30 MFM Prayers For Revival Fire.

30 MFM Prayers For Revival Fire.



Revival means to restore something from its formal state or old state to new state. It can also be said to be an instant renewal of something. Revival fire means to forget the old way of life which may not be necessarily wrong but may be just be lukewarm if we can remember that God warned us against be lukewarm in Revelations 3:16 “ So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot I will vomit you out of my mouth. This bible version shows the need for us to stand firm in our beliefs and not be in the middle. The stage we are now in the world at large shows we are in the end time and we must guide our hearts with all diligence not to fall prey of the enemy. Revival fire is needed as an individual, Family, Church, Environment, and our world at large.

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Revival fire is needed so as to fulfill our destiny in life. So many things may stop one from fulfilling one’s destiny at times the forces behind it can be spiritual forces or physical forces that’s why the bible says” From the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent taketh it by force, Mathew 11:12 You have to take what belongs to you by force else you may not fulfill your destiny.

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Revival fire is needed in our walk with God. As a child of God we need to know what God is saying per time so that we will not miss heaven. The devil our adversary is always looking for who will join him in hell at the end of life but we must hold our faith firm in Christ. Our world is full of so many immoralities so many bad things look good to be emulated. We have to be vigilant and stand firm. 1 Peter 4:7 says the end of the world is coming soon, therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. 

Revival fire is needed in our world at large. The state we are now in the world shows it is ONLY God that can help us, so many diseases, wars, kidnappings, killings, lesbianism, Gays. Human beings are marrying animals, and so much more atrocities,  it is really obvious the devil is so fast in gaining more grounds in people’s lives that is why we need to strongly cry out for revival fire.


A closed mouth is a closed destiny, if we don’t ask we will not receive. We have to open our mouth and ask God for Revival fire in every area of our lives. John 10:10 If we ask anything He will give us.

Secondly, we must ask in faith. How do we ask in faith? We must believe that He hears us whenever we ask. Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. Without faith our prayers cannot be answered. 

The two points listed above cannot be possible if we are yet to confess Jesus as our Lord and savior. We have to know Jesus for ourselves and be sure we are His. The bible says “The prayers of a sinner is an abomination to Him, Proverbs 21; 27. We must be consecrated before we can ask for Revival fire.

30 MFM Prayers For Revival Fire.

  1. Oh Lord let righteousness be established in my walk with you in Jesus name.
  2. Father revive my life by your fire in Jesus name.
  3. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost fanned to flame in my body today in Jesus name.
  4. I receive fresh fire from the throne of grace to embrace the word daily in Jesus name.
  5. Father created in me hunger and thirst for more of you in Jesus name.
  6. Oh Lord deliver me from spiritual blindness and deafness in Jesus name.
  7. Oh Lord let your coal of fire blow upon my soul afresh in Jesus name.
  8. Oh Lord restore unto me the joy of salvation in Jesus name.
  9. Oh Lord quicken me and restore your fire in me in Jesus name.
  10. My father cast me not away from your presence in Jesus’ name.
  11. Oh Lord, let no one defile me anymore in Jesus name.
  12. I separate myself from any mixed with the multitude in Jesus name.
  13. Oh Lord anoint my head with fresh oil in Jesus name.
  14. Oh Lord not your fire go off from my life in Jesus name.
  15. Every synagogue of Satan set up against my spiritual life is dismantled by fire in Jesus name.
  16. Oh Lord make me watchful to your word alone in Jesus name.
  17. Jesus remove not my candlestick from Your presence in Jesus name.
  18. Break me Lord and remold in Your Likeness in Jesus name.
  19. Oh Lord God visit me afresh let Your light shine in my life once again in Jesus name.
  20. Let the fire of revival fall upon me today in Jesus name.
  21. Oh God arise and uproot anything you did not plant in my life in Jesus name.
  22. I shall walk in your light from now on in Jesus name.
  23. Oh Lord set me ablaze for your use in Jesus name.
  24. Oh Lord make me a barrier breaker in life in Jesus name.
  25. Oh lord make me pathfinder to the world at large in Jesus name.
  26. I refuse to go back to my vomits in Jesus name.
  27. My father, if I have missed my way bring me back to Your throne in Jesus name.
  28. My light will not go dim in Jesus name.
  29. Let the revival fire of God be poured out afresh upon my life and family in Jesus name.
  30. Father I thank you for renewing your revival fire in my life in Jesus name.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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