will look for you and find you for that particular purpose God needed you for. 

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