10 Reasons Why We Need The Holy Spirit

10 Reasons Why We Need The Holy Spirit

10 Reasons Why We Need The Holy Spirit

KEY SCRIPTURES: John 14:16-17; Romans 8:14-16; Acts 4:31

Acts 4:31 “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, they spoke the word of God with boldness.”

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After the Last supper and washing of the feet of the disciples by Jesus before the feast of the Passover, he revealed the betrayal to them and began to tell them about his departure. Jesus told them of going to prepare a place for them. Jesus realized they had little knowledge of him and cautioned them. He promised that although he would be forced to leave them, the Father would provide “another Comforter.” Up to this point, the Lord himself had been their source of support during his ministry. Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit will teach, guide, reveal things to them and bring to their remembrance things he had taught them before. Jesus knew the importance of the Holy Spirit in his disciples’ life. He even instructed them not to leave Jerusalem until they had received the holy spirit. The holy spirit is very important in the life of a believer because after the disciples received the holy spirit, they were bold, brave and more spirit-filled than when Jesus was with them. Life came into them, and they were not timid after they had received the holy spirit.

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The holy spirit was able to direct the way the doctrine was to be spread to other countries. The holy spirit enables the disciples to overcome all challenges that came their way, and they were able to build a stronger relationship with God. The role of the Holy Spirit can’t be overemphasized in the life of a believer. Without the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life, life is as good as dead because the Christian will not live a balanced spirit-filled life. As Christians, we need the holy spirit in many ways because God communicates to us through the holy spirit inside of us and it is through the holy spirit, things are revealed and explained in both physical and spiritual realm. To get the correct guidance from God, that is, the heavenly manuscripts on how to please God on earth and how to make it to eternal glory, one must endeavor to have the holy spirit and walk with his leading and direction. In the article, we will be highlighting 10 major reasons why we need the holy spirit.

  1. TO GUIDE US: John 14:17

The moment we give our life to Jesus Christ and surrender his leadership, we need the holy spirit to see us through that Christian race we have committed our lives to. As believers, we need the holy spirit to guide us in all aspects of our lives. Just as one can’t live on earth with oxygen, as a believer, you can’t survive without the holy spirit because you need him to give you life. It was the holy spirit that guided the disciples on things to do after Jesus Christ ascended to heaven. For effective and efficient guidance in all areas of life in this present world, one needs the holy spirit in order to survive and succeed.


After the holy spirit was given to the disciples, their love for God and the gospel increased more than ever before. The holy spirit in them makes them know that the way to show their love for God is through populating His kingdom and doing His commandments. As Christians, we need the holy spirit to teach us ways to love God more and ways to abide by His commandments. The Holy Spirit gives us the strength and courage to love God despite any challenges that we might be facing. The Holy Spirit gives us the boldness to go out and preach the gospel to everyone which is another way of loving God.

3. TO INTERCEDE FOR US: Romans 8:26

God knows our limitations and frustrations. He knows that our flesh is weak even when our spirit is willing, so the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, even for needs that cannot be put into words. The Holy Spirit is living in us as believers and knows all the issues we encounter daily, he helps to put our words in the right perceptions so that God can answer all prayers speedily.


With the help of the holy spirit in a believer’s life, fulfilling the mandate of God in such life will be easy and possible. With the presence of the holy spirit, the fruits of the spirit which is needed to be successful in our daily Christian living is manifested. 


With the leading and help of the holy spirit, the interpretation of scriptures to all situations of life is made known to a believer. With the holy spirit presence in the life of a believer, He will prompt us in reading the word of God and reveal the interpretation of the scriptures to us on a regular basis. God speaks through the word of God to us, and the holy spirit transports the word to our heart.

6. TO EMPOWER US FOR MINISTRY: 1 Corinthians 12:11

The holy spirit empowers Christians for service in many ways such as giving spiritual gifts to equip them for ministry.  He makes our prayers effective; he makes the scriptures come alive and he speaks to our hearts.  He empowers us to overcome spiritual opposition to the preaching of the gospel and to God’s work in people’s lives. The Spirit of God also gives us discernment in situations of spiritual conflict against forces of darkness.


We need the holy spirit to guide us as believers to live a sinless life. The holy spirit is our guidance in knowing the truth and living by that truth. He will always bring to our remembrance things to avoid and things that will lead to sin. He will lead us to know when to flee from all appearance of evils and will often shield us from falling into temptation.


We need the holy spirit to operate in wisdom and to know God better. The holy spirit will help to reveal God’s thoughts to us and reveal those thoughts to our believers. The Holy Spirit opens believers’ eyes to the hope of salvation and the inheritance they have in Christ. The holy spirit empowers mission and preaching of the gospel to the entire world.


We need the holy spirit to renew, sanctify and make us holy as believers. The holy spirit enables us to have eternal life in God. He enables us to bear good fruits of the spirit. 


We need the holy spirit to have a personal and intimate relationship with God. The holy spirit helps believers to strengthen their walk with God. One has a deeper knowledge about God and ways to please Him always through the help of the holy spirit in us. The Holy Spirit helps to boost our faith in that when we speak in tongues, we release our faith to God for the words, since the words are not ourselves, but given by the holy spirit. 


The holy spirit must be the desires of every believer in God because it is only the manifestation of the holy spirit that we can have life and operate in the realm God wants us to operate. Fulfilling the mandate placed upon us by God on earth as believers, requires the help and activeness of the holy spirit inside of us. 


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