35 Prayers Points For A Broken Relationship
INTRODUCTION: More often than not, we hear that a broken relationship is better than a broken marriage. Yet, at face value, a lot of people find it difficult to walk away from relationships with lots of red flags that could mean harm for them if it ends in marriage.
As children of God, who are filled with the Spirit, God wants the best for us. Hence He is ready to open our eyes to relationships that may even appear okay now but will eventually do us harm. This is why we must be sincere and open to the spirit of God for complete guidance.
Now, if we are sincere with God, there are times He would open our eyes to see the danger ahead of us if we continue in a relationship with anyone. The call to action after such revelation could be for us to walk away. As easy as walking away may sound, it’s usually difficult for many. But if God has given us a reason to walk away, He will definitely give us the grace to walk away.
Beloved, have you just walked away from a relationship that you really loved but for God’s instruction and reasons beyond your control, you had to end it?
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Subscribe NowI want you to know that you are not alone and God is sending you help by reason of these 35 prayer points for a broken relationship ,if you sincerely pray them.
1)Thank God because He has you in mind:
Who are we that God should even be mindful of our relationships? Why should God care about who we decide to love? If God has us in mind enough to be mindful of our relationships, then we must thank Him for that. For being such a mindful Father. One who is interested in all the details of our lives. Psalm 8:7.
2)Thank God for caring so much about you:
It is a child you care about that you would warn about any for of danger. Thank God for caring about you. It is care that makes God go the extra mile for us in revealing things to us. Yet He doesn’t owe us care but He chose to care for you. Matthew 6:26-28.
3)Thank God for His love for you:
How God loves you so much to even care. We care only about those we love. For God to care about you then it means He loves you. Thank God for loving you enough to care for you. To care about your future. To care about your happiness. Oh! In every way God proves how much He loves us. He provides, He protects and He reveals because He cares about us. John 3:16
4 )Thank God for His faithfulness over your life:
Imagine how much God has been faithful over your life’s affairs. He cares about even your love life and He is committed to helping you get the best. Thank God for being committed to all that concerns you. He is so faithful to all details of your life. Deuteronomy 7:9.
5)Thank God for being interested in your future:
God saves us from our past, keeps us in our present and He is even so much interested in our future. He doesn’t think He has done enough because He saved us from our past mess. He is also willing to deliver us from every future mess that is ahead of us. What a mighty God we serve. One who is ever ready and willing to shield us. Proverbs 23:17,18.
6)Thank God for opening your eyes to see:
Not even many people can see what God shows them. Not many people’s eyes are opened to the things of God. Thank God for opening your eyes to see all that He showed you. Thank God for not leaving you blind to your own ways and pleasure. Ephesians 1:18.
7)Thank God for making you open to His spirit:
Without the spirit of God teaching us and guiding us, we would be open to mistakes and torture from the devil. Thank God for giving you open heart, eyes and ears to receive from Him. Romans 8:14.
8)Thank God for whatever happened between you and your Ex:
Whether He called it off or you did, just thank God. It doesn’t matter who did. The bottom line is whatever happened, happened unto God’s glory. This is not a time to lay blames or regret or feel bad. Just thank God for whatever happened and however it happened. Be full of thanks to God for not leaving you alone. Romans 8:28.
9)Thank God because His thoughts for you are thoughts of peace to bring you an expected end:
Thank God because whatever He does is perfect. Thank God because He means well for you no matter how terribly it seems now. Thank God because all things will end well for you. Jeremiah 23:11.
10)Thank God for what He is set to do in the future:
Be certain that all things work together for good to them who love the Lord. Be thankful because this happened for your good. God is set to do greater things for you. Romans 8:28.
11)Pray that God will comfort you:
No doubt a broken relationship is very painful because of the years spent or what we feel we should have done or not done. Just pray that God will send His spirit to comfort you. I know it is not easy but the Holy Spirit is willing to comfort you at these times. Seek the Lord for comfort and be comforted in the Spirit. John 14:26.
12)Pray that God will open your eyes to the lessons you need to learn:
When a relationship ends, we must learn to admit that it has ended ,for that is the only way we can learn lessons. Passing blames will only keep us in the past. Pray that God will help you see the lessons therein. Sometimes, it is not only the fault of our ex that the relationship ended. Pray that God helps you to see your own mistakes and learn from them
13)Pray that God will forgive you of every mistake you made:
If you are sincere enough with God and yourself, you may find that at some point, you made some mistakes too. Tell God to pardon you and forgive you. Tell Him to help you to be wiser going forward. 1 John 1:19
14)Pray for grace to let go of the past:
Ask God for grace to move and let go of the past. It is not easy but God can help. Bank on His strength for support to help you move on and let go. Holding on to the past will only rub of future blessings and promises. Tell God to keep your eyes off the past as you look into the future. Ephesians 4:31-32.
15)Tell God to strengthen you:
Pray that God will strengthen you for the journey ahead. Tell Him to empower with strength from above as your prepare for a new journey. Isaiah 41:10.
16)Pray that God will give you wisdom:
Wisdom to know when to speak, how to speak, how to behave and how to live. Pray that you will not be foolish. That He will make you super wise at all times and evert situation. James 1:5.
17) Pray that God will replenish you:
Some relationship can be strength and virtue sapping. Pray that God will renew and restore all that you have lost in the past relationship. Pray that He will give beauty for ashes. Tell Him to replenish you in grace and in power. Jeremiah 31:25.
18)Pray that God will fill you with His Spirit afresh:
The Spirit of God is our best companion for decision making. The measure of His Spirit that we have will determine the weight of our decisions. Pray that God will fill you so much with His spirit that you may be able to make the best decisions always. Galatians 3:23.
19)Pray that you will not miss it again:
Tell God to save you from the Spirit of error that you not miss it in this regard again. That He will you to be open and sincere with Him as He guides you into all truth. 1John 4:1-6
20)Pray that God will sharpen your mind, your ears and eyes that you will be able to hear expressly from Him:
Pray that you will not be dull of hearing from God. Ask God to make you sharp in the spirit always that you will be able to know between good and bad. Jeremiah 51:11
21)Ask God to decorate your life with more of His glory:
When God decorates you with more of His glory, only the right person who is full of God’s glory too will find you. What we are filled with determines who finds us attractive. When we are filled with carnality, carnal people finds us attractive but when we are filled with God’s glory, same people finds us attractive. So tell, God to fill you up with His glory. Isaiah 43:1-7
22)Tell God to instruct you always in the way to God:
When God instructs, it becomes easy to live a life free of errors. Tell Him to instruct always so that you may know what to do at the right time.
23)Pray that God should prepare you for the best :
Tell God to prepare you for the best that He has in mind for you. We must admit that many times, our best is not God’s best. So tell Him to help you recognize His best for your life.
24)Ask God to give you a man after His own heart :
A man after God’s heart will treat you right. A man after your own heart may not always treat you right. Pray that God will bless you with a man after His own heart. A man that is truly God’s own. A man that fears and honours God always, secretly or in the open. Convenient or not convenient.
25)Pray that God will take away any idol from your own heart :
Many times when asking God for a partner, we come asking with idols in our heart. It could be an idol of the quality of man we already want like(tall, dark, rich and handsome) and this makes God delay in giving us his best. Tell God to help you keep all idols and ideas away from your mind as you approach Him in prayers.
26)Tell God to not give the devil access to your life:
When God allow the devil access in your life, he can keep your eyes away from seeing God’s truth. So pray that God will shut the devil out of your decision making towards marriage. That you will see right and choose right.
27)Tell God to destroy every attempt of the devil to make your choose wrongly:
Pray that God will destroy every attempt of the devil in your marital choice. Ask that his plans towards your marital future fails in Jesus name.
28)Pray that God will hasten His words to perform it in your life :
Ask God to hasten His promises in your life. Tell Him to take away every form of delay in your life. Pray that everything holding your marital journey back be destroyed in Jesus name.
29)Pray that this next one shall be God’s own choice for you:
Ask God to help you not to choose by sight but by faith. Pray that He will help you to choose well and right so that you shall be successful on this journey.
30) Ask God to grant you even beyond your expectations:
Pray that beyond all that you think you need or desire, God will grant unto you because He knows us more than we know ourselves and He knows what is perfect for us. Tell Him to do for you beyond your expectations.
31)Ask Him for patience in waiting:
Pray that God will help you to keep waiting patiently on Him. Pray that you will not be tired or weary of waiting. Ask Him to strengthen you with patience as you keep waiting on Him.
32)Ask Him to increase your faith as you wait:
Pray to God that you will never lose faith in Him. No matter what happens, pray that you will keep trust in Him for the best always.
33)Pray that you will never go to Egypt to seek for help no matter the circumstances:
Pray that God will keep you focused on Him and Him alone. That you will never go out to seek for help from the heathen. Tell God to keep your focus on Him always.
34)Thank God for the great things the future holds for you:
Thank God for the great and mighty things that awaits you. Thank God for what He us set to do in your marital life. Thank God for the strength He will give you to wait on Him.
35)Thank God for answering your prayers :
Thank God because He promised to hear us each time we call on Him and you know that He has heard you. Be grateful to God for all He has done for you already. Thank Him in advance for what He has done.
CONCLUSION: God is ever aware of all that goes on in the life of a believer. So we can trust Him to help us come out stronger of every disappointment and give us the best always. Take solace in God and never give up on Him.