At that time will bring you again, even in the time that I gather you; for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.” Zephaniah 3:18-20.
Hatred is an extreme dislike or disgust for a person, reproach is an expression of rebuke or disapproval of a person or thing while mockery is a state of being laughed at or ridiculed i.e making one an object of scorn.
Many people in the world today suffer from these threefold issues and that leaves their lives utterly miserable. When someone is hated, reproached and mocked, there is definitely no way he can make or fulfill destiny in life. He is seen at the lowest base of life because no one accepts or wants to listen to him, even when he tries to make something happen, he is mocked to scorn which eventually weighs down his spirit and morals and he ends up giving up.
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Subscribe NowMany Christians are also entwined in this web of hatred, mockery and reproach. This is an instrument which the devil uses to wage war against believers and thwart their destiny. The devil knows when many believers are in ignorance, so he makes them an object of hatred , mockery and reproach and so many believers are not bordered about it. They see it as what God wants for them, while those who know that it is not God’s will for them don’t know how to get out of it. The bible says my people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6.
Hatred, reproach and mockery is not for those who have become new creatures in Christ, this nature of the old nature and once you become born again, it’s of the past and you take on the new self which has love, acceptance and celebration into your life. Remember that Jesus Christ came to die for us on the cross and on the way to the cavalry to be crucified. He was hated by the people for preaching the word, he was reproached and mocked to the cross. They tore his garment, which represented reproach and shame, they spat at him and laughed at him, which represents mockery and they gave him lashes as a result of their hatred for him and then he took all to the cross and nailed it there.
Therefore, Christ has taken our hatred, reproach and mockery away and given is love, acceptance and celebration, that is the new identity of every believer. We should walk in this path and think about it.
The devil knowing this still goes about inflicting hatred, reproach and mockery upon God’s children. Thereby causing believers to be non entities in life. But we have a weapon of prayer and fasting in faith to battle the devil and rightfully take our possession from him and his agents.
If you will engage in serious prayer and fasting about this threefold weapon of shame of the devil, I guarantee you that God will answer you and give you honour and fame in all the places where you have been reproached and mocked. God will give you love where you have been hated and derided and you shall be celebrated.
35 Prayers Against Hatred, Mockery And Reproach
- Father, I stand on the ground of the blood of Jesus and I proclaim victory over every form of mockery and reproach in my life, in the name of Jesus. 1pet 1:18-19.
- Father, frustrate every power assigned to wreak havoc against my life and destiny through hatred and reproach, in Jesus name. Job 5:12-13.
- Father, every arrow of public mockery and reproach assigned against my life back fires now, in Jesus name.
- Father, I silence by the fire of God every contrary voice of hatred and reproach speaking over my life and lifting, in Jesus mighty name. Heb 12:29.
- Father, every form of generational pattern of reproach and hatred operating in my life and destiny scatters by fire, in Jesus name. Heb 12:29.
- Father, every shame and hatred, mocking my glory, let the blood of Jesus cancel it, in Jesus name.
- Father, I burn with unquenchable fire every garment of hatred, reproach and mockery put upon me by the enemies, in the name of Jesus. Zech 3:4.
- Father, I declare that today going forward, I am above reproach and mockery, people will begin to respect me, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, by your word, I will no more hear the taunts and reproach of men against me, in Jesus name.
- Father, I decree, that those who hate and mock me shall fall on the sword of the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, every hatred and reproach in my life due to sin is removed now by the blood of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus. Zech 9:11-12.
- Father, I decree that all those who stand at the place of my mockery shall stand and see me rise to the top, in Jesus name.
- Father, every evil gang up of mockery, hatred and reproach in my life and destiny shall backfire on their heads, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, turn every mockery and reproach in my life to my advantage, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, show me a sign for good, that those who hate me may see and be ashamed, in the name of Jesus.
- Father. Pay back the reproach of my enemies in seven fold until they repent, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, my enemies are your enemies, therefore, scatter all those who hate and mock me, in Jesus name.
- Father, I declare that those who are close to me and yet hate, mock and reproach me shall be publicly exposed and humiliated forever, in Jesus name.
- I prophesy to my life and destiny that I am lifted above and beyond hatred, mockery and reproach, in Jesus mighty name.
- Father, let all those who hate me be put to shame, in Jesus name.
- Father, let all those who use the instruments of mockery, hatred and reproach to drag me down be silenced permanently, in Jesus name.
- All slanderers and mockers of my life shall be put to perpetual shame, in Jesus name.
- All objects of mockery in my life and destiny be consumed by fire of the holy spirit, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father, all the things people see in my life and destiny and make mockery of shall be turned around for my testimonies, in Jesus name.
- Father, don’t let my enemies make mockery of me, bless me before their very eyes to prove to them that you are God and no one else, in Jesus’ mighty name.
- Father, silence those that ridicule me and bring their works to a permanent end in my life, in Jesus name.
- Father, let all those mocking me today come back to serve me as Joseph’s brothers did, in Jesus name.
- Father, let all those who mock me in my father and mothers house be subjected under my feet, in Jesus name.
- Father, judge all those who mock and reproach my glorious destiny, in Jesus’ name. 2kgs 22:23-24.
- Father, every reproach and mockery that I have received from man or woman turns to a double honour and blessing for me, in Jesus’ mighty name. Isa 61:7.
- Father, I decree by your word that all they that hate and reproach me be clothed with shame, in Jesus mighty name. Job 8:22.
- Father, I decree that all those that mock and reproach me shall see my mouth filled with laughter and my lips with rejoicing, in Jesus name. Job 8:21.
- Father, I forget every reproach and hatred of my youth, for I know that thou shall not confound me to shame and reproach, in Jesus name. Isa 54:4.
- Father, I receive your heavenly comfort for all the hatred, reproach and mockery I have been subjected to by the devil and his agents, in Jesus name. Isa 66:13.
- Father, I release my life and destiny from every yoke of mockery, hatred and reproach by the anointing of the holy ghost, in Jesus mighty name. Isa 10:27.