30 Benefits Of Having A Prayer Altar

30 Benefits Of Having A Prayer Altar

30 Benefits Of Having A Prayer Altar

Like it’s commonly defined, prayer is an act of communing with God and for communication to be effective just like with humans, it must be a dialogue and not a monologue. This means that one person speaks and the other person listens and vice versa. Communication with God solidifies our relationship with God because no relationship thrives without communication. Since prayer is our own means of reaching God, we must take it seriously so that we can get the best from God.

To get the best from God during prayers requires that we are shut out from distractions and the noise of the world. To achieve this prayers without distraction many believers create a secluded place for themselves just like Jesus who always woke up to go and pray in a solitary place. This place, where a believer sets apart for himself away from distractions and noise to be able to seek God alone in prayer is sometimes regarded to by some as a *PRAYER* *ALTAR*

*A PRAYER ALTAR* also means having a consistent prayer life and fellowship with God. It is knowing that you must meet with God always to pray and hear from Him. So, a prayer altar may be a physical place where we meet with God or an attitude of consistent fellowship with God to enable us commune with God.

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Whether we define it as a physical place of meeting with God or just a consistent attitude of appearing before God at a set time of the day to fellowship, are there benefits to having a prayer altar? Let us see


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*1)* It gives us free access into the throne of grace: An altar is like entering into the presence of God being sure that you will see and hear from God. We have a conviction that God is expecting us and He is willing to hear us speak and grants our request.

*2)* It keeps us refreshed in God: appearing before God to fellowship either in a physical place or in our hearts leaves us better refreshed than we got in. After praying, burdens are lifted, we are comforted and we receive grace to carry on

*3)* We are able to receive instructions from God: When we boldly appear before God as His children, He gives us instructions on what to do and what not to do. Every believer of old always got instructions from God after they must have been with Him. For instance Moses. He always left God’s presence with new instructions for the children of Israel.

*4)* We draw strength from God: whenever we appear before God, our strength is renewed. We are empowered to continue in our race as Christians. We are charged up to keep forging on. We receive strength always for what is ahead of us.

*5)* We draw supernatural power for the extraordinary: A prayer altar affords us the opportunity to gain supernatural power from God. When we tarry in His presence, seeking power for the extraordinary, we receive because He promised that if we seek Him, we will definitely find Him and if we ask, we shall receive.

*6)* A prayer altar affords us the opportunity to encounter God: No man who has a prayer altar will be void of God’s encounter. It will be clear to all and sundry that this man has been with God. When Jacob wrestled with God on his altar, he had an encounter that changed his life forever. Having a prayer altar always leaves us with an encounter with God.

*7)* We are able to connect with God on a deeper level: A prayer altar makes us draw near to God in fellowship and communion. We begin to know Him, hear Him, see Him and even feel Him. We begin to know Him on some deep and personal level. We even begin to know His mind for other people and even help to convey it to them if He sends us.

*8)* God gives us revelation of things to come or that has been, about us or others or certain events. He begins to reveal Himself to us because we have kept a constant and consistent prayer life with Him. He opens our eyes to mysteries in Him.

*9)* The prayer altar separates us from the world unto God: God calls us apart unto a higher Christian life. It separates us from the world and makes us His only. We are separated from worldliness and all forms of ungodliness. A consistent prayer life sets us apart as vessels unto God.

*10)* We are cleansed and totally ready for God’s work: At the prayer altar, we are cleansed, purged and washed from all impurities. Pruning happens at the altar. Correction and chastisement happens in our prayer altar. Our eyes are opened to all our errors if there are any.

*11* ) Prayer altar helps us live a life of daily sacrifice to God: On the altar of prayer, we are able to lay down our lives as sacrifices unto God. It helps us lay everything down including ourselves as an offering unto God just like Abraham laid his all, Isaac, on the altar when God asked him to bring him up as a sacrifice.

*12)* Prayer altar helps us create intimacy with God: We are able to know God’s mind when we spend time being intimate with Him. We are able to fellowship freely with Him. We hear Him speak to us through His word. We become closer and intimate with Him than ever.

*13)* Prayer altars shape lives: At the altar our lives are shaped to God’s taste. He purges, teaches us, corrects us ,chastises us until we become fully shaped into His plans and purposes for our lives. Our lives are shaped when we maintain a consistent prayer life.

*14)* We receive fresh baptism at the altar of prayer: We are baptized with fire and with power in the place of prayer. God pours out His spirit, power and fire upon us to enable us wrought miracles in His name and for His kingdom.

*15)* We are anointed for service in the place of prayer: At the altar of prayer, God anoints us for His service. He chooses us and He prepares us for His service anointing us to be ready to be used by Him.

*16)* Battles are fought and also won at the altar of prayer: At our altar, when we seek God, He answers and comes into our fights and takes over completely. Hezekiah got more years added to his life when he wrestled with God in the place of prayer and God heard Him. When we come with our battles on our knees, God takes over from there and wins them for us .

*17)* Deliverance happens on the altar of prayer: Having an altar of prayer causes us to experience deliverance in every area of our lives. When we appear before God daily ,He begins to shed us of every weight of sin, sicknesses and diseases till our lives are totally delivered from the hands of the devil.

*18)* A prayer altar makes us sensitive and alive in the spirit: Having a prayer altar makes us so full of God that we become so sensitive and aware of God and whatever the devil is trying to do. It makes us never to be caught unaware in sin or frivolities. It makes us to be on spiritual guard always.

*19)* It creates a spiritual, positive and miracle filled atmosphere always: We are fully charged in God that it reflects in the atmosphere we carry. People just know that there is something different, powerful and worth emulating about us.

*20)* The prayer altar changes destinies: At the altar of prayer, wrong destines are altered for good ones. People change and become strong men and women of God on the altar of prayer. Lives are changed and destinies are changed.

*21)* We remain relevant before God and man: Having a prayer altar keeps us relevant in the kingdom of God and with man because when we appear before Him, we draw power to stay burning, stay hot and stay refreshed and this in turn keeps us relevant before God and man.

*22)* A prayer altar keeps us ready for eternity: Because we daily present our bodies to God in prayer ,we remain focus on our eternal price. We remain focus on living the life that will enable us spend eternity with God. We daily receive power to continue in Christ so that we may be partakers of eternity with God.

*23)* Prayer altar helps us overcome temptations: The more we spend time before God, the more drawn away from sin and the world we are and the more easy it is for us to overcome temptations. The farther we are from the altar the more open to sin and Satan we are. Our prayer altar shields us from sin, the devil and the world.

*24)* Prayer altar increases our faith and our capacity in God: At the altar, we grow confidence in God. Our faith increases in God and so does our capacity. As our faith increases, we are able to take up more challenges for the Kingdom of God. We become strong in the faith enough to conquer every challenges before us.

*25)* Prayer altar affords us the opportunity to intercede for others as well: We grow so much in the faith that we are able to stand in the gap for others, the body of Christ and the nation. We become moved to not only pray for ourselves but to pray for others.

*26)* We remain fruit bearing Christians: Because we spend time with God at the altar, we remain fruit bearing Christians. Spending time with God on our prayer altar opens our eyes to how we can be better Christians thereby producing more fruits in Christ that will remain visible to man.

*27)* Our lives become a terror to the kingdom of darkness: Because of the fire on our altar, we automatically become carriers of God and His fire such that we are a terror to the kingdom of darkness. Demons, principalities and power sees us and tremble. The devil respects anyone who has a prayer altar because such person carries God’s fire.

*28)* We become wise: The prayer altar gives us access into the wisdom of God. We become extraordinarily wise. We speak and act with the wisdom of God. We become wiser than our peers. People come to seek us for counseling and advice because they know we are wise.

*29)* The prayer altar puts you in charge of all life’s circumstances. Nothing catches you by surprise because your spiritual guard is always up. You have control over your emotions and your reactions. You are at peace knowing that God is always on your side.

*30)* Having a prayer altar keeps you comforted during challenges and difficult times. You draw from the well of God’s joy to remain dauntless. The Holy Spirit heals our wounds, pacifies us,dries our tears and strengthens us to keep standing regardless of what we go through.

A Christian who will win with God and man must cultivate a consistent prayer life. A prayer altar must be maintained in and out of season. Whether we are weak, sick or hungry ,we must pray. Whether we fail or succeed, our prayer altar must be alive. Whether friends and family forsake us, we must keep our prayer altar alive. Our prayer altar must be on fire regardless of the situations and circumstances around us. Whether the going is good or bad, whether we have everything we ask for or not, whether we are happy or sad, maintaining a prayer life should never be an option.

Prayer to a believer must be a daily life experience because without prayer a believer is powerless. Prayer for a believer must never be a function of what he feels, what he has or what is happening to him. Prayer should not be a believer’s last resort but first resort.

When believers keep an active prayer altar they never become victims of the wiles of the devil.

Any believer who will reign with God and man must keep a prayer life that is on fire.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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