10 Importance Of Waiting Upon The Lord

10 Importance Of Waiting Upon The Lord

10 Importance Of Waiting Upon The Lord

KEY SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 40:31; Psalms 27:14

Psalms 27:14 “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

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Waiting upon the Lord means to hope in God for the next step to take in all ramifications. It means planting seeds of faith and nourishing. It is about being able to trust in God’s direction, character, and goodness. To hope and trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, longsuffering, and keeping the commandment. Waiting upon the Lord can also be described as sitting with a contrite heart and allowing God to fill you with His power. Waiting upon the Lord helps one to focus on the purpose and direction for one’s life according to God’s will. It is important to take time to be still before God, drawing closer to him and knowing that you live out His will for the rest of one’s life. Waiting upon the Lord allows God to prepare us as He deems fit. The children of the Israelites waited upon the Lord in the wilderness, and this made them see the ways of God, awe in His mighty power and get them prepared to possess the promised land given by God, so as Christians, there is much importance attached to waiting upon the Lord.

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As Christians, we are created in the image of God and so there is a purpose for our existence. We are not created for ourselves but to showcase the glory of God and to do that, we need to connect back to the source of our existence to know the right timing and things we are created to do. To get to know these things, we must wait upon the Lord of guidance and direction to take us to fulfilling purposes. Jesus waited upon the Lord, and this made him successful in all areas during his existence likewise we as Christians, we should emulate our Lord and Saviour to seek God and wait patiently for His direction and purposes. Waiting upon the Lord is very important and, in this article, 10 important things on waiting upon the Lord will be discussed.

  1. BUILDING ENDURANCE: Colossians 1:11 : Waiting upon the Lord helps to build endurance. Often, we will want to go our ways which might not be right and can lead to destruction but waiting upon the Lord makes us wait on God’s timing and encourages us to be patient because he is faithful to give us all we need during the wait. As endurance is being built while waiting upon the Lord, God also used this to prepare the individual for the big steps ahead even if we are not ready for the answers yet. Waiting upon the Lord helps our priorities to change and draw us to things that are patterned according to the ways of God laid for us in the bible. As you wait upon the Lord, your capacity is being stretched and you can receive even greater than what you could have asked for.
  2. CREATE TIME TO REST: Isaiah 40:31 : Waiting upon the Lord gives time to study the word and build up our prayer life which expands our hearts as we get to know God more. It allows us to break the cycle of striving and gain the sweet rest that God so wants us to have. It creates time for us to find purpose in everyday parts of our life.  As we wait upon the Lord, it creates time for the mind to rest from roaming over unessential things and stick to things that need to be done. It sets our heart to a place of gratitude and the mind is fully rested on the powerful God.
  3. IT SHOWS GOD’S CAPABILITY: Waiting upon the Lord allows him to show us His awesome capabilities. Through the wait, we can learn and see situations from a different light. God reveals things to us through His wisdom, perfect our mindset and heal our hearts. Knowing His capabilities makes the waiting easier as we begin embracing the current season as a space for growth with the father.
  4. TO RENEW OUR MIND AND ALL-ROUND WELL-BEING: Romans 12:2; Isaiah 40:31: Waiting upon the Lord helps to renew our mind daily. It helps us to grow and balance our physical, spiritual, emotional well-being. Waiting upon the Lord helps to renew your relationship with God and also strengthen you against all forms of negativity. It renews your mind to abstain from all forms of worldliness and helps to hold on to God’s will.
  5. BROADEN ONE’S FAITH IN GOD: When one waits upon the lord, one’s faith is broadened and stretched. Faith allows us to have confidence in the things and ways of God and it also allows us to be steadfast in the right doctrine. Waiting upon the Lord helps to stand firm in the word of God and won’t allow us to be swept away by all different doctrines that are not from the Lord because we can hear directly from Him in the place of prayers while waiting. 
  6. TO HUMBLE US: James 4:10: Waiting upon the Lord gives us the grace to be humble in all things. Humility is very tough but when we are waiting on the Lord, we humble ourselves to allow him to move in His own ways and control us completely. Though in our physical eyes, this can be so tough but because it is the Lord controlling it, He won’t allow the circumstances or situations overwhelm us while we wait on Him.
  7. TO PROTECT US FROM FAKE BLESSINGS: Waiting upon the Lord helps us to see the tricks of the enemy and to differentiate between counterfeit blessings or the ones from God. The devil is keen on making one live a defeated life, so he created fake things to make us miss out on God’s blessings for one’s life. Waiting upon the Lord makes us have a deep insight and open our eyes of understanding to know and appreciate God’s blessings when we see one. Such blessings from the Lord are always lasting ones.
  8. TO CULTIVATE HOLY EXPECTATION: Waiting upon the Lord gives room for us to cultivate holy results and not just to get results that will make us brag to friends and family. God wants us to be eager to receive from him and to understand that the blessings given is for His glory, all that can be achieved when you wait upon the Lord. God uses waiting on Him to purify our heart so that after the results have been achieved, our testimonies will be to draw people to His kingdom.
  9. HELP TO ALIGN WITH GOD’S PLAN: Waiting upon the Lord helps us to align with God’s plan and purposes, it prevents us from going astray and helps us to follow through spiritual growth that leads to eternal life. Waiting upon the Lord gives us time to learn the basic things God has in store for our lives and how to achieve them to have an expected end orchestrated by Him.
  10. TO SAVE FROM FEAR OF UNKNOWN: Oftentimes, evil thought created by the devil can flow into the mind and corrupt the mind thereby creating fear of the unknown but waiting upon the Lord strengthens our faith in God and help us to see God as the provider and protector of every good thing that he has given us. When we wait on God, we declare Him as the source of life.



Today’s world is full of rushing and hurries and inasmuch as we want to trend with the happenings in the world, waiting upon the Lord can’t be over-emphasized. Waiting upon the Lord is as important as the air we breathe in because life without the active presence of God, is full of crisis. Don’t look at waiting upon the Lord as punishment from God, see it as a way of him preparing you for what lies ahead. This is a period to know God more and to know yourself too. Learn to pray more while waiting, remove all evil thoughts, study the word of God and trust him to give you that expected end.

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