35 Prayers For God To Make A Way

35 Prayers For God To Make A Way


 John 14:6 

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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The above scripture is a pointer that gives us more meaning of our topic for today prayers for God to make a way, from that scriptures we have gotten the perfect answer to our topic and that is for God to make a way we need Jesus Christ in our life’s, because it says Jesus is the only way out of every unpleasant situations in life.

When a man is lost as a result of finding his way to a particular place the  wise thing to do is to seek help from those that are familiar with the area and in no time he will gets to where he is going, at a point in our life we must have gotten lost as a result of trying to locate a place it may be because it was our first time of going there or you have been there a long time ago, the best thing is to ask those around to help you out.

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Many of us are lost in the race of life and are constantly looking for a way out of that situations we find ourselves in, you may be looking for a way out of that sickness,joblessness, stagnation, depression and many other hindrances of the devil but the scriptures is saying to us in the book of John 14:6 that our only way out of  all these unpleasant situations is through Jesus Christ.

The devil is the reason why we need a way out he is constantly blocking our access to the promise and inheritance of God for our life, the bible says the thought God as for us is not for evil but for good, God’s promise is for us to enjoy good health, good life and successful career ,promotion in our works,deliverance from the hold of the devil on our life and so many other evil stuffs of the devil but the way out of all these is Jesus.

We can see from scriptures that when the mother in law of peter was sick it was until Jesus got their that her health was restored 2 peter 2:24, also Lazarus who has been condemned to death and even buried for three days came back to life at the instance of the presence of Jesus Christ Act 9:40-41, we have so many unpleasant situations in the scriptures that required the hand of  God to make a way, but  not until Jesus came before they found a way out of their unpleasant situations.

How God Makes Ways For His Children

  1. The first requirement for God to make a way for you is to accept him as your lord and personal saviour, when you return back to God, God will also return back to you.
  2. Do away with every unrighteousness and sin, when you do away with sin God will surely make a way for you.
  3. Pray using the name of Jesus against every unpleasant situation, because the name Jesus carries power, whenever you use it  God will make a way for you.
  4. Engage the blood of Jesus because the bible says in the book of revelation that we overcame by the blood of the lamb.
  5. Use the word of God , Jesus values his word more than anything when you use the word of God against that situation, God will surely make a way.
  6. Praise God always  this is a good spiritual tool we can use for  God to make a way. 


35 Prayers For God To Make A Way

  1. Father Lord I thank because you will make a way for me where there seems to be no way,  in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every satanic hindrance fashioned against my going forward be rolled away now, in the name of Jesus.
  3. I command all enemies of my progress to receive their spiritual obituaries now, in the name of Jesus.
  4. Let all satanic agents evil plans against my life be turned around for my divine promotion, in the name of Jesus.
  5. All evil counsellors, be buried in the desert, in the name of Jesus.
  6. I command every spiritual barrier to dissolve instantly in the name of Jesus.
  7. All my enemies shall bite their fingers in regret as God will make a way for me, in Jesus’ name.
  8. Let every satanic agent circulating my name for evil fall down and die now, in the name of Jesus.
  9. O Lord, avenge me of my enemies speedily and make a way for me in the midst of evil, in Jesus name.
  10. Let every effect of witches and wizards, against my life and destiny be nullified, in the name of Jesus.
  11. Let every evil desire and expectation against me and my family fail woefully, in the name of Jesus.
  12. Let the works of wicked strongmen in my life be frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
  13. I fire the arrows of disarray into the camp of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
  14. I will not be put to shame, but my enemies shall drink their cup of shame, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Let all curses issued against my going forward be turned to blessings, in the name of Jesus.
  16. Holy Spirit, advertise Jesus in my life and advance my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
  17. Whether the devil likes it or not, goodness and mercy shall follow me, in the name of Jesus.
  18. I receive the anointing to go forward against all odds after the order of Nehemiah, in the name of Jesus.
  19. I receive the spirit of wisdom and excellence to confound my accusers, in the name of Jesus.
  20. I shall laugh my enemies to scorn, in the name of Jesus.
  21. Every evil tongue rising against me in judgement, receives the thunder-fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
  22. I command every anti- progress strongman to fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
  23. Father Lord, destroy the yoke of stagnation in my life, in the name of Jesus.
  24. I paralyse the powers behind every form of progress interference, in the name of Jesus.
  25. O Lord, cause the noise of the strangers to cease in my life making me experience advancement in life, in Jesus name..


Thank you Lord Jesus.

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