30 Prayers To Obtain Profitable Employment

30 Prayers To Obtain Profitable Employment


2 Corinthians 9:8— God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.

Romans 11:6— But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.

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Finding a good job that pays a good salary is very important and may also be hard sometimes. The opportunities are few but the people seeking the opportunities are in millions. The number of people looking for a job is way more than the number of jobs available, and the number of people that the employers are willing to give jobs to. 

Getting a good job is a tough competition. The grace and mercy of God are important commodities when applying for a job. But it’s important not to frustrate the grace and mercy of God, by doing everything necessary on our part. 

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If you need a good job, you need to upgrade and refine yourself and you also need to pray. Don’t rely only on prayer and don’t rely only on refining yourself— combine both actions and you will see amazing results. Before you start praying and fasting or even as you pray and fast, there are certain things you must do to help you get that dream job. 

Things To Do Before You Pray For An Excellent Job Or As You Pray For An Excellent Job

  1. Upgrade yourself by learning new, relevant skills like writing, graphics design, spreadsheet software packages, etc. If you have the money to add a degree, add one. 
  2. Before you go for the job interview, prepare yourself by trying to find out some of the questions you will be asked in the interview. When you know the questions, try to rehearse how to answer them properly and impressively. 
  3. Dress responsibly to and act responsibly at anywhere you go to look for a job. 
  4. If taking an aptitude test is part of the interview, make sure you read and study very hard before the day of the test. If you don’t know some of the questions you may be asked, use Google. If you can’t find anything useful on Google, just study and read wide. 
  5. Make sure you write your CV and cover letter very well. Make sure they have no typos or grammatical errors. Follow the instructions the employer gave about  CVs and cover letters. .
  6. If you have been out of a job for a long time, you may need to get yourself familiar again with how things go. If you haven’t been employed in the corporate world before you may need to learn one of two things about office ethics and standards. 
  7. Refine your English, buy new official shoes and clothes, read more books, etc,— prepare yourself in any kind of way that makes you better than the other people competing for the job with you. 

After you have done all the above and many more, don’t forget to always pray and live your life to please God. 


Pray These 30 Prayers To Obtain Profitable Employment

  1. In the name of Jesus, I decree that I shall be favored among millions of people. God shall single me out for uncommon favor. 
  2. In the name of Jesus, I roll away every obstacle blocking my path to securing a good job. 
  3. O Lord my Father, you said the expectations of the righteous shall not be cut off. For that reason I declare in Jesus name that I will not just get a job; I will get a job that will take me out of lack, want, begging, and poverty for the rest of my life. 
  4. In the name of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus upon all my certificates and CVs. The voice of mercy from the Mercy Seat will speak for all my documents that I submitted for applications. 
  5. I’m not a failure. My years of studying and getting education will not be a waste. My education will help me get a good job. 
  6. In the name of Jesus, I silence every negative voice saying “no” to my plan and efforts to get a good job. 
  7. In the name of Jesus, wherever my name is being mentioned for job consideration or elevation, God will take control of the heart of the speakers. 
  8. My light will shine bright among the light of thousands of other applicants. 
  9. In the name of Jesus, receive the discipline to acquire the skills and every other necessary thing I need to go to the next level.
  10. Anointing for ease, fall upon me in the name of Jesus. I shall not suffer to get a job of my dream. 
  11. In the name of Jesus, I destroy everything in my foundations that want to make me beg and borrow. 
  12. I decree in the name of Jesus that as from today, I will be considered and favored in all the places I submitted my CV and application letter. 
  13. You family strongman saying I will be jobless despite my education and experience, may God judge you accordingly, in the name of Jesus.
  14. I destroy every satanic mark and symbol attached to my documents and name, in the name of Jesus. 
  15. In the name of Jesus, I destroy everything in me that’s resisting blessings and open doors. 
  16. I decree favor, blessings, progress, success, etc., upon my life and destiny. 
  17. In the name of Jesus, I leave the category of jobless people, as from today on.
  18. In the name of Jesus, this week I will dance for joy and call people to celebrate with me because I will get an enviable job. 
  19. In the name of Jesus, God will restore all the years I have lost walking around jobless and frustrated. 
  20. No matter how tough it’s, I will make it in this labor market. 
  21. In the name of Jesus, I speak to my certificates; they will not be ordinary papers in the name of Jesus. 
  22. My God knows everywhere, everyone, and everything, He will connect me to people and companies that badly need my type of experience and education. 
  23. In the name of Jesus, I open the doors of multiple good jobs. This week, I shall receive a call from all the places where I submitted my CV. 
  24. In the name of Jesus, I will not fall sick, have an accident, or become unavailable when I am called to come and take my employment letter. 
  25. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of waste waiting for me to get a good job so it can help me waste all my salaries.  
  26. O God my Father, help me to be wise and financially prudent when I eventually get the job that pays me a high salary.
  27. In the name of Jesus, I promise God today that if He will help me to get this my dream job, I will use my money to promote the gospel of Jesus and I will also help people around me who truly are suffering and need my help. 
  28. In the name of Jesus, my miracle has started.
  29. I shall be elevated and promoted in the name of Jesus. 
  30. Thank you Lord for answered prayers. I bless your holy name.

If you have any dreams and prayers, please don't hesitate to share it with me on my Youtube. I will be happy to proffer solutions to your dream requests.Subscribe Now

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