10 Signs God Is Fighting Your Battle
KEY SCRIPTURES: Romans 8:31; Exodus 14:14
Exodus 14:14 “The LORD shall fight for you and all of you shall hold your peace.”
A child born into the earth is faced with one challenge or the other. It doesn’t matter the kind of lifestyle he adopted while growing up, the fact that the devil has been cast down into the earth, men are born to face battle and only the survivor wins in the race for existence. The enemy keeps throwing darts to weigh one down, the enemy is not fair but real and fierce and will stop at nothing to bring one down to defeat and destruction. The battle of life becomes enormous once one surrenders his or her life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the battle becomes twice because the devil doesn’t want the best for God’s creation, especially the ones that have been won into the body of Christ and bound to spend eternity with God. As Christians, the battles against us by the enemy are insurmountable but God will never leave or forsake us once we trust in Him to fight on our behalf. When a christian is spiritually alert, things are revealed, and one can see that God is fighting on our behalf on a daily basis.
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Subscribe NowWe might not be physically seeing God fighting the devil, but certain occurrences show that in our lives as Christians that God has been by our side and will not allow us to perish no matter how fierce the battle. Some of us may not understand the signs that God is fighting our battles, and this could make us not realise the effort God is making on our behalf as Christians. Once we can understand the signs that God is fighting for us, we are open to appreciating Him by giving thanks which will make God take us to an expected end. In this article, we would be looking at 10 signs that God is fighting your battles.
- EVIL STRATEGIES ARE REVEALED: Isaiah 42:13; Psalms 18:47
When God begins to reveal evil strategies of the wicked ones to you via dreams or vision, it is a sign that God is fighting your battles. You begin to see that all snares set for you are being dismantled by God and even if traps are set for you, they won’t hurt or harm you. You began to discover that all plans of the wicked people backfired and returned to them. Instead of becoming a victim, you are victorious which shows that God is fighting your battles.
When principalities and powers want to engage in battle with a person, they come in human form so that they can force you to fail but when God is fighting your battle, all the evil conspirators sent by the devil to battle with you or against you began to submit to you, some will even confess their sins and ask you to forgive and pray for them. This part of the incident points to a fact and sign that God is involved in your life, and he is fighting for you. As believers, when you see this sign happening in your life, trust God to expose all evil conspirators and you will rejoice in the long run when you do. As children of God, you have a cover over you and can’t be harmed. Only a man who has access to God can be entitled to such special treatment.
As a believer, when you experience God’s goodness always despite the evil happenings around you, it points to a fact that God is fighting for you. When you are not injured by things that are causing pain to others, you have a sense of victory which ensures that what others find difficult you are able to achieve and be successful in it shows a sign that God is fighting battles on your behalf. Experiencing good health and being powerful also talks of God’s goodness and it is a sign that God is fighting your battles.
4. GOD’S WORD SAID SO: Joshua 1:9; Romans 8:31
God’s word already said he will never leave you or forsake you, and because God honours His word much more than His name, he will always be there to fight any battle whether seen or not. God has never lied and the fact that we believers, we are expected to trust in Him and rely on Him completely. His word already is the purest sign that God is our present help always and he is fighting all battles every step of the way.
5. FAVOUR OBTAINED: Psalms 44:3
Another sign that shows that God is fighting your battles is that you began to obtain favour where it matters most. Doors began to open for you as a Christian and what takes others much time to achieve is achieved by you with ease due to God’s favour working in your life. God will make a way to connect you to the right people that will make your life beautiful. Example of this is Esther’s story in the bible. When God is fighting your battles, God will cause people to go miles for you to be successful in life. As a Christian, when you don’t unnecessarily struggle to achieve things, it is a sign that God is behind the scenes fighting all obstacles for you.
6. ALL-ROUND PEACE: Exodus 14:14; Isaiah 49:25; Philippians 4:6
Another sign that God is fighting your battles is when you are at peace despite any situation knowing that God is there to see you through it all. Even though the mind of a man is configured to feel fearful, anxious or distressed when faced with challenges but become a child of God and Jesus, the son is the prince of peace, you are surrounded with peace because God is fighting your battles. You feel peaceful when faced with fearful challenges points to a fact that God is fighting your battles.
As a Christian, when you begin to realise you can achieve much more with little or no effort, you realise you enjoyed the grace of God in all areas of life then it is a sign that God is fighting your battles in those areas. Where some are finding difficulty, you are enjoying grace to the fulness and achieving greatness, God is fighting for you and making the crooked path straight for you. When God is fighting your battles, you have access to those things’ others don’t have access to because God’s grace is sufficient for you. No matter what happens, God’s grace will see you to the end just like He did to Daniel when he was in the lion’s den.
When God is fighting your battles, another sign one sees is that challenges are being overcome in a strange way. One gets to enjoy victory even amidst tough situations where impossibility has been declared by people surrounding one. God will ensure victory on all sides without getting harm because he is fighting the battle for you just like He did for David when he was faced with Goliath.
When God is fighting your battles, you will have the wisdom to know what to do or say at any time when faced with life’s challenges. When it even seems that there is no way, God will give you wisdom to find a way out of it through it all just like Daniel in the bible who was in a strange land but made wise decisions even in difficult situations because of God’s wisdom in life.
Another sign that God is fighting your battle is when your whole heart is full of joy in all situations. You rejoice instead of worrying, lamenting or crying not because the problems are not here but rather because you can see the end from the beginning and a turn around in your life. The joy you experience is not dependent on the circumstances you are faced with but based on God’s power that is always working on your behalf.
As believers, we should never be worried or afraid when faced with life’s challenges because God is fighting for you already. He watches over you always and he won’t allow problems to overwhelm you. God is a God that will keep you to the very end and ensure you live a good age and guarantee life in blissful eternity.