30 Benefits of Praising And Worshipping God
One of the powerful weapons in Christianity is praising and worshiping God. God created mankind to live to worship Him. You have to first of all realize that praising God is your purpose in God. This is why you were created.Â
Although we do not aim to make our worship and praise to God transactional, there are several benefits of praising and worshiping God that we can receive as we daily lift up our praise to Him. Here are 30 benefits of engaging in soulful praise and worship to God;
- Supply of Joy
It is in the atmosphere of praise that joy overflows. A joy that has no traceable source. It doesn’t matter what happened moments ago, there is always joy when one praises and worships God. (Psalms 16:11).
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The presence of God is one of the greatest benefits of worshiping God. This is what Moses had to cry for in the wilderness when he was saddled with the responsibility of leading the Israelites. Yet, we can enjoy God’s presence just by closing our doors and giving ourselves in worship to God. (Psalms 22:3).
3. Rest For Our Souls
May I remind you that rest is the greatest need of the human soul? There’s restlessness everywhere in the world and true rest can only be found in the place of worship and praise to God.Â
4. Refreshing Of The Soul
Weariness abounds for every human on earth who labors. When we come to the place of worship and praise God, we find refreshment for our souls and we are enabled to face the next task ahead.Â
5. Our Soul’s Satisfaction
Economic philosophy tells us that man’s incessant needs cannot be completely met. Man is not made to find satisfaction on his own. This is what worshiping and praising God can afford. Are you seeking true satisfaction for your soul? Worship God.Â
6. Victory Over The Enemy
A typical proof of this is what happened in the days of Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. He was able to win the war against 3 nations just by praising God. Praise is a powerful weapon against the enemy. (2 Chronicles 20:20-27).
7. Leads Others To Christ
Have you ever heard of people who got to know about the love of Christ just by the worship of another? This is what happens when you truly worship. Your unbelieving neighbor can receive the love of God through your worship and praise to God. (John 10: 32).
8. Quickens Your Soul Against Depression
Depression is a deadly weapon that the enemy uses against God’s children. You can rise from depression when you engage in soulful worship and hearty praise to God.Â
9. Uplifts Our Faith
When it seems like nothing is working for you anymore, when it seems like you can’t focus your trust in God, praise and worship have the power to boost your faith in God and His promises over again.Â
10. Draws Us Near To God
If there’s just one safest place to be as a believer, it is just where God is. Worship is one of the avenues for drawing closer to God. God desires that we have a close walk with Him and that we draw closer every time we worship.Â
11. Brings Solution That Prayers Can’t Bring
The things we so much desire and pray about can be received in the place of worship. Prayer is very efficient, but worship and praise to God can bring your solution speedily. This is why you need to be intentional about your worship and praise to God.Â
12. Brings To Our Remembrance of God’s Goodness.
One of the ways to show our gratitude is to not forget what good has been done for us in the past. To perpetually stay in that atmosphere of remembrance of God’s goodness to us, worship and praise to God is necessary.Â
13. Worship Enables Us To Pray
Ideally, we start our prayers with worship and praise to God. When you begin to count your blessings, you will be charged to ask for more blessings.Â
14. Makes Miracles Happen
You must be familiar with the story of Paul and Silas in the New Testament of how they sang praises to God while in prison. The miracle that occurred following their praise to God is why this story is so peculiar to us. Truly, praise and worship to God bring unexpected miracles.
15. Make God Fight Your Battles For You.
When Jehoshaphat prayed to God, God told them He would fight for them. Jehoshaphat engaged in the only warfare he knew: praise and worship and God miraculously fought for them. Are you facing battles in your life? It is time to praise and worship God.Â
16. Renews Your Strength
When your strength is failing and you don’t seem to know what to do, it is the best time to worship God. In worship, we exchange our frailty for God’s strength.Â
17. Makes You Thankful
A continuous practice of praise and worship is a show of your thankfulness to God for all the things He has done, especially the gift of His Son for our redemption.Â
18. Brings Answers To Prayers Not Rendered
God who knows the cares of our hearts, goes about granting them in the moment of worship even when our mind is not focused on the problem.Â
19. Makes Your Troubles Smaller
You might go into the place of worship and praise with memory of a big problem, but that problem can seem small by the time you soak yourself in worship and praise to God. God truly must be lifted above all others, including your problems.Â
Other benefits of engaging in effective worship and praise to God include:
20. Freedom
21. Worship and praise break chains
22. Brings opened doors
23. Assures your trust in God
24. Brings protection
25. Readjusts our perspective of God
26. Praise boosts your confidence
27. Helps you fulfill God’s purpose for creating you
28. We are released from the guilt of sin when we worship and praise God
29. Realigns our focus.
30. It is in the place of worship that we are most humble and meek before God.Â
When we worship, we are surrendering all of us for all of God. There is no room for the glorification of self when we worship. In worship and praise to God, it is all about God and nothing about us. We are simply rendering ourselves as nothing to receive all that there is in God.Â