10 Reasons Why Your Blessing Have Been Delayed

10 Reasons Why Your Blessing Have Been Delayed


10 Reasons Why Your Blessing Have Been Delayed

KEY SCRIPTURES: Isaiah 40:31; 2 Peter 3:8-9

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

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There are times we wait on God for a particular situation to be changed into good. We did all the necessary things required from us by giving our offerings, paying tithes, giving to kingdom works and even involving in things that matters to God but the more we do these things and hopefully awaiting God to bless us in the area we are looking up to Him, the more we have delayed blessings. There are some reasons why God doesn’t answer some prayers immediately because He knows the beginning from the end and as our father, He won’t give us things that will end up harming us or making us compromise thereby losing our salvation. God sometimes delayed your blessings as a believer to teach you an important lesson on waiting patiently upon the Lord in all things. God allowed delayed blessings in order to make you mature in the faith so that your life can be a channel through which people will come to the saving knowledge and grace of God. The ability to wait patiently on God helps you to strengthen your faith in God. 

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Remember that God is not slow in blessing us, but certain things are delayed for our benefits. Before you get discouraged and assume God doesn’t hear you, remember, if the blessing is delayed, God allows that delay and when He’s ready, He will release all He has for you. There is no one and nothing that has authority to override the sovereign will of God. He does what He wants to do when He gets ready to do it. All authority belongs to God and even Satan can’t stop Him when He wants to do what He wants to do. So don’t be discouraged because your blessing seems delayed. As you wait on the Lord, He’s strengthening you through the process. You are going to rise above this in due time. Some blessings are being delayed reminding you of the truth of God’s word. Remember, a delayed blessing is not a denied blessing. Wait upon the Lord and He will bring the desires of your heart to come to pass. There are reasons why your blessings have been delayed, in this article, 10 of such reasons will be mentioned.

  1. SIN: Psalms 66:18

One of the reasons while your blessings have been delayed is engaging in sinful habits or thoughts. Sins can rob you of your blessings from God because God hates sin. As believers, if you don’t want your blessings to be delayed from God, run away from sins and all appearances of evil. Learn to walk uprightly and live in righteousness and God will continually show Himself mighty in your life by bring your blessings promptly.

2. LACK OF FAITH: James 1:6

Another reason why your blessings are being delayed is lack of faith in God even after praying for the blessings. Doubt can cause the enemy to testify against you in God’s presence which can hinder or cause delay in angels bringing your blessings to you as a believer. To avoid this, believe in God wholeheartedly and be rest assured that He will bring forth the blessings due to you at the perfect timing.


God can delay your blessings when you are not in the right mind or place to receive it thereby protecting you from the sorrow of receiving the blessings at the wrong time. God is the God of time and chance, He knows when the blessings will be useful in your life, so wait patiently for His right timing so that the blessings can last long in your life.


Another reason why your blessings have been delayed as a believer is because God is protecting you from harmful things. The blessings from God are everlasting and no sorrow is added to it so when God knows that what you are asking for will be harmful and detrimental to your life, such blessings are delayed until the evil coming with it is averted before God will allow such blessings to be given to you. As believers, before you seek blessings from some prayer points you rendered to God, ask yourself and be rest assured that the blessings will not be harmful to you or your loved one in any areas. Be careful with the type of blessings you seek as a Christian.

5. GROW YOUR FAITH: James 1:2-3

God allows some delayed blessings in order to grow your faith in Him. God want you to learn of Him on another deeper level than before. Some delayed blessings happened so you can see God do something bigger than the situation you are facing. 


Some blessings are delayed in the life of a believer to see us that God is in control of all things. Just like the case of Lazarus, Jesus was delayed in coming until Lazarus had been buried for four days. God can delay a believer’s blessings in order to use the situation for His greater glory.


Another reason your blessings have been delayed as a Christian is because God wants to give you a new direction and the blessings can be hindrances which might blind your eyes to see the new glorious direction God is taking you to. As Christians, learn to ask God if God is taking you to another

 dimension or direction when some blessings are not manifesting in your life. Remember, God always has something better for you. God often uses delayed blessings to refocus other life and mind to other things that pertain to God.


Blessings are delayed when they are not God’s perfect timing for such blessings to come into the life of a believer. God’s timing is always perfect. He is always fully in control of all things in all places. His delays to blessing you as a Christian might simply be because the answer you seek is not in His timing yet. Remember that a delay is not a denial. It is just a delay. God loves you to harm you and at the right time, all blessings due to you as a believer will be received.


Some blessings are delayed in your life as a Christian to develop you in the faith, edify you and make you more equipped for the kingdom work. God wants to use your life to reach the unsaved through your situation. That is why some blessings are delayed in your life as a believer. Remember, after God has used you to grow His kingdom, all the promises He said towards you as a believer will come to pass. You just must release yourself to His direction and timing.

10. WRONG MOTIVES: James 4:3

When you desire blessings from God for wrong motives or for selfish reasons, such blessings can be delayed by God until one you develop the right motive and good reasons for God to give you such blessings. If the blessing will make you proud and insensitive to others, such blessings from God can be delayed. As believers, we should have the right motive when we desire blessings from God. We shouldn’t use God’s blessings to terrorize His children or people around us.



A delayed blessing is not a denied blessing, but you should be careful that the blessings are desired for the right reasons if you don’t want to experience delayed blessings. God is not a wicked God; His thoughts and timing are not the same as human beings. Learn to trust in His process and let all delayed blessings draw you closer to God and make you more useful for His service here on earth. No matter what you are going through, trust God to see you to the end. It is a phase, and it will pass. There is nothing too difficult for God to do. Enjoy the process, learn what God wants you to learn and in the long run, joy comes in the morning.

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ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@evangelistjoshua.com, +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you


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