Prayer Points To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.

Prayer Points To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.

Prayer Points To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of grace and empowerment upon the Christians. It is the Spirit of light and life which indwells in every believer. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit sent from God to every believer to live in us and convict and bear witness of God in us. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit cannot be underestimated in the lives of every believer. The Holy Ghost empowers us and breeds into us the characters of God like joy, peace, kindness etc. It is through the Holy Ghost we have access to all the spiritual promises of God. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit everything was made. The Holy Spirit is also the Third Person in Trinity.

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When we are to trace the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world, it can be traced to the book of “Acts of the Apostles” when Jesus Christ about to be taken into heaven after his resurrection ordered the Apostles to wait for the coming of the promised one which is the Holy Spirit. The coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and His presence in their lives gave them boldness to witness. (Acts 2:1-4).

Likewise we also as Christians, it is only by the Holy Ghost we can please God and not by relying on our human efforts. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives is something to be appreciated and valued and in all areas of our lives, we must never involve in any act that can grieve the Holy Spirit.

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Works of The Holy Spirit.

1. The Holy Spirit Teaches and Leads: Romans 8:14 “For all who are led by the amen of God are children of God”

One important work of the Holy Ghost in the life of a believer is to teach us and lead us in everything we do, to teach and lead us in all our ways, to teach and lead us to do the right things, to teach us to live a life to please God. The Holy Spirit leads us by teaching us the right steps to take.

2. Spiritual Gifts: 1 Corinthians 12:7 “A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other”
The Holy Ghost is our only source of edifying spiritual gifts. As children of God we are all entitled to one or more spiritual gifts and this is made available to us only through the Holy Spirit. It is by the spiritual gifts in us we can edifying ourselves and the body of Christ.

3. Strengthen Weaknesses: Romans 8:26 “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with a groaning that cannot be expressed in words”
One great work of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to strengthen us in every area of our shortcomings. The Holy Ghost in us gives us the strength and power to one or more of our life where we need His help. When God notice an area of our lives where we need to be strengthened, He sends us the power through the Holy Ghost in us and by the workings of the Holy Spirit in us, we are strengthened.

4. Dwells and Fills us: Romans 8:11 “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you”
The Holy Spirit lives in us as children of God. It is by the living of the Holy Ghost in us that our inner man is being energized and quickened to follow Jesus Christ and do the will of God. The Holy Spirit fills us with the power of God and ensure the continuous empowerment of our Spirit being to carry out the mandates of God.

5. Spiritual Fruits: Galatians 5:22 “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Galatians 5:23 “gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things”

No one can bear the spiritual fruits listed above which is pleasing unto God except by the help of the Holy Ghost. It is called fruits of the Spirit meaning it can be planted in and grown in us by the help of the Holy Ghost. It is the Holy Ghost that make us bear fruit edifying the body of Christ.

6. Seal of Ownership: Ephesians 1:6 “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved”
The Holy Ghost us is a powerful assurance that we belong to God. The work of the Holy Spirit is to confirm the existing relationship between us as a child and God as our Father. The presence of the Holy ghost in us is a stamp of approval that we are children of God.

Prayer Points To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit.

1. Father, I thank you for the salvation of my soul.
2. Lord, I thank you for the gift of life.
3. Lord, I give you all the glory and honour for you are great and mighty.
4. Lord, I thank you for your presence in my life.
5. O Lord, baptize me with the power and presence of the holy ghost in Jesus name.
6. Lord fill me with the holy Ghost and let me function with the power of your might in Jesus name.
7. Lord, I receive the fire of the holy ghost in the name of Jesus.
8. Holy spirit, teach me and lead me in all my endeavours in Jesus name.
9. Lord, let me bear the fruits of the spirit worthy of your kingdom.
10. Lord fill my life with the light of the holy spirit and take away every darkness in the name of Jesus.
11. Lord, let the holy ghost illuminate my spiritual eyes to see more in the spirit.
12. Lord, let your power activate my spiritual sense organs in Jesus name.
13. Lord, let your holy ghost direct me to live a life that will glorify you in Jesus name.
14. Father, let your power of God renew and refresh my life in Jesus name.
15. Lord, let your holy ghost fill me with anointing to fulfil my purpose in Jesus name.
16. I receive the fire of the holy ghost now in the name of Jesus.
17. Lord, fill me with the holy ghost to overcome all circumstances in life in Jesus name.
18. Father bless me with the power of the holy ghost to manifest your power on earth in the name of Jesus.
19. O lord, Let your holy Ghost build me into the fullness of Christ in Jesus name.
20. Lord, give me the holy ghost to subdue the power of the flesh in Jesus name.
21. Father, let the holy ghost sanctify and purify me in Jesus name.
22. Lord, let your power strengthen my inner man in Jesus name.
23. Father, let the holy ghost comfort me and give me peace in Jesus name.
24. Lord, let the holy ghost give me divine directions and lead me in all situations in Jesus name.
25. Lord, fill me with the holy spirit to walk with you in Jesus name.
26. O lord, give me the holy spirit to strengthen my weaknesses and shortcomings in Jesus name.
27. Lord, make me a vessel for your glory in Jesus name.
28. My Father, fill me with the Holy Ghost to serve you in Jesus name.
29. My Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit set me on fire for you in Jesus name.
30. Oh Lord, by your Holy Spirit empower me to fulfil destiny in Jesus name. Amen.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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