10 Signs To Show You Are Far From God

10 Signs To Show You Are Far From God

10 Signs To Show You Are Far From God

KEY SCRIPTURES: Proverbs 3:5-6; 15:29

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 3:6” In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

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When one experiences salvation from God, a new spirit to be closer to God is established. A new spirit is developed, and the holy spirit tends to direct one’s path in ways that pleases God. The holy spirit of God dwelling in you tends to make you do things that will grow your spirit-man. Overtime, the series of things one engages in to build one’s spirit-man becomes part of one like praying, studying and meditating on the word of God, engaging in kingdom activities thereby building your faith in God. God began to communicate to you via His word. When one is engaging in these spiritual exercises daily, one needs to be strongly committed to it because the cares and world standards can take it away from one if we don’t guide it carefully. We can profess our love for God but far from Him when we stop doing things that will draw us closer for daily sweet communion with Him. We shouldn’t abuse the grace of God and neglect the feeding of your spirit-man daily. 

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One could still be speaking in tongues and not closer to God. When you ignore your relationship with Him, you slowly feel lost, irritated and paranoid. This is a constant and there is a place in you that only God can fill up. There are signs to show you are far from God as a believer and such signs could hinder you from hearing expressly from God which can lead to danger in the life of a believer. In this article, we will be considering 10 signs to watch out for that shows you are far from God as a believer.


After Salvation, things that bring you joy like fellowshipping with brethren, praying, studying the word etc. are not fulfilling again. You find no joy for existence, always moody and no time again to pray to God. You begin to nurse bitterness over small things and little things you overlook tend to bother you to react negatively. Kindly watch it, as a believer, if you are experiencing this sign, it is an indication that you are going far from God. Call yourself back to the place and reason for your salvation and amend your ways.

2. FALLING INTO TEMPTATIONS: 1 Corinthians 10:13

When you as a believer are not able to overcome temptations but fall into temptations daily, then this is a sign that you are not hearing from God again because God will always make a way for you to escape all forms of temptations. As a believer, if you are experiencing this sign, you need to get back to your prayer routine and connect the spirit to keep strong against temptations.


When you allow negative thoughts to develop in your mind and you allow it to grow steadily without making effort to discontinue its growth in your mind, then it is another sign that you are growing far from God. Negative thoughts allow fear and anxiety to set in and this can further weaken your faith in God and eventually lead to making mistakes with plans made at that time.

4. HOLDING ON TO THE PAST: 2 Corinthians 5:17

The bible made mention of old things passing away when one is in Christ, as a believer, when you are holding on to the past and not letting go, you hinder yourself from growing your spirit-man and this can make you far from God. God doesn’t associate with unholy environments; you need to get rid of hurtful and sinful past in order to hear expressly from God through the Holy Spirit. Difficulty of just letting go of the past doesn’t leave room for God’s tremendous blessings to invade our lives.


As believers, we are meant to desire the reading and meditating on the word of God which will give room for growth in all aspects of life. When you begin to develop laziness in reading the word or giving excuses and procrastination in learning at God’s feet, these are clearly signs that you are drifting away from God’s presence. Retrace yourself to the time when you enjoy fellowshipping with God and rededicate your life back to God.


The bible admonished us as believers not to neglect the fellowshipping with other brethren in the faith. Fellowshipping with others tends to help build your faith in God and allow you to engage in kingdom activities that help draw other people to God. When you begin to lose interest in doing the things that populate the kingdom of God or edify the faith of fellow believers, then this is a sign that you are drifting from the faith, and you are far from God. Amen to your ways if as a believer, you are exhibiting such a stand. He thinks he should be careful not to fall flat.


Godly ministration from the pulpit or godly counsel are meant to lead us to repentance or grow our faith in God. Most times, God can use divine ministration to speak directly to us about a particular situation that involves us as believers but when we get to hear the word, but the word doesn’t penetrate our inner being, then something is wrong somewhere, we need to check it if you are still in tune with God or are far away from Him. 


When you began to do things as a Christian without consulting the God’s will on the matter or make decisions without checking if they are in line with God’s will for your life, this is dangerous, and it is a sign that you are far from God and those decisions can cause permanent damages to your life if you don’t watch it and retrace your steps.


When you begin to place much priority to other things before God or you relegate God’s factor to the far end in decision taking in your life, you are clearly showing signs of drifting away from God. As Christians, we are meant to place God first in all we do and seek things relevant to Him and that is when He will direct your steps to greatness.


AS Christians, we are clearly warned in the bible not to follow the world pattern because we are not of this world but when we began to do thing the world way and conforming to worldly standard of doing things on earth, the actions will make us unholy and unfit for the master’s use and that can make us far from God. AS believer, once you start conforming to the standards of doing things here on earth, it is a sign that you are far from God and your prayers can be hindered if you don’t retrace your steps.


The bible admonished us as believers to guide our salvation with fear and trembling so that the joy we enjoy while growing in God’s vineyard won’t be snatched from us. Drifting away from God allows demons and evil things to begin to showcase in such life. We should be careful not to give room to devourers, principalities and wicked powers from using our lives as preys to trample on. Guide against the above listed signs that show you are far away from God. Kindly retrace your steps if such signs are already manifesting in your life and God is always willing to receive you step into His folds. 

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